
8:21 PM

8:21 pm


I can believe I am posting but today’s play really happened.

The people are the equations, I often forget that it is they who are being moved…

That this really is an Espirit play… And Spirit play and in this play there really are evil Spirits.

Let me elaborate…

Recall that I stated that I was with Nexus called Kari Bazeman…

And recall that in this play everyone you meet is a reflection of you…

Not necessarily who you are, but a reflection of where you are in the riddle which is more like the Bruce Lee (Jet Li) hall of mirrors.

As you pass through the portals who are people each is reflecting an equation in your life and Existence.

You pass through family friends gossip..the entire scope of your life. Smashing through the illusion created of you by malice by proving your truth…

Until you get to the end of the hall tunnel.

What reflects all around you becomes who you really are…

Recall my journey began in New York being thrown at the mercy of the streets within my first day.

It was so incredible that I knew it was a set up because within the evening at a design show which my former hosts was had stated that I should go that he was sure I would find a solution.

I met two ppl called Erik and Todd…



Erik and David.



Erik.Mateo and Kari Bazemore (Nexus)



* The meaning of the name Kari is Tremendous as in Tremendously Strong pure, stunningly beautiful. .Scandinavian God of the Wind..


Bazeman means Fine Collector…and broom..

Hence The Tremendously strong masculine and pure, stunningly Beautiful God of the Wind Expression is the Fine collector who sweeps away with a Broom.


In OINRI Igbo Za means to sweep

And to clean…

ZA is A-Z+A.. 26+1…A-Z-A.

Meaning that after the ZH

Zeina Hanna-H






After the Beautiful Gift of the Awakening, the world will be asked, each and everyone of you to answer for your Life’s while in the Story and asked (if you have any)… To clean up your mess.

As I answered for my Existence and that of the Individual… And unjustly condemned by most of the Seen and Unseen world and forced to clean up a mess before even tried.. Only to find me guilty of nothing but telling the Beautiful Truth.

K .B…



Kari B AZ E More…The Moors E

Which is what I was made to do…


Then yesterday out of the blue because I had not been in communication with him for months almost a year was Erik Ebright…

And before that Nikoma who twice I had seen out of the blue (yeah right)

P.S Nikoma is here

Cont’d in a sec

Who you recall gave me 1OO USD gracefully..then 2O and 2O


Which is what today’s likes started with, once again proving all this a set up.

My God….

There is no point me ranting in outrage about this play..

Instead let me just tell you what happened.

Recall I stated that it is Africa or West Africa who control the Spirit of the world..

Or at least the Spirit Sciences…

And the source of the Material world.. Its fabric or weave…Strings and D N.A.

A knowledge given in sacred trust which was abused…

* yes the human vessel is an instrument with instruction and is made of water Energy Air..Harmony WEA-H…



The control of the world was in the hands of a non existent God.

And these Great Shamans usurped Nature and Human Nature to usurp the One True God because of Human Nature…revealed as Evil until proven otherwise.

But God is Harmony as proven right now by Nikoma as Nnamdi.

As I was stating earlier I had been given 2O by Nikoma and then 5 by Nexus both unasked for…





I knew it was Africa acknowledging me..

Then a man who owned a shop called Ricky’s asked Nexus for what he later told me was the umpteenth time to make hats with the Ricky logo on it.

He turned to look at me.

Nexus turned to me

You do it

Through out the years Nexus had asked me draw on hats with.

He had seen my drawings years ago.

But I always refused mainly because I was doing the work but today I agreed, to thank him and to earn something for him and because the work was done and I had nothing to do except realize I had been led to Nexus to link the combination of Kari Bazeman…

Which linked to me E K..

Which is the code of even the jeans I am wearing 5 11…by Chance..

Kari Bazeman is also a curse

Carry the Base of Man to Z..the End.

I had been aware of this through a play of the Basement in Green House which I had helped a guy clean out…

It represented the Cave man instead of the true prehistoric man the Beautiful Ones but I won’t go into that right now.

Anyway, I knew yesterday that we had entered the EE and wondered why I was still dealing with Africa who my brother Nnamdi in his highest incarnation True Nature..the Beautiful Reflection wished to prove to the Ancestors that a Human Being is the Source.

They could not accept and challenges Nnamdi to prove it which created this play which vieled Nnamdis true intention which was to create a manual which the outcome of this challenge would create.

A Map

A Manual

Which would serve as a gift to humanity of the Akashic Records of everything including Evolution.

Which is why I am compelled to write this all down.

I will continue this post in a moment with the last Evidence.

After returning here to post I heard the name Ricky shouted out in Starbucks..

As if seeking to remind me of something..

I returned and Nexus was nowhere to be seen.

I began drawing the Logo of Ricky’s which I notes was 59O Broadway..


It was a tube which had some paint or something comming out.

I finished it and then waited for Nexus

First thing he did was see the hat an exclaim bit I felt he could have done a better job.

But he had told me that he did not like the guy and did not wish to do it…

It was strange and he was acting strange.

He showed me some candy and I asked if I could get a pinch at which he refused

Candy to smoke helps the pain of this process but suddenly he changed and said he could not help with the Western Union

There was a code behind him..

And suddenly I realized…

This was the play he had been moved to give me 5 USD and then urge me to do the Ricky logo and reveal his true name..

That was it..

It was the equation!

It was Spirits

African Spirits A S

American Indian A I S.

Moving me and the Truth of me as if I were an object of a Ouiji board and a pawn on a chess board now revealed as all the pieces as well as the two awareness …

The Source…

Look past when I rose..

Erek Eclass Mateo

Nexblikies Soho Nexus


The Elegant Nomad.



Erik Ebright….

Kari Bazemore…


Five USD…Fifth Dimension E

Address E.I.O in front of Africa Street Vendors

A S V…with one constantly Hailing Ricky’s…

Ricky I checked means

The Once and Eternal Ruler!

Erek Eric

E Class..I lived in Classon

Class On on Green Street with Akil Davis who rapped for me Stream of Consciousness and revealed my as Eternal Existence E K.

It was on Green street

I had moved there from Green Point.

ROYG. G is the Point 7 evolves to 8.

Evan Time lived there E.T..

And Tims girlfriend named Beyond

I met the two Rachel’s there

I left there after Nnamdi came in a dream asking me to leave there or I would die..

I left on his birthday the next day.

Went to 268…

Left on July 4…

7-4 met RS same code as Rachel Session

who led me to B.H…2-8

7+4=11…RS RS….RR 18 18-36…SS..38…8


Went to Florida Forte Lauderdale where Nikoma went to school.

Address 5-11.

Then to Miami where Erik Ebright lives.

K.E .W Gardens…

Where I had my place (Kinda) for a year.

And since then have lived with no one else but Albert 268

Pelham Bay Park

and roaming the Streets but never slept on them

The One… T.O

The Beautiful One.. T B.O

Ricky’s means Eric…

The One Eternal Ruler…T.O E R

Erek Erik.

Er E.K…Er I.K

ER..E I O (59O) KK. 1111..1


E 11.

5 11

Emeke Kolo

Then as I was posting this the moment I write Nikoma name he walked in.

The relevance of this is to take away any concept of coincidence…

I knew Nnamdi had moved him in perfect Harmony.

He came to vent at me thinking my saying that is it was the end of my knowing him…

In a way it was because I was going home and if after 13 yrs he loved this world so much after all our battles to clarify that he was in a play in which not only is Evolution earned but he had to choose by enactment with Consciousness he is in just as everyone had to especially those led to me.

We hashed things out once more but after 13 years he understood my anger with All and the Truth of the play..

I had been fighting for him with him..

We get along so well and then each time you turn into this person

Billy Hung said the same thing

He made the gesture You see

No, you don’t see because you were not paying attention to how serious this is.

Or why would a person such as I put myself through this

We were at war!!

The Spirit word of Evil Spirits, the Spirits the ancestors all because Nnamdi Had a plan to prove what a Human Being can do…without the power of the God or Ancestors thus rendering them extinct..

They were fighting for thier survival instead of simply learning to evolve.

Africa owned the story of the World D N A and Vibrations…

Voo doo.. The oldest religion.

While one set of the ancients and Gods were testing me…brutally another set the Evil ones were doing everything to stop me…

Thier middle men were the Shamans

Dibia and Witches.

As I explained he got it.

Wait a minute…I thought..

This was too easy.

Then it hit me…

We are at E now and Nikoma had arrived at 78 Spring Street at the very moment I had written his name…

Yesterday he had arrived the moment I had finished the equation of my phone number written on sacred portal 121..Nnamdi beating the drum..Answer the Mpo call of Existence.

Code 1 347 7253…7+2=9, 5-3=8..

98…his code is 89..6893… 6- 89- 3..

IH…Sixth Sense HI ..C…which he spoke of and introduced me to Chris Franco..


Now he turns up the very moment I wrote his name…


Harmony once my little brother Nnamdi and Cecilia…

The Light of my Reflections

*see recollections posted with Mma Adu

Mmadu means Persons

Mma Adu means Beautiful Being

And Cecilia my motherline my little sister

Lucy my grandmother C.L…were the Dark Matter..

Daniel my grandfather and Nnamdi..


CL the same person.

D.N the same…now All E.

CLE..The Key…CLEF… Clef Note

D.N.E…evolved D.N.A..E

Who had become in Nature Creation Father Mother to me..

From Children to Father Mother..

And now, they experience what I represent

Eternal Youth.

Emeka Yvan…

He had entered the line of E..

N had evolved to E.


But Nnamdi had no problem rising to E..Harmony

It was he as Natural Reflection I..


The soul

See Mma Adu

See Kachy Ihem..

E line

E M.A.K.I.


I.K ..A.M.E..

He created the A.M of E…

He wrote the script of how I am or my line of E rise in the dimension of 1-4..his realm

Which I respected until I realized he had forgotten all about the fact that I am a Hueman Being with feelings..

Not a God who can endure anything…

But there is no such thing.

I can surmount anything but that does not mean I do not feel it, or not define it and in this case it is beyond evil…

Not of me.

And yet he had manipulated me and this play so well and all the people whom he had used to make sure that they were safe from my wrath and himself pass through.

Which is also an illusion of him.

Because there is still the Laws of E and the truth of Consequence and clean up your mess.

And what has been done to me…

I hold no grudge but I can never forgive which means that a part of me has changed not evolved.

And that part of me is Trust.

And to destroy the Source of Beings trust.

It is irrevocable and why it is so relevant.

Without Trust…

You have nothing but illusion and delusions.

Meaning that to me, nothing here of my experience was real.

It was a movie which considered everyone and all humanity but it did not consider my Huemanity and in that one failing the Soul is nothing but steam mist which evaporates into morning…


A Movie…

Where I am the only Beating Heart..

And voice of reason.

So by including everyone with such an outcome and play you have made it seem that I am the only one who is real and exist.

What is the lesson here…

Transparency is everything no matter the pure intentions

Express Define Clarity Broaden Awareness of what you mean…

And that is why without my light..

My dear refkection you revert back into the Ethereal Night the the dense night and the body which then decomposes into Nothing.

To say you are Nothing without me is the Truth but why on earth would I say such a thing..

When I represent Existence Truth.


Which is to always Add ( Joseph O Yoseph)

JOY..Expand Emeke Emeka rather than take away…

And so now you know why I incarnated Eternal Life when I rose and you Eternal Night…

But Eternal Death is I.E…when I say


I mean it.

And I say NO to this play.

So I will spend one more night outside because this phenomenal abuse of power and trust…

But know now my answer to all this…

Is no.

Because both Nenad Nikoma were moved to send and give me 2O Euros and 2O USD.

They did it with thier hearts but Nnamdi is the one as both the African and the American Spirit beating the Drum of my H.I.D E…hiding my I D until now..

Until I proved what a man can do, a Human Being and completed the Book B.K/K.B The Emanual… Emmanuel..

So the money feeds me one more night without my home or respect or a body not morphing painfully because its rising is long overdue.

Just as Nikoma reminded me unknowingly that

I have not been home to my true self for a long long

Emeka …

Time 1;45

What tragedy of Existence can be greater than the of Emeka yet I turned it into the Heroic Truth of the Hueman Espirit far greater than the Human Spirit of Nnamdi God as Nature moving ..

I am the Grace of Existence.

My offering has always been Here is an example…


You have free will..

That is the Right of Being of Existence not a right or rite of passage…

For the moment you are born even concieve you get to chose…even life or death.

Yes or No.

Today with Nikoma I exercised my right to say no and chose Nexus Kari B for Nenad to send the code to….

It brought Nikoma to my door at 78 in perfect harmony to the point of his name -with the point of my sword…

And yesterday, I did it with an equation.

Of course, I am aware it was all me who moved him and all into Line E..and Unseen and Seen through Silence and Sound.


I am the Author of Harmony Sensie supreme..

But where is the Grace of shouting that aloud.

And all have the freedom of choice to and Choose but all who are real always choose True and love…over consequences.

Just saw the time.

2:11 am


Base Baze Man…

Kari Bazeman is Me..I.E

I earned it..


Diemes Nikoma informs me is the place on France where Denim comes from.

But not Genes or D.N.A..


That came from Expression Beautiful Expression which takes into account and consideration of Everything and Everyone one, including me…Emeka Kolo …

That is Justice and Equatlity O.

Be Gone


Emeka Kolo.




Death Transformer

Begone Death

The NegatioA


I Choose Life.


I Choose Emmy.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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