
8:14 pm. – H-N. Harmony Nature=

8:14 pm.

H-N. Harmony Nature= Harmony Naturalism.

Ref; Haris Babic and his Mother N.

and or versus Harmony Nnamdi.
That Nnamdi refers to Nnamdi as my younger brother, who was once part of me, but once born, he had his own I.D and sense of Self. From the moment he was born to the moment I last saw him age 12.8 ( L.H/ H.L) and Age 13 when he left at M=13.

But the last time I saw him alive, he was 12.8 years old.
aka 8 has Harmony and now 8 as Infinity.

12.8= 20. add.
12 x8 = 96.

Sacred Portal 20.
20 USD Bill From Liberty C via Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

I am at 1996 Facebook Friends.

1996 The Collection in London England- Chelsea

Liberty’s Twin as Brother- Chance Liscomb and his arrival, as well as the article of when he almost drowned and his elder brother and his friends, saved his life.


Yes, That is when I met Jay in 1996 with Tuan, Jerome, and Paulo at the Bar where all worked as showmen bartenders, and Peter who worked in the restaurant as a waiter.

8:25 pm.
Ferrill Gemino’s Birthday.
I was in Istanbul Turkey doing the production called The Story of Colors about the same time in 2000. It was the aftermath of the last moment cancellation and loss of everything I had worked for and owned. The Festival of Paylasmak.

There is something I would like to point out also, the reason I am always defending Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.
It is because he is an Avatar in this playscript who had never really been in this world or play.
He represented the Potential of a New Species who had never been- the “Ore” Gone.
Oregon the 33rd State
This is why Esteban ( Stephen) was directed to send me there 114 Grant Moor Motels.
Its is why Esteban was moved to move there, after his last sponsorship at Jesse Macias Orejuela home where he paid 3 months’ rent, and we said goodbye.
I was done, and he felt as a Human that he was done- though he hinted that he felt I had one last place to go- 900 South Road, he loved and admired Chris Gemino and Liberty but was not so hot on Thomas.

I never knew Kim was except through this story of Time, he aligned to my Mother Family and mine The Umeano’s.
But I had no memory of him in the higher play because he was a possibility that simply did not yet exist.
Eternal Harmony risen as Bio Ore in all evolved Humanity to Hue man.
This was not my plan or play, it was E-Nnamdi’s aligned to Noni Promise.

Thus what was running through him was all my bio families stories to my own intimate family Parents and 4 children, including the one 5th who died during a miss carriage when my mother first carried a child- but there was a problem of which my father had beaten her so severely that she lost the child. And before that my Grandmother went to the lake in Aguleri, much like Flora Nwapa; a book cover of Efuru, to discover for the reason why my mother for almost two years could not get pregnant, so my Grandmother Lucy went to the River to the Spirit world to talk to my Mother True Father and her husband in the Spirit E world. He had allowed her to come to the world of Man, because she kept pestering, according to the Legend, until he agreed, but forbade her from marrying a human and to come back to him at age 16.
Yelena – Helen.
My mother was 16 at the time and had married my father through manipulation at age 14.

8:45 pm.

There is more, but I have told this story often enough, and the only reason I am including it now is to ecplain how Kim came as a blank slate, like a Baby linked to Jeron Satya S Lang but as a Universal Baby- Body of Magic.
And thus like that first Baby I recounted I had met as the Black Panther whom I almost destroyed, but paused at the Opening of the 4th Dimension a story- * See his post in the forest like Arkansas to quote Stephen Johnson 25th state and align it to Dallas Texas, D.T- 4 20- the 28the state.

8:50 pm.

He was the possibility of two outcomes, after I had stayed awhile with Jah Fire the Man Child which I gave him and his descendants to chose from, now that I had stayed with him and he understood that he was not alone in the Universe, but that he had to enter the story to learn how to Be in Existence as the rep of The New Body which had never been.
There were others before him who had the role similar E-A, E- Ferrell, E-Nnamdi-.And even The First Female Form C- Harmony to Obum but this was the point of All -E.Y. Hence my journey through an alley to reach Generation X Gardens on 8-26-2006 to attain 8-26-8 and then finally 8-8-8.- 9 and 24-6.
yes 9-6.

You know, even as I observed how I am being made to post and recount this, this voice in me as Emeka Kolo keeps asking me is it not better to have left and to leave my body and this play rather than to be continued to be made to submit to this abuse.
8:59 pm.

A Daily battle of being pushed over the edge?
No, not really, to simply leave this simulation and Natures who went too far.

9:00 pm.
When I discovered that I had to take, ask 250.00 U.S.D from Liberty, and it was for one last play- that is when my decision became set, I will leave this insult and abomination no matter what.

But I just spent 27.18 USD and I knew and know what it means.

As a baby you absorb everything, all habits manners, you do this spontaneously as a baby with your Self being the decider if it has symmetry, but in this case, the young man, age code 33, must decide for 9:04 pm.
To either become an adult or a Grown-Up.

And he had to do it with all the Blue-Prints moving through him of Time as this life time and all the experiences he was given until 12-21-2001.

There were two choices, I gave Jay Fire Child who went back to misbehaving when I told him that at one point I would leave, and he sulked by acting out because he had now experienced love. He could either tame his heart and emotions, or he could go back to that original fear of being alone- which you can not really do, change the past once you know.

E.A.J was my past as JAE not mine personally, but in E- Alpha- Awareness NN to E-A-A’s script.
Alexander Evan Judson was my past, or his past I walked to reach Arden Gemino 64th portal which I have passed but not passed because I was made to turn around and go backward back to 29 Lincoln Street and this time to the 2nd Floor of 219-217 South Whitney and that is why I am coded as C- Guest, ref C and the New York famed Hostess Socialite.
To observe what He chose.

9:18 pm.

I. R.
Do you recall when I found the Violet letter R, it was almost the same day Kim Arthur Hinds Jr left to Atlanta Georgia with his mother Delois Larkin code 99.

I had a Facebook Friend, my last yesterday who had 99 Facebook Friends, I could not believe it, but of course I could, that I was back there, yet again.

27.18 USD at C Town yet again.

9:22 pm.

A-A. R… T.

Royal Mayan Rodriguez Sanatan and Jesse Macias Orejuela birthdays.

9:23 pm. ( Dear Lord, what an unforgivable play I have been subjected to)
I.W and I.Double VV.

9:25 pm.

I.B.E. A.M

He obviously chose Life.

9:26 pm. KIM= 33 add E. E.K.I.M/
MIKE, I said no to my Brother Mike Obum- But he is being moved by Onuabuchi. O and Cecil. I.A The True Beautiful Past.

9:28 pm.
I – “A MAN.

9:29 pm.

I B I.
He is H.E.

I am will have to stop not, I am getting really mad, I will be back in a moment to code the names of my new Facebook friends- but no it is better not to exist here, when even in a story, one can be used and abused like this, by another frequency, even if it was your past, and Eternal Truth,
That is why it was forbidden against all laws including the Infinite.

That was the music Title playing when I opened my Beautiful Chill Music “INFINITE” and I began watching an animee last night or early morning- Mojin: The Worm Hole Valley. M. T.W. “O” H.V.

Natures Harmony.
N.H= V 22.

@Ella Hart.

E.H= M. A.C, K I M E

I will stop for a moment, I feel nauseated.

9:38 pm.

I. C.H. Hartford

9:39 pm.

I. C.I

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