
8:21 P.M.

8:21 P.M.



8 21 5….. 8 26….

Pls to new face book friends.

Pls go back to older posts to understand this End play on Facebook.

I have said this a million times over the last 4O months…

How can you understand a new Language, or Book without having learnt it or read it.

I spent a life time before being allowed to even come on FaceBook to weave in front of you and demonstrate the weaving into existence the line of the True Human Species as the Harmonious Beings and the True E.T C. consciousness as the Beautiful Ones..

8:26 while proving and riddling out of Existence the C of the Consciousness of Quiet Insanity

I am not really weaving Linking and go through all this because of you.

I am weaving Linking all your expression in a harmony to a script which comes from the E line

I am weaving my family and myself into Existence

It is so sad that most will not be able to Cee or understand what I am literally writing saying and weaving because of Disbelief and Inner noise.

Only the Consciousness of the Wise Child eternal youth can understand me.

Micheal O’Donnell gave evidence again and again even to writing me a private text about encountering only two other beings of this consciousness His Teacher and a Boy..and now me

I am not flattered because I Already Know Who I am…

The Source of the Harmonious Beings (H.U mans ) and the First of the E.T.C line the Beautiful ones..

I am the Hue man being who is the source of both which I was made to prove and provide evidence for 4O months in the most inhumane despicable Evil conditions which the illusions of Humans Beings, Being conscious demands…

Things like going to a shelter, pain Suffering which they delight in to feel better about their own selves having forgotten to take responsibility for the Cause and Effect that got them there ..

Instead focusing of Blame Denial Bullying physically or Energetically through sound and gesture.

I do not give a rats ass who believes me..

Who listens or who does not

I am in a end play of manifestation

I have been mocked ridiucled tortured crucified and treated worse than a leper and beggar and I am here and I turn tides…

Micheal O’Donnell gave the code of Father Son Holy Espirit F S.H E…* Using the language of Christianity…

Proton Electron Neutron in language of Science ..

I speak all these languages trained in them and was pit through hell just to deliver this beautiful.weave and love letter to you when I would have rather left my body than do so after witnessing from age 1-26,what people had done to thier light to life and the true meaning of Existence.

I do this because my brother Father, Sister Mother bound me into this play by betraying me out of mis placed compassion for Humans he thought were real because they lie..

And he was not used the Lie..

He represents the True…

She Consciousness which people here call the Goddess but is really Lord and Lady Echo Radar Response Affirmative

All this is mainly a joke for most…

A cruel indecent deception denial.based Collective who spout words which can not move anything apart from moving people to.rage violence hatred of Humanity.

And Humanity you were hated..truly

But no hatred was worth the Self loathing and Self Hatred you had for yourselves.

This play is a mirror..

Forever a mirror and reflection of the depth of Human Ugliness…

But then there is no such thing as an Ugly Human Being.

All Human Beings were created from Beauty and Beautiful.Harmony…

So anything other does not Exist.

So please stop acting as if you know what this is about.

Go and do your homework.

Go to past posts.

I am fully aware of the inherent racial and intellectual snobbery..

If you really are the Source under cover would you truly give a damn about others opinions..

Would you not be more concerned about just how sick ppl had become…?

Sado Maschistic and Cruel.out of a need for Truth they can no longer recognize or treat with respect.

I am.warrior..

Go.back and read what I have endured as a man.

Please I require not a prayer for a human species who do not speak with Beautiful.Expression at evert turn for that is the gift each was given

There is no iota of forgiveness in my heart for this Lie I’d Humanity nor for this play of Arrogant and Superiority and another person expense.

For this is not my experience..

This is the Experience from begining to End of what the Filth of Human Way of Thinking had done to the E line undercover through the ages.

You speak of Black and White Hatred.

I have a response from the E lines Source the inventor of the words Hatred which is so ferocious and intense it reaches all.its intended in a blink of an eye and has no noticeable Effect on my.humor ..

Which of course why this went so far…

Because of the idea of a Gentle Man would not fight Fire with its True Source..

The Blue Flame and The Invisible flame of eternal quite rage and wrath…

After all this and still this is a joke to most.

I am.still posting weaving Linking because this Will.shall be Done Justice Consequence…


I always smile and those who think the All Eye can be so secure self satisfied that nothinh will change and that no one can see the every detail of their Life’s and lies all recorded ..

And my.word the places they go to.in sheer cruelty evil to deny..

Yes I am a Messenger but I am also.the Message and My Father Mother Source…

Voo Fun

Voi Dun

I had to finish the play of the Shelter but for each insult and Expression uttered not affirmed as Truth by EE the two ALL…

I swear to you as Hueman there will be eternal reply.

Anf yes this is the true reason Violence and Death and Sorrow were allowed into Existence..

It was the only language those illusions my Brother thought Human would respect…

The Lie.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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