
8:22 pm. – H-V. – I-V. – 12-22-5. –

8:22 pm.



Add O.I./ I.O.


*”When Bond (Roger Moore) investigates the murders of three fellow agents, he finds himself a target, evading vicious assassins as he closes in on powerful Kananga (Yaphet Kotto). Known on the streets as Mr. Big, Kananga is coordinating a global threat, using tons of self-produced heroin. As Bond tries to unravel the mastermind’s plan, he meets Solitaire (Jane Seymour), a beautiful tarot-card reader, whose magic is crucial to the crime lord.
Release date: January 1, 1973 (USA)
Director: Guy Hamilton
Music by: George Martin
Villain: Yaphet Kotto sky.com
Adapted from: Live and Let Die
Box office: $161.8 million”

8:26 pm.

My own code that moved me to 18 Mountain View- Donna O Sullivan and Jonn Delguidce-Blackwell in 2015 to April 19th 2016, (D.S) and then to Erik Ebright via ( Elegguah Elu Sacred Portal 41) where I then to Bed 007, when forced to return to the Assessment Shelter with a literal miniature Golden Gun, ( G.G.) which I kept in my 007 Locker was Jaymes Bond, “The Man with the Golden Gun.

*”James Bond is tasked with recovering a device that can harness solar energy. At the same time, he finds himself targeted by Francisco Scaramanga, the world’s most costly contract killer.
Release date: January 1, 1974 (USA)
Director: Guy Hamilton
Featured song: The Man with the Golden Gun
Car: AMC Matador Coupé fandom.com
Budget: $7 million
Adapted from: The Man with the Golden Gun: A James Bond Novel.

Both with Roger Moore, ( R.M) as James Bond. J.B.

As you can see by the dates of the Films releases, 1973 and 1974, that even simply by observing Kim Arthur Hinds Jr 47 Mutual Face Book Friends, that the code is The Man With the Golden Gun, but I was sent back to get the E.T as 5-20-73.

I received the confirmation of Negation of the Natural Truth by the Trinity and One, Yesterday and Today, The Sacred Portal 59, 49 and 910/109.
And then was moved the J.S.S.L.=60.

Then at 3:50 and 3:58 pm, I received the Intel Confirmation from Liberty C 40 Mutual Facebook Friends of Two T-Shirts bought by her sister for Jeron-Azure.
“A.L.L. STARS”. A.S at 3:50 and another at 3:58 pm “Little Guy, Big Name” L.G.B.N.- all these codes appeared on my Page and meaning of Facebook Friends names. ” Great Lord” Jaslyn Meredith

The Micro-Wave was at 1.58 I had left it when I went to retire to my room last night- early this morning.

Lee, Liberty, Amy are the names of the 4th, 5th, 6th daughters of Donald Liscomb and Betty. ( Elizabeth)

I am now at 3140 Facebook Friends.
I took out 41 USD last night, spent 32.64 U.S.D., and have 8 U.S.D left in my wallet… and yes, I realized that I was still aligning the Africa Story Origins of Man, to Africa-Asia-America Pangea,

8:58 pm.

Aligning it to the present in this D.S. World Simulation Awakening.
For that is still the Ego-Oge play of sacred Portal 40 and Sacred Portal 50.

9:00 pm.

It has been exhausting but Noise and Sound from Below and above and next door, finally got me up, from my bed, to respond to what I knew was my Cue.
I was aware that with the 32.64USD, 8 USD. That 1544 C-Town ), O44 was now at O 8, and O.I.
O.8.9 in Numbers- The Spell, and Letters-The Truth of leaving the Akilah Webster. Web and with Elegant Imagery E.I.

Exasperation with this script and translation has reached an all time high, but I reed today realized when I saw Liberty C message, that I now had to code and record the Harmony of the 3 Sisters of Liberty, who with sixth sense to face are aligned to the E Script without even being fully aware of the codes and intel.

9:26 pm.

Xing Zebg


9.12 and 9.13 years on Facebook,
2011 Dec to 2012, to Dec 22nd today.
Evidence AY.

9:29 pm.

You see, the problem with this play has always been perception,
I am awake, have always been, and you are waking up, to the Truth Proof, reality of you have been all set up, that is what the Simulation Matrix is, High School and to Graduate to Freedom Liberty- E-A Harmony, by being shown the way how to free yourselves from Spells, Ideas, Ancestral Curses and the Meanness of Spirit which people had taken on, which is really cowardice, such as Bullies, Trolls which hide behind computer screens, beliveing that cloak of anonmity keeps them safe from the consequences of your actions from the Princpal and Teachers, who many felt as stupid fools, in this idea of Non Existence, are so convinced off, not able to piece together that there is actually an all seeing eye, that there is like babies, children the ability to absorb, record everything you have every said did or done, and that there is a script of you on record, and Report Card.
With Laura Walsh intel about the Dooms Day recorder, aligned to the Kaaba stone, in Mecca, I felt even the most stupid, ignorant foolish deluded of the species would realize this fact, but well you saw the post of music Time To Escape, C.Z.
C.Z Guest, the Society Hostess, that the non-existent would get the hint, but then that defeats the meaning its self of C.Z. Consciousness Zero, and hence Non-Existence. And this is the consequence of the Ancestors of Truth, realizing that they had made a mistake and that they had been looking, seeing, basising their actions on seeing from the incorrect Time Line… Mirror, “Mark Rogers Rogers, Roger Datt, Roger Moore, R.M. ROOM. M.R. E. Hence 114 Grant Moore- Roger Moore.
Being Black, White, Afro- Caucasian is a figment of peoples imagination, there is no such thing.

9:43 pm.

It is all based on Energetic Signature, what you indent as Expression Action on the Radar, “Krishna” Black to Blue with Transparent Light. T.L. 20 12- 32.
32 +32= 64.
64 is 10 J. to 24. Total 34.

Which is Kim Arthur Hinds Jr current age.
The depth of the distance you went as Beings of Light when you were concieved and born, your siblings, parents, went in the incorrect direction is why I was made to come to Connecticut, the 5th State, my 59th Move.
Because this venue, the Constitution state, which Ii was first invited to in 2002, just before I attended my brothers wedding in Canada, Winnipeg, was added to the schedule of this world play.

I came here invited by the Make a Wish foundation, but what I experienced was Beauty and a Mess. True Lies.

So instead of its rep of the scecduled Destruction, I have speent 3 years here, made to hold of the “Boom! Boom! Boom E Rang and pass through a play rescuing the truth of the E who went the wrong way.

I coded all this, explained it for years on my page.
That was the unforgivable deception by the E-Family, instead of comming clean when they realized they had actually made a mistake, their ego’s got in the way, that idea that they were beings of Light and hence can not make a mistake becaause they were children of Eternal Light, but light is Consciousness, C, it does not stop at Light, or Love, it has to Complete at C. Expression Action and Cause & Effect.

I got up, and I felt the Wave of Memory present always, but this was me on Dec 22, 1988, and my Mother and Young aunt Julie Azuka seeing me off to Engugu Airport, I left Nigeria on the 22nd but reached London England on the 23rd.

I was awake, always have been, and the way my mother had waved at me, filled me with unease.

9:59 a.m.

What was really going on, what was it that she saw and undertsood, it didn’t take me long to figure it out, that I had a Kling On- Cling on, – A Tail, a Tracking Device placed on my Body and Spirit, who can see it through the years, right to my 64th Portal.
My sister code was 7-28-64, but I knew it was 65, confirmed by Laura Walsh-e/ E.H.S… Everyones Hand Soap. – L.A.W.

It is because this Innocent Ego of believing that they were the Light Beings, instead of Eternal – Energetic beings of Beautiful Expression that they were yet to graduate from High School H.S to H.I. S.C.H. C.O.O.L- E.C.H.I.
That I have been used and so abused to bring them Home by being sent to the non existent backetst hole, of a mentality and way of being, which never had any hope, Ever of Rising, Transforming to rescuse the ones E Family Lost in Space, Which is why Ferrill painted the entire inside of the Gift Mug as Deep Space 9, and Liberty with the Black Diamond and purple E/ M.

Connecticut as the 5th State.
C.E. C-5. C.E. is a lie was a lie.
This place is C-4.
Not 3 or 5.
C.$ is Dynomite.

Not J.J as Jimmy Walter, of Good Times, “Dynomite!” Joyous Expression,
10:11 pm.

10:12 pm.


Jerone Lang.
Azure Lang.

But that was the mission impossible to rescue those who were moved backwards in tine to Zero, despite their Intentions and actions being correct.
96 not 69 for those set to Transform Beautifully and rise.
Which is why in 2002, 2003, I rose at Columbia University Campus in New York, Beautiful and with ease. Columbia. The Column Bia. Bia means “Came, is here, has come”

Instead 19 years passed because of one line assuming itself as Beautiful Pride, but which became the Ugliest Pride, “Pride comes before the Fall” when we know that there was no Fall, just Autumn, which is when I was born.

I am going to pause for a moment to make some Coffee. Cafe, and then I will code my New Facebook Friends, because I have to, to complete this criminally long and truly, truly insulting and degarding script of decomposition and rising from the Shitty Expression from the Ass, of the Bullshit that some people swallowed, which I then had to transform to fertilzer, Natures Beautiful Expression, Food -Flowers, Lotus- Scent- Perfume, Loves Sensation as Life, Lovel Luminousity- Luna Moon.

10:22 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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