
8:17 p.m.

8:17 p.m.


5-12… E L…

20 18… T R…. U E…

H Q… E L T… R U E….

So you now can see how this Play Script…

It is Numeric and we move numerically through the Universal Simulation Awakening Manifesting Expression Truth…

Tonne was here, I was sitting besides him as he spun spirals out of copper strands. Recall Eton.. and his copper wires.. and what wires do?

Conduct Electricity.

The Copper wires Eton/ Note gave me, are in my locker Art and are on an Apple which is placed on top of a white Role of toilet paper…

Expression is what is moving US..You out of the story of Numbers and back into the True Real World which no one on Earth has seen yet..

Not even I.. not here.

But it is Here.

But the decoding of the Universal Simulation and the 50 Shades of Grey had to he transformed through Expression back to White Light and then to Transparency… T.W… Full Circle…

It is so strange that for a culture addicted to gadgets and video games that no once could recognize and adapt this reality into see it as a mirror reflection of the truth of the Universe evolved through Human perception..

From Reflection, ( By seeing through their Third Eyes) Hindsight Foresight .. to manifesting it through Art Pictures Plays Stage Theater, Film T.V.. Silence Sound.. Black and White Color…

3 D.. 4D… Everything is reflected,. Mirrored…

And that is the meaning of Ego… E..GO../ O GE…

Why Am I still Writing….

Because the Elu.. Have not begun writing Themselves.

They have not started Adding to this Foundation I was Conned by Mother Darkness, Father Light, Mother Light and Father Darkness into writing…

6.5 Years .. That is a Book…

A Very Voluminous Book…

For Gods Sake!

Is there any one out there who knows that it is meant to transformed into a Book….?

Many Books.. which you add your versions of this expressions.

Transformed into Films… many many films inspiring a Whole World that You 2 Too Two have all the answers…

That you have your version of this story…

Film.. Play in your lifes…

Expression Communication .. Sharing is the Fuel of the awakening…

Oh yes and Evolution.

Because If I do not express and fill the idea of the Void with communication, It is my body which suffers the agony because it was someone Great Idea to link my body to to the Evolution Awakening Process, not allowing me a moments rest, unless I continued feeding the Universe and the Earth with my Expression and actions…

Made Constantly aware of everything and then weaving it all together into one thread which forms a picture…

Have I not done enough?

29 years..

17 Years Mummified and left in the dark as to what the Devils has happened to my existence. to my life and my creation.

My Life… For truly my life is my Creation..

And your is too… but its foundation is Expression and I have exemplified Expression at such a cost while evolving in front of you all.

Where is your hearts…?

Compassion.. Passion…

Buried under Davy Jones Locker… deep in the bottom of the Sea…

I went to the Sea… To the Bottom of the Abyss.. it is not there.

The treasure chest where your hearts lay, is in your Cee… You you see Consciously.

And what you have chosen to focus on and what to be distracted by and this is how you have been used.

Conned into thinking that you are powerless. Helpless Victims when all reality is formed by Word…

Words Actions Vibrating Energy Splendor.. Clarity.. Light…

W.A.V.E.S… C…L…

9:03 p.m.

I O C..

I C… 11O1 IC E.. H..

Immigrate your Consciousness…

I heard Jace Horsford speak to today and I said Lord the world needs to hear how he translates this expression in his own Language…

Same as with Kyle Murphy Robert…

And Quanma’e Lewis and Billy Hung.. The world needs to hear your voices..

And the Ladies… Bring Dawn… Bring Your Beautiful Loveliness Gentle but as Infinite and Strong as Eternity…

A Moment as Tanya said- a Friend of Jace Horsford who came in…

Jace Horsford asked why i was not on a world platform, thathe simply could not understand why..

He spoke about Michio Kaku… and that I was saying things which he had sought to explain but in much clearer, simpler and enjoyable way which manifests as we speak…

Why Indeed, I asked him….

Why are people Jealous… ?

Is it not because they too feel as though they too have something to share and that they are not being given the chance to be seen or heard?

That they are left constantly in the shadow of Big Brother who is simply seeking to show them that they too have the E in them but they must step on to the Stage and the Spot Light of Infinity and explain Their understanding of Infinity…

Just start as I did …

Go back and see that I had no idea what i was doing in Facebook… I just started, speaking to the Silence and soon my Silence echoed back to me and I saw ansd heard such a beautiful sound … Clarity…

Nadee Nakandala called it out…

Ah.. Recognized by just one.. i ran… I ran with it, not sure where it would lead me, but discoverying along the way…

And in Hindsight and Foresight…

Look let demonstrate that which you already know .. at least the line of the 4-5 identified in my page ..

See the person Jace Horsford linked me to as the truest version of…?

Let me show you how he Jave already knows and is inperfect Harmony…

Michio means

Man on the Correct Path, is of Japanese origin

The name Michio is a Japanese baby name. In Japanese the meaning of the name Michio is: Man with strength of three thousand.

Meaning of the name Kaku…


to write; to put down; to compose; to describe; to draw

Kaku is a Japanese surname and a masculine Japanese given name. Notable people with the name include: Surname: … Kento Kaku (?? ??, born 1987), Japanese actor.

Does that not link to K.M/ M.K..

Kyle Murphy… K M… 11 13… 24…. Who told me again that he has is on a Journey which has fullfill…

And to Jace Horsford… Arknanum… bers… ARK N.A… Numbers…

Who is age 24… letter X… And 3 thousand 3… The 3 Principles of Arknanum…

And to Billy Hung B.H… Who went on a Journey which required the stength of 3000 men, who had to pass through the Abyss and rise from a simulation of death..

And did it not take 3 years…

Is Kyle Murphy not in Room 5C…

Did I not just do the play of C.I… With Jace .. Original Creation..

O C.. Which brought facebook friend Onuorah Chukwuemeka..

O C…

Am I not at 1530 Beach Ave… 15= O.. 3=C.. O…

O C ..OH!

And does the code not tell these three lines what to do…?

Write… Put down.. Compose…Describe.. Draw.. and Draw Forth…

And Dawn Piercy will rise from the 4th D to 5th.. Room 5-006 When I recieved her Painting when she and her line see…

Anastasia Hart A.H…

Angel Anastasia.. A -A…Exemplified by the 3 C….

And Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis what the Devil is He waiting for…?

You and your Line from the 5th Dimensions understanding of True Nature…

Aren’t you tired of hearing me… Watching me do…

I know you are because you left me in a Shelter…

Speak Up and the rest you have the Blue Print on my Page…

I am evolving … My body is finally releasing… I will be gone soon to retreat from this One action done to me personally, an act of such absolute selfishness that it manifested the End of the Word… and the World…

And the Resurrection of the Beautiful Truth, I was conned into proving was the Truth… That there is No End…

Just Happy Feet.. Happy Feats.. And Not just one Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn…

But many.. Enough to change the world in a blink of an Eye… 3 is Enough… Three Lines… the resy will Rise .. Believe me I know…

that is the meaning of the name Christ Consciousness…

Followers of the Wave until they too learn and break away and surf on thier own….

This is the reference book and so you will never be alone…

Michio Kaku

Michio Kaku Presentation.jpg

Kaku at Campus Party Brasil in 2012

Born January 24, 1947 (age 71)[1]

San Jose, California, United States

Residence New York City, United States

Nationality American

Alma mater Harvard University (B.A., 1968)

University of California, Berkeley (Ph.D., 1972)

Known for String field theory

Physics of the Impossible

Physics of the Future

The Future of the Mind

Michio Kaku (/’mi?t?io? ‘k??ku?/; born 24 January 1947) is an American theoretical physicist, futurist, and popularizer of science. He is professor of theoretical physics in the City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center. Kaku has written several books about physics and related topics, has made frequent appearances on radio, television, and film, and writes online blogs and articles. He has written three New York Times best sellers: Physics of the Impossible (2008), Physics of the Future (2011), and The Future of the Mind (2014). Kaku has hosted several TV specials for the BBC, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and the Science Channel.

9:42 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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