
8:16 pm. – H.P. – I P. – 6-3-2020=

8:16 pm.

I P.


F C. Full Circle 2020 Vision Hindsight Foresight. H F. 8 6.

Nnamdi “My Father is Here Present” ( Zlatan- Harris Babic’s Father-Mother initials- H N.) Haris Babic.
H B 82.
Nnamdi left in 1982.
*And for the first time yesterday, Nnamdi told me with his own words why and how he left.
See The SKY WALKER post.
Then see my Share of Harris Babic.
Zlatan means “Gold” Au.
Kim means “Gold”
Aurelia means “Golden One” G O.
Golden Apples Immortality.
Arden means “Eden” and Highest Point, Eagle Valley.

I just spoke to Tree Sage Kim, had not seen him all day-but he just told me that he had posted a Christ on his page and this Christ he had posted had NRI on it and that it, Christ had transformed into a Being with Armour.

I was quietly stunned, and asked him to share it on my page because that is exactly where we are.

This silly Lie of twisting my truth, The Beautiful Truth, which was done yet again to last night and all day until I finally got up.
Still requiring rest, but it would not let me rest or sleep, the discomfort was appalling and so I spent the last 5 hours fighting it.
I knew I was being attacked.
By all The Forest People who are not simply the Igbo- but the meaning of that Name.

I also was aware from Experience, that no one would care, unless it was literally happening to you.

See my sacred Portal 119 “I hid my literally bleeding Heart, and placed my best foot forwards.

11 9 is K I. NG. Ng it the code for Nigeria, versus Sacred Portal 147 AB ( 17 17)
119/ 911= 11+9=20. 20/20.=1.

11 9= 2+9= 11.
The play of Haris Babic and I as 11.
Arden and I as 1 1.

9:19 pm.
I S.

I know Kim Tree Sage might be tired by the tediousness and non stip intrigues of deception and that he has graduated- and I can not any longer remind him, or any one that you have Graduated from the Military Academy, trained, sponsored free of charge in order to enter the last part of the End Game, I have been fighting alone all my life.

But this is why Liberty and every one was being trained for, to enter Gods Army and this time without me playing Instructor and the real Life Coach to enter into life and transform after death.

Hence, the image of his Flow made his post of the Christ crucified transforming into armor is literally actually me, and what I am going through right now and since the moment I got up.

There is no way at this point I was going to explain this to him.
But to my amazement, I felt the force of the past move through me, and I found myself explaining this.
Gods Army.
G A.
F L… AU.G. Au is the symbol for Gold- that is the meaning of Kim’s name is it not?

I have already attained Sacred Portal 22 “The One and Only Cock of the Awakening” I did it alone.
But this last part is literally for your own benefit just before the awakening, that to Transform via Quantum- Death Z. DZ this last part you must do on your own and with supervision by me, aare the Beautiful Ancestors, or the Future Being. My Best Friend Harmony I.

There are only three I I I present and I I.
A trinity in I who are Two Masculine Femine.
Haris Arden and I are the only ones all as I.
Kim Tree Sage is Harmony C.E.
3 +5= 8. Harmony.
That is what was the original Mission and play of Eri Okolo.
“Nri Warriors of Peace- Harmony”

Unlike the quote on the page of my last Facebook Friend with ITZ Nnamdi Kanu Son.
Obioha Kanu.
Charity Kanu.
Princess Kanu from Aro Chukwu declaring what Eri is.

It is E R I.C. E. K, K= Doppelganger Tins Beauty and Beautiful One.

9:35 pm.

I C E.

There is no reprieve when you are fighting a war, not in any reality not even in a video game.
But in people in this reality are so abysmally lazy, that even at this point of completion they leave it all to me.

In the army here, if you drop the ball, forget, they will shoot you for treason, for betraying your country even for negligence, in forgetting that even this Video Game Enders Game- Ready Player One is real and a fact especially for you.

Anyway, yes I was insanely furious after finding myself being moved to explain to Kim, this is not my War.
This is the script Eternal Nnamdi created via Intellect Mind which became Mision Impossible of Raising the Humans Naturals to take responsibility, play by the rules, and follow the script he had designed for the Awakening.
And is the reason that instead of my being here as an Observer, enjoying by my “cover” and true Nature as PlayBoy, ( Jesus H Christ, I just spelled it out through the script his script their script of those played Mother and Father as a really little sister and brother Harmony Unity I was kidnapped and spirited away and instead of it being about Sacred Portal

Eri/ Ire Land
Ire The Dog who belonged to Joe Carey who was connected with me.

Ire is Anger Rage.

Spirited me, Away from the wrong way, and use me this far, in a play you created H U.. MAN?
Which even now I am made to carry and play not just E.I but for Arden Aurelia Haris and even Kim?
I draw the line.

playing I for others who as I, should speak for themselves but who were arranged so that They would come at age 16 and 15… 17 when they are not seen as Adults in a 3 D World.

No Little Brother and sister Harmony, will have to stay behind for neglecting their posts, of the story they themselves wrote and created which went terribly wrong because they went back to being children and transformed into demons because they left their own play to me.

9:49 pm.

7 times I…
7 times I have played roles which I was meant in their script to play once and finish after One year, 2-3 years.

2001-2002- 22.
2003- 23 VV.
2004- 24 E M F was designed for the family of 10. TEN.

I am E-AT.EN-S.

The maximum was three years.
Where are my Sister and Brother Nnonyelum and Obumneme?
N O.
I may understand their keeping quiet for the onset of this play and especially on Facebook, but at this point where are they- not even a phone call?

They are their lines have no right to transform and even if I wished ( Which I do not) I can not because then I would be the Hypocrite, breaking Eternal Law but Natural Law, Divine Law as they had done.
I have ensured that they will be safe no matter what they incarnate after the Manifestation of the two Awakenings and the side of destruction and horror they will be on, and their souls and Spirits will rise in their Eternal Being as the Bodies.

But as I said 8 years ago, for this…?

As for the play of the Old script.

Do you recall my recounting the story of two, a brother and sister called Stolynicha and Stolyinia from Yugoslavia who we slept in the same bed, in London while I was in ST Martins for a few days?
S S.

10:00 pm.

Ah, 10:00 am intl from Haris Babic- e.

Yugoslavia became Bosnia and Serbia yes that War.
That is where Haris Babic in this DNA Story is from. Y = S B.
Are you aware that the Biafran war was between 1967 and 19 69?

Yes, the true past age code I was born in 1967.
NZ 67 67 46 B.
67 Aurelia.
76 Ferrell.
Liberty born 1967.

Jay, Taun, Jerome… Peter/Paulo 1996.
Sacred Portal 96.

Eric Ebright used code 69 69.
And I found myself forced into a battle to prove him wrong.
96 69 15 15 Two Full Circles.

929 574 O O.
OO7 Jaymes Bond.
Not in him, but Me.
I am Nnamdi after all, the I and I rep Naim, David… Arden Haris knew instantly.

So there was not real 1969 which is why he, I last saw him age 12.8 years old.
12 is A-B.
L.= 3 C. 8 is H.
Connecticut Harwington.
Connecticut Hartford.
8 is 9.
* is really I.

C I.
C I.
39 USD.
4 7 11 28= 39.
I C I… C.
C I C… I.

10:10 a.m.
Crystal Van-hoozer, C V H.

This Crystally was for a long time before Christelle Lavage came along.

Yes, Fahad Hassen
C V H/ 3-22-2020.

Before even his arrival via Libert C Liscomb.

I am certainly not at this point about to school or guide, coach you in how to think and see- Cee, but to those who can read, tell me what does this mean?

And This ER.I. S H. ER I MAN.
( R is 18 1+8= 9 letters I- I am not a number not in the matrix, I am to the letter-harmony L H / HL as you can see or perceive- at least those who have the most basic of Brains and Intellect. Sherwin Lemonad. S L

Do you know what Sheri means?
Cheri- Cherished and Beloved- just as is the meaning of the name “David: David Darling.

Okay, so let’s go back to The Forest People cowardly last challenge.

Who is the real Nnamdi and who is the real bringer of “World War Z”
Who is Z N. Z E N… ZENITH.

Harris Line to Arden via “Moi” Me. E.I

Or this I.N.K.S. Itz Nnamdi…

INK S.P.E.LL I S= 28.


You will recall that they are Books?
And that before I left Nigeria in 1988 I went around Nigeria and went to Kano and bought arts and crafts to London.

Did I mention that my Grandfather’s great friend was Nnamdi Azikwe, The first President of Nigeria?

That His first wife was called Flora Azikwe.
Close Friend to my Aunt.
And my Mother close friend to his second wife Uche Azikiwe. U A.

Nnamdi Azikwe.
N A.

Alicia Norris.
A.N Haris Kolo.

And that Biafra.

B I A.F. R A. N C E,
Yes, 929.
29 years ago is B I. Arden Fred/ Ferrell Robert- Alexander Nathaniel Christopher-Eric.

France means “Free Person.
Bia means “Come”

Come Free. C F. F C.
See today’s Date intel from H B.

And that the Head of Biafra was a man called Emeka Ojukwu. E O.

NA Namdi Azikiwe
Emeka Ojukwu – 1967.- 1969. Two Years Apart. Not 4.
1 is 2, 2 is 4. I II IIII= 7 G. Gemino Gemini Twin Twin- Ying Yang.

Emeka and Nnamdi
Believe me, this was not lost on me as far back as when we moved to Nigeria.
And was reinforced by my meeting him and hanging out as a youth with my sister and mother.

Uche by the way means “Thought”

And I wrote about this, coded it over and over again for years.

Yugolslavia-Slavic- Tor.Thor.

Y. Serbia Bosnia. SB
Y.S B.. Chukwu means “Supreme Being”
Y E S. P… B.E.
Y is 25 + 19 2= 21. U -Universe Universal Beautiful Awakening. BA.

25+21 = 46.

46. 64.
10 10. = 1. 20 121. SP 121 LU./ UL 33 . LA… La of 6th sense.

Emeka Ojukwu.
Nnamdi Azikiwe.

My Mother’s entire elder line of the family was born in Idah. ID A H.
It’s Igala Land.
The Legend and historical data of which Eri founded Nri. Eri Nri.



* A woman who looked like my mother who lived a floor Marianne in Hells Kitchen whom I met who was from OINri who had two sons called Emeka and Nnamdi who had escaped from with their mother to the USA from persecution by her husband and his family The Royal House of the Eze Nri Tabansi family.
Do you know what the word “Nsi” means in OINri Igbo?
It means “Shit- offal Feaces”

What happens when you twisted a person 33 Vertebra and is Sacred Portal 55 EE as Erik Ebright line did.
What happens to the Large Intestines.
Long Island.
L I. N E. Not L I E… Lie.
Anus Sacred Portal 22.
A.N-US Not A Noose… sigh.
Onu means “Mouth:

ONUABUCHI= 94 and is my Mothers Name.
Abuchi means The Song- Songe Reflections “Ballade”, Noble Song of God- Songs pf Praise.
My Mother my uncle Sir P-Nuduka -Collins testified that my mother was reading Pslams of Praise when she * Died in 2020 April May… it was the 27th.

7 -8 years before at the “Holy of Holies- I had constructed with Nnamdi within as Arden Rising, I had sent my mother 500.00 USD x2 5000.00 5000.00 usd and again along with luxurious black Egyptian sheets and Perfume.

Do you recall Kim- Tree Sage finding that Tatoo.

The Stench from twisting my body, to make me leak, seep did not work, I remained clean and alert, knowing it was set up.
The Odour in the Air did not come from me.
See my version of Sacred Portal 26 it is BF -H.

Cecilia Mouth.
Arden Anus Mouth.
I A.M. E OS.

Tell me what was it that I had discovered and had to clean off to build the true model using my Art and all the hundreds of objects left in the Large Loft in Hells Kitchen while Marianne when back to live in her apartment on 17th street downtown Manhattan.

The Map and all in quiet silence isolation expect from a visit from Geof Lacour.

Yes, the Attah of Igala.
My Grandfather’s close friend when he was younger before the Civil war forced him to move to Nsukka. Linked to Enugu.
N E.

My mother and all the elder children spoke Igala.

Yes, Eri Igala. E I.
Who moved to Nsukka and back to Nri.

Founded in the 9th Century this realm’s history book says.
9 is I, in letters (the Centrum Plant- or was it Ogu- Voodoo Poison they planted?)

The 9th century is written as 8.
The 8 to 100 years.

Why do you wonder do I called it IO Nri.

Do you recall, Adren Ferrell intel from Liberty, Arden’s initiation into Manhood was at RIO.

Inside Outside./ O.I Full Circle I.

The Cross – Kim posted…Still with the name Tree Sage T S= 20 19= 39. C I.

N R I O VT by the way is the 14th state letter N.

N R I … O S.
What is the Os. An Opening.
“Window of opportunity” W O O.
I was not wooing anyone.

W A. O/O= 1. Omega ALP.H.A
not AL… ALP.

Robert McAlpine R M.

Nnamdi Emeka.
1+4= 5.
E. M.E.K A…

NN= A. M-D.I.
Manifest Destiny I.

900 South Road.
100-57 ( EG) = 43.
Sacred Portal Door of Life.
in 2010 when I was at Marina Biruni’s and later Tom Trumans.
I wrote and she and he witnessed the Ancestor meddling.
Orisha’s using Caucasians to move their intent.

INK S? S P Sacred Portals.
Symmetry Perfection.
S P / P S. 19+19= 35 35 35- 170.
F L AUG 71
Inks a story
I H.

B E I NG? NG 147 ( AB 17 17).
B E I NG – HI.

I G B O.
9 7… 16.
B O… 2 O… Two Full Circles.

929 575 292 757.

11:26 pm.

Is this what they or you call War.

I use Raw Papers, Arden, too.

We do not War with you…
We create Destruction.
Total Annihilation and we have decided this time to make you truly play.

That is Authority and Power.

11:28 pm.

No Free Will, Choice, No Freedom Liberty or “Will I AM”

And we manifest it without raising a finger, or even paying attention.
Because you do not exist.

I am the “I” who got the worst job, I had to enter your story and minds and write it all down, record it.

Being creatures made of “Nsi”
But the most Toxic Kind.

C O W S- Methane-
Yes, you the Source of “Met Haine”
Our I, A H Hatred.

And because you refused to come clean and deluded yourself that you are Free to rise after using me,
123 / 23 1.. * Hello Williams Antony.
I and I have added an element of surprise.
You will never really know if you are really safe or I simply conned you.
But never lied.

The test and answer are in how well you read the manuscript.
It needs no translation, for it as Crystal Van-hoozer.

That Clear.

Christelle Lavage

Arden Haris.e.
I and I.

Stephen Johnson Witness as Supreme Justice.

11:37 pm.

Hey! Hari’s chuckle.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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