
8:14 pm – H.N./ Nadja Hope Nade

8:14 pm

H.N./ Nadja Hope Nadee Nakandala

H I.

H.I.N…D. David/Delta Manners.

H I N D. Q U.A R.T E.R S.

H.I P..S. H.I. P.S. Perfect Symmetry 35 C E
I.P Man

9:16-2016. = 25-36..25 -360 Degrees

25 Y. 9..I?

B.E Infinite?

B.E. I A M. .I.

Belle Ami.

This is why.

Evidence AY

At 49 76 Facebook Friends.
D.I. G.F.* Delta I. G.F. “Guide Father ”

4+ 9 =13 M.
7+6= 13. M.

Molly Busby M.B.

Molly Miriam M.M.

Molly, Ecstasy

Molly John Mack his sister Molly.

Liberty C is Present Here Now.

5000 – 4976.

= 24.

Tunning Fork
Silver (Ag. Element. Periodic Table. P.T.
10. Virginia ” You’ve Come A Long way Baby ”

24. D B


Jonn Delguidece Blackwell
August 1964.

Nonyem 7-28-1964.

Donna O Sullivan 1958.

I went to see Erik Ebright summoned in 2016.
under a code money of 69 69.
I kept telling him that the code is 96.

But he even challenged and changed the password on the Blue Marine H.P Lap top Jonn deleguidce Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan had bought for me for 200.USD.

I stayed with them for 9 months on the dot.

I stayed with Erik for 2 months.
9-2. 11.

I cane back to the Green Point.
Assessment Shelter.
Mcguiness Ave.

( G P. A S. M.)
One full year to the day I left a year ago, but intentionally stayed out an extra day so it became One full year and a day.

All docmented recorded, posted on My Facebook Page right in front of you all.)

Total Beds. ( T.B…. Total Gas Station in 5A Ibagwa RD. My Grandfather house in the City.)
Which is why that I am in my Grandfathers house in the Country
See Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
Blood of Zeus
It is my Grandfathers house in the City same layout.

Water Fall… Sacred Portal 5.
Brooke Shields
Brooke Elizabeth Banwer
Brooke massaged me.

Kim at Brooke Street Brooke Brothers
Christopher Merzuka.in Istanbul
Christopher and I in Istanbul Turkey.

8:50 p.m.

I E O.
H.E F.

I E.F.

Sacred Portal 56

8:51 pm

H..SP 51.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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