
8:17 p.m.

8:17 p.m.



So I have presented the Evidence and Facts of today…

A Revolution of the Youth… a Consciousness Evolved denied by adults, Treated like children or retards who speak a different language…

Who are the Hackers..

Who is controlling the World Systems…

6 Years ago I was in Tom Trumans Loft when we spoke of the Hackers.. The Kids.. Not Kids… People who as I who sustained and retained the same consciousness from infancy…

I am an example of that, I have seen the world with the same consciousness and the same way I did as a babe to a man…

That has never changed, it is constant…

The way I think, see perceive… the only thing which have changed is what I have gained from the experience of the world and people..

This I have found more and more in people…

Are the Star Wars the battle raging between the Adults and the Grown Ups

Space and Cyber Space….

I must admit that I have been aware if this for a long time…

Which is why I call this Universal Simulation… A Matrix…

A Play.. to learn to Play Right…

I alluded to it many times.. and again with the 26 year old Collin at B.R.C who was working the Source Code…

Just Erik Ebright was

There is an entire generation of people who speak a language of Codes and encoding…

The codes I have been using as well as the Language have been of the Child Consciousness to that of the Eternal Youth..

Yet I was aware of the Challengers…

And of the Space Academy which I lived at while living at Green Street chez Akil Davis Evan ALexander Judson and Tim-Beyond.

All this is detailed there…

The codes which I have been deciphering and the Video and Computer Game and Program of this reality which I have found myself battling is represented in Sacred Portal 66…

Which shows Being of E Spirit Emerging from that Portal I entered in the Sacred Portal 95, I posted below..

And emerged from it in 66, carrying the heads of the Culprits of the Infection of the World…

The Great Witch of the Past and the Computer Geeks of the Present who were holding up the Evolution of those who were the Gifted ones who are beyond the Two…

The Examples Gifted… E.G… Called the Family of E whom I have been working with through these posts by directly speaking and linking to them… Across the Sea of Chaos and the War in Heaven controlling this reality with Spells and Programs…

But the E line fought back, living in their Mind Beings as the 4th Dimension waiting for the codes of language which is Sine.. more like music that archaic spells in strange Languages and the same with Computer language…

And the Language the E use, Simplicity Elegance…

The Hardest and easiest code to use..

Simplicity… which is the key to Elegance..

I must admit, that I am very tired.. the viscousness and the malice behind the two realms of Spells and Programs has shocked me to the core..

That desire to Win to Control at all costs, and the challenge they created in this 50 months and 16 years play…

66 is Bed 4018… D.O.R../ R.O.D… ( Dean Rodd).. 58.. E Harmony..

Which Nenad M. Djurdjevic has aligned to he representing a movement from Nature;s Past Truth to from Instinct to the the Age of Reason.. and then to Vision in Harmony Clarity….

The past aligned to the preset right to his Vision aligned to the equation of 3 Fold…

In my Expression of It, it is of the language of the Present Age…

Quantum Mechanics through Consciousness..

The language of the past is that which is described 2000 years ago and…

I will post it from Wiki now for those who require further reason…

1967 is where we are now right to my Year of entering the System in 2016…

In 2015 it was age 1966…

In 2001 is was 1965-66… Because my Passport had already been Stolen..

Which is the M.T.C….number M.E.T.C…082 676 2800…

Indicates that…

9:04 p.m


I expressed and explained this through a Language consciousness from the Future using Sine world flow…

Perhaps Nenad M. Djurdjevic will explain this…

But they are now aligned to one…..

Same Thing.. The Past has caught up with the Future Present..

F.P… 6 16… See portal Paul Frankilin… P.F given 16 usd money in that crazy Computer Game play…

But I must stop now since exhaustion fatigue weariness has suddenly filled me…

That War in Cyper Space of our being forced to prove the Supremacy of the E Line…

The transfiguration is an initiation on the path of the ascension that takes place when the initiate has attained a certain balance and expansion of the threefold flame.

The transfiguration occurs before the crucifixion and is preparatory to it. The light of the transfiguration descends that we might have the pattern of perfection impressed upon our four lower bodies, so that we might withstand, in the hour of the crucifixion, the great weight that is placed upon us in the physical plane as we undergo the fourteen stations of the cross. The pattern that is released through the transfiguration is then impressed upon us again through the ritual of the resurrection when we have proved the victory over death.

The transfiguration

Description of the transfiguration

To transfigure means “to change the form or appearance of; to exalt or glorify.” The transfiguration takes place when the Father Supreme, manifesting through the individualized God Presence of the disciple, commands the white-fire core in the heart of every cell and atom in his four lower bodies to expand and to maximize the brilliance of the light. This command is given in response to the invocation by the initiate of the final balancing of his threefold flame. It is given because he is supremely ready for the transfiguration.

As the atomic energies are released from within the nuclei of his own being, the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet pours through the lifestream, raising the vibratory rate of the atoms and cells, bringing his four lower bodies into alignment with the divine pattern. While this is taking place, the Magnet draws to itself the remaining residue of misqualified substance lodged between the atoms and electrons. Finally, the fires of the seven rings that surround the Seed Atom (the Kundalini) are activated, intensifying the caduceus action; the focus of the Great Central Sun Magnet in the Lodestone of the Presence draws the Seed Atom from the base chakra up the spine. As it ascends, it opens each chakra to its greatest capacity, releasing the impetus of the Holy Spirit to the four lower bodies.

Rising through the planes of Matter and Spirit to the crown chakra, the Seed Atom (the Divine Mother) unites with the Lodestone (the Divine Father); and the thousand-petaled lotus unfolds. At the moment when the union of the Father-Mother God takes place, the greatest release of the Christ Light through the heart chalice occurs, and the transfiguration is complete.

Within the dimension of his Christ-identity, man is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He has circular vision, his countenance shines in the full glory of the Christ, his blood becomes golden liquid Light: he is the conqueror of mortality. Free at last from the bondage of the flesh, he may maintain life in his physical body for hundreds of years as Saint Germain and other ascended masters have done, or he may proceed within a few days or weeks to go through the ritual of the resurrection. Thus, when God in man appears no longer as man, but as God, we behold that man is transfigured.

The flame in the heart of every cell and atom is actually a miniature threefold flame. As the plumes of these millions of threefold flames expand in response to the impetus of the Great Magnet, they arise from the base of each cell as dormant flowers greet the warmth of the sun. Swirling upward, they follow the spherical form of the cell and then return from the northern pole of the cell along the center axis to the base pole, forming the shape of a heart—the diamond heart. This action of the flames within the cells signifies the transfer of the patterns of the Christ Self into manifestation in the four lower bodies. Thus, we find that the Image of the Christ is destined to be outpictured within every cell. He is the Central Sun of each microcosmic universe within the body of man.

If the transfiguration has not occurred before the disciple arrives at Luxor, or before his transition from the physical to the etheric plane, it will occur sometime after the ritual of the Final Judgment. In cases where the Law requires the transfiguration to follow immediately after the ritual, the disciple is taken directly from the court to the highest room in the Pyramid. There he is left alone to commune with the Father; and as his consciousness merges with that of Universal Reality, his transfiguration takes place.

9:11 p.m

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