
8:13 p.m – H M. – Universe 13.8

8:13 p.m

H M.

Universe 13.8 Billion Years old.

M H.



The Story Teller.

T.S.T. E-A.

20 19 20. = 59.

Sacred Portal 59.

Add 5-1=


F E.
Aligned to 2 and 1 U S.D

From Nevi Ehko


I accepted a new Facebook Friend, but I figured if I am here twiddling my fingers, and Perfect Timming
Perfect Symmetry
Perfection =Harmony

And yet though all of that has been. Proven by myself, by force of the Condition of the of my body in Being in this Dimension and role, by the Script which it is which emerged as I began my Journals Talking To The Silence, which I commented yesterday that everything in Existence does… including the tinest object Animate or Inanimate.

A Script which I deciphered years ago as its meaning and Point.

Being Evolution Awakening
E.A. Manifest Perfection

E A M P.

And I am currently not in Harmony in my body where I live, what I am doing, in everything there is no Harmony with me outside.

As if the Evidence AY posted and thrust upon me as this circumstances and conditions of my body being literally seemingly possessed to force me 21 years ago to come to the U.S A.

Then the very Harmony which I figured out that it was the point of my condition and the taking over the direction of my entire life and Existence was to prove Harmony Perfection even in the Ultimate Chaos and Chaos of this Current Time Line in the world coded as 2022…for some.

2022= 42= 6.
6 8.

I have fulfilled my Task for 21 Years in the U.S.A.
Abandoned Betrayed Tested Challenged.

And in front of you all as Audience Witnesses Spectators where you the public sent me a state in most of your Minds Hearts to a Being of Zero. Ground Zero for even daring to contemplate that Expression of a man seeing from a different point of view could succeed where no other Human being ever could and added in the West my being seen as a Black-Brown Man.
And even worse still, announcing to the World that I remember now. Everything and that I am The Source of Everything Everyone.

No one in his or her right mind would every willing take on such a challenge and bet.

To loose everything and everyone and be thrown into the deepest pit and well of obscurity for being the Ultimate Fool and lost Cause.

8:54 p.m.

But I never lied, and felt that whatever was moving me, doing this to my body had a point and would always have my back.

It did for a while which gave me the Strength and Fortitude until it vanished and I was alone facing an entire world.

But I would not give in more because more than anything I wanted to have my body back.
To feel whole again and not this constant Awareness Activated in me and my Body.

So I thought to myself I am telling the Truth.
The Whole Absolute Truth, and so I set out to prove that which I had dismissed as a True Experience only happening to me, to then observing how it included the World and Everything.

And so you saw me fight back.
Not because I was so Valiant of Courageous or that I cared that deeply for Humanity or the Human Condition , but for one main purpose which was to tell the Truth and in that process her my Body back.
Its use, it functions, it control baxk.

As long as it no longer inhibited my movements, where I went, what I did, who Interacted with, my speech then I was good.

I never intended to go this far, or that it would take so long, I missed so much of the experience of living a life, but the Impulse Stimuli just would not stop and no one truly offered to help me solve this condition which let’s be honest hardly anyone took that seriously and even if they did, they felt they had more enough on thier Plate to deal with than this charismatic character who yes, had great knowledge and a hell of a Life Story and claiming latter that he is The Source.

Have you taken a look around you, at the state of the world and Human Mentality?

I did.
I was given the opportunity by this ” Condition called a Human Naturally Evolving back home to where I started from e g born at 8 p.m
But the Idea that I had prove howI emerged from Inception Conception at Infinity Harmony and share the Knowledge and Knowing with Every Tom Dick, Jane and Harry, so they could to, choose to..
And in this way- shackled …Not in my wildest dreams or most Terrible Terrorizing Dream.

I did remember Birth of Existence Creation, I watched myself for 29 +years prove it to myself through my interactions with all of you, especially these last 21 years 22 in the USD and 11- 10 years on Facebook.
You may have not been paying attention but Lord knows, I was.

I saw myself, watched myself prove it and through you, on Facebook.
Through 64… Human beings as Avatars and Portals.

I saw it proven right to Nevi Ehko
( Enders Game)
Oceans 7 Continents.
Expression to G OD-E. 26 +5=31.

In Fact that is what I spent at C-Town Supermarket today.

31 14 U.S.D

31 I used Stephen Johnson 31 Facebook Friends as my Anchor while being perfectly aware of his intentions which why would that disrespect disturb me when I told the Supreme Truth.
The Victorious Truth

Truth Manifests
T M.
20 13

9:43 pm

I saw it lastly with
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
Obe IRoh

And Liberty C

So, you can understand why I say I completely accomplished what I saw that Voice in the Dark Matter Expression moved me to do when it prevented me from entering and merging, passing through the Light Fantastic Luminosity

It was the Script of 4 5 Million
4 5 Billion Years ago.
All that ever was or ever existed
All were conceived in Perfect Harmony and if they lived lifes which they deemed as dramatic chaotic, messy it was either because they could not see where they were going or because they focused thier attention on a Non Existent Time Line.

31+14= 45.

I recall Stephen Johnson showing a License Plate with the number 45 and signaling me, perhaps in mockery or a joke, I was not concerned because I knew it was in Harmony E where he was aware of that fact or not.

My own Brother Nnamdi who I knew was already at crossing already at E
W. Double U at E.
And now, S.

S W E.N…S.W.A N.


Esteban Miguel Filgueira had a white Van.
He told me it was meant for Chris Filgueira his Brother aka First Cousin
daughter called Isabel

They had carried Nnamdis body in a white van my youngest brother “Obumneme” Booom Boom, Aka ‘Mike” had been forced to sit in that Van for the 1000 mile Journey
The Pastor who drove it had been so Shaken by how Nnamdi when he was alive had been treated that when he heard that Nnamdi came from a very educated and very wealthy family he said he volunteered to drive the White Van all the way down to see what kind of people would treat such a Beautiful Person which Cruelty and Indifference.

He told all this to me and only me because he said he felt he could only tell me.
He spoke of how on the Highway all the glass in the Van had shattered in what he called an explosion of Fury and Rage

I have already documented and written about all this

For example about Harmony being already proven always present in this world.
As your Trutg, and to me as The Script
Science moving through full Circle back to Art, Art is Science
A S.
1 19
T.R.U E.

20 USD bill with the number 29 handwritten on it serial numbers 1.66 67 8…

Same Thing
O.P.E.N S. E.E. S.A. M.E. M.E.

“Meme Chose”

No, I have proven Harmony Perfection
Harmony Perfection Manifests.

H. Project Manager

But there is no Manifestation
Nothing has Really Correctly Changed or Transformed

I am still sitting here in the Kitchen Here.
My body is though much, much looser, I still have no control or Autonomy or Authority
Meaning that all which I was made to Equate Prove step by bloody manual step is a response that it’s all a lie.
An illusion that which you are all the witness to some as far back as 20-21 years ago when I began to tell the Story on the Streets of New York the 11th State.

But if my True Narrative T N.
20 14.
7th Note.
7th Color.
Letter G.

Then why is it that I am still being held by the String Theory
Springs Truth
Straight Talk

Why does no window or door of opportunity not open for me to leave, get treatment go somewhere else, not in 18 monthhs.
21 + months.
Why do my muscles feel like fibres stretched so like Thread Strings “Fil” Guerria fighting daily to heal and reset my body inside of me.

In fact, how is it that someone made to be in a state of 24/7 physical exertion exhaustion Stress and Tension after being made to Solve the Riddles of Life.
Being in Existence Light even alive?

On a Human body never designed to deal with such Stress and Tension
And 21 years of Attention Focus directed at only one goal, which was to be cured of all these “Binds to linking muscle brain cells neurological Electro Magnetic fields would not just the Stress alone have killed me by now?

So did I tell a Lie.
Did I deceive myself
What you who were paying attention all see and saw.

I am deluded?
That a series of “coincidences ”
Of Perfect Timming
Perfect Symmetry

Stephen Popiotek


Ariani Wulan

Ariani means “Peace”

Wulan means “Moon”

Liberty will recall 8-29-2019:the day I first stepped through her, their 900 South home seeing the New York Times with Neil Armstrong 1969 Moon Landing.

Z.A. N E

Or Kim Hinds Jr room the Astronaut and Moon Landing decor in his room.

Nnamdi was born in 4-5-1969.

Saceed Portal 45.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira when I left his Portal it was the code on his Ventilator
“Game of thrones”


7 15.20.

7 35.


H C.E.

I.C.E. A.G.E.

11:18 p.m.

This is not Harmony
Harmony brings
Beauty Eternity

Javed Gulab

Bella Paige

P.A.I. G E.

A 17 year old Beautiful Youth.
Harmony Truth

Kim is great but is a 34 year old man.
Not a Boy Youth.

And Harmony Manifests.


Poetic Symmetry

Harmony I

So as far as I am concerned there is no true Harmony here.
Kim is fine and A Good Friend
But this is about the planet the world, all people it’s not a Video Game.

It’s TRUE life and everything was at stake and on that note Note…
Then that means in the present no one is and the only reason I am still present here is that this is my last Portal.

But I will give you an example how everything else is in Harmony

Alexa Vertefeuille was rightfully angry over a death which occurred at her grandparents house.
She then made a post even aligning it to this all being a Universal Simulation
Then I saw her post today of Flying Saucers moving to a Black Hole.

I then scrolled down absently because truly i am disinterested any more especially since I myself witnessed my my own my body my own checking everything everyone everywhere every single day for 21 years.

I saw the post immediately after of the Futurism of the new advancement of observations of The massive black hole purported to be in the center of this Milky Way.

Suddenly, as if switched on to Automatic Pilot Transmission I began to post and break things down.

When I finished Had to take a walk to 1544 C-Town Supermarket but what disturbed me, truly disturbed me is that it was a perfect continuation of where I had left off after posting ( to my mild suprise) yesterday.

I had noted this of course many times before

12:08 a.m.

12:09 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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