
8:16 p.m.

8:16 p.m.




C-O-T.R…U E…

C.O R….E…

C.O.B.R…A… C O .. B R O … T H E.. R

( T=20… 2O… B.O..)

At 1083 with the arrival of Nuala Evans via Gay-Marie Bradshaw.

Merge the two names initials…

– G.N../ N.G… M.B.E…/ E B M…


Hello…Once again, to my consternation I find myself moved by this Evil Script in which I find Myself having to defend the Existence and right for the Truth of Humanity called the Naturals, who are linked to the Eternal Truth, the Extra Terrestrials which form the code N E T/ T E N… The Elegant Nomads who move through time and space elegantly naturally transparently Being and consequently evolving….

I knew that I was meant to connect and link with Nuala, the moment Gay-Marie Bradshaw tagged her name on my post.

I know who Gay-Marie Bradshaw is… from the 5th Dimension.

But I have been distracted by how is it that I found myself defending the Right for the Human Species to Exists while being moved by a script which calls attention the reason for their extinction.

I had proven over and over again, that Humanity are not of Existence only the Naturals are…

Why I could not understand am I still being moved through the Evil Script after having proven ( and it confirmed by this Scripts Response again and again…)

Jay who is a twin is here… so is Robert Vlaun…

They are talking about the gym and how to not work out and end up with a small penis… Sigh.

Body Building…B B…

Jay Robert… J.R…. He was sitting besides me, and after another play with the server Tamerika, in which I once again Starbucks Head Quarters… H.Q… H= 8… Q=17….

J.R… 10 18…. 28… Yes the post of Nuala Evans dated FEB 18th time 11:28… Yes my Birthday….

Zach is seated besides me… the one I helped with his immigration papers…

Zach alludes to Dina Singh’s son…

and means Remembered By God.. Harmony…

First thing first..

Last night after enduring the contemptible play Anthony Otta was used by the Igbo ( Meaning Forest People- and their Magicians of Deception called Witches and Warlocks of Evil intent because they were corrupted by the use of Natural Magics knowledge…

* See Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula historical perspective of the Orb War which is of a power beyond and which if the user is not pure clean it corrupts them.

Like lord of the Rings… Rings of Power.. The One Ring meant to be used to unite all.

I had been in contact with Jamel father of 8 year old Malia…

Whose code I just completed with him, but then on Nuala Evans page depicting a flower of life, uniting Rock and Sea.. R.S…

/ S R… Sha Ron… Which means Plain.. Field… C Level Land

Which would mean the resolution of that image posted on Feb 18, and the time of my birthday, would mean that Level land is not represented by the physical but by the embodied individuals energetic expression as demonstrated by myself and the Human Portals.. People.. not abstract equations, numbers, letters or symbols…

I had completed the codes with him and had I decided to end my posting and enter the world of this reality rather than continue with this absurdity of a script of a lone man fighting to bring clarity to those who do not deserve it, are not grateful.. and simply take advantage.

Case in point.. Peter Nyarkô just called me, asking to speak to me…

I have no great desire to speak to him and asked him if he was ok with paying for my time.

For I had observed his play last night.. a waste of my time…

I said I wished to earn some money to be able to get back into my own existence, I have manuscripts, books scripts so many things I have had to put on hold for 17 year… 17 years just to have my time wasted by creatures of Hatred and Jealousy…

I had pointed out that the Script demanded that I reach Him who is born 7-17… and his code numbers 17 17 ( I have been in New York for 17 years and at Delta Manor for 17 months).. the code points to him…

He made showed me money he had made over a thousands after spending over 800 and had given me 7usd…

A code.. 7 -17… 1984…

(Everyone took advantage.. of my being forced in this role!)

1984 is what is my true Age I was meant to rise to…

17 Years ago I was 33… The Original 33…

He told me no problem. and I began decoding his daughters codes, because of that relaxed state one gets in when you believe that you have reached a persons whom you can put your guard down- but I was aware, that I was working…

Malia/ A.I… L…. A.M… A I LAMB of Christ… the one in my story who was sacrificed… Where all the Pain Christ endured David he is given by God Harmony, a Lamb at whom he transfers all his pain and suffering he endures to the LAMB…

Who then of course, I see now had to transform it…

into a weave Wool… spin it into a beautiful story .. true story and garment of radiance….

9:06 pm.

I decided that I would take borrow ten usd from him, since I understood everything about this script is Evil and Manipulation in which every tom dick jane and harry can get away with murder..

-A Web of constant deception…

I no longer wished to have anything to do with it, and decided to fight it, to refuse to solve the riddles…

But he said that he was not coming back last night…

I knew that I was being set up to come here with nothing for another play…

I had observed that Tamerika had not been fired, probably inly cautioned.

I had already seen and understood what he represented and as I had left that first day, I saw her outside at the cross roads of Woods and Metropolitan… :Go To Hell – i stated quietly as in a sentence…

And once again I observed as my Word and Authority was usurped…And the next day she was here, and again today…

I knew it was a set up…

Part of this Script which shows and demonstrates how the Good and the Evil are the same thing…

It represents the abuse of power… to a point of the absurd.

To have such power.. to create a Script which gives one such power over not only any Human Being, but the Truth.. The Creator … to be able to do this. to exercise such power over another as to negate the Existence of the Source Creator Himself….?

I had had enough…

But I understood the depth of the Cruelty of the abuse of power an this script when I felt a force in my body make me bow- it was meant bowing to me in that it wished me to do one more day- but had created manipulated given me no choice to say no…

It had set it all up … my contempt at it so supreme…

9;17 p.m.

A moment later one of th staff came down wearing the number 67…on his T-Shirt as he observed me and my body in tortured movements…

Never once an expression of compassion verbalized by any one especially not the staff…

My phone number is 1 347 313 67 78…./ Thus we are at 76 87…

67 78…6 77 8…

Please see sacred portal 76… And 87….

See the meaning of the name Nuala…

Nuala (/’nu?l?/; Irish: [‘n??u?l???]) is an Irish female given name, derived from Irish mythology – being either a diminutive form of Fionnuala (fair shoulder), the daughter of Lir, or an alternate name for Úna (perhaps meaning lamb), wife of Finvarra, king of the fairies.

Fair Shoulder… F S… 6 19… Feeling Sensational.. 25.. Y…

Portal Flip J Hendrixs.. age 25.. 6E.. Now in Miami….

9:25 p.m.

Peter Nyarkô called me from Flip J Hendrixs home…

He is not Flip J Hendrixs…..

LAMB…. A.I…L.A M….

Beautiful Malia… Beloved Calm and Gentle Waters…

Marina Beach… Landing of Heaven and Earth meeting in the Energetic -Music/ Spirit-Ritual.. to E.. Embodiment…

Jamel Malia… J M… Both are Me…

Peter Nyarkô just texted me at 9:28 p.m… Emeka I am staying home.. I found the Answer..

A Play of Selfishness which starts off as Innocent… I.S..

But allowed to go too far with out giving consequence… because Evil moving it too non existence…

2 and 13 are the codes now on my page…


Do you see what I mean…?

How it is my expression tortured through this Evil Script which Peter Nyarkô represents of that selfishness of seeing only through their point of view and self interest at the expense of another…

The play ended at Flip J Hendrixs and yet has extended and extended to include that which will only learn through Pain Suffering and Misery… that which is not of me and can not exist

Lorenzo had told me this morning that if

I had any trouble with starbucks not following through to call the Better B Beaureau…

I had decided when Jamel could not come that night to lend me the 10 usd to not drink a coffee, thus denying the plays scripts code which comes from the number on the coffee cup.

But when I got here, I saw the insult, the goading created by having this Tamerika made to work and then giving me attitude, So I got up and asked her for a refill..

Lord knows I have spent a fortune here and never been given a gift as they do hand out to those they like..

Only Yarskaary is the one clean constant even refusing my money to give me coffee refills…

I went to her and her attitude was so rude then and there I called the Head Office and this time I made sure I was truly heard and called out both Jeffrey and especially Hector….

9:42 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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