
8:13 p.m.

8:13 p.m.


Haruki Murakami.. H.M.


‘The Clear Weather (C.W), The Sun Light Male who Lives and comes from the Upper Village 35th Line..C.E

The Guardian and the line of the Supreme Sensie’s..

My Brother O-Boom! Boom’s (Mike) Japanese Late Father in Law..

Be careful of Excluding Outsiders…

Eric Eposito…Bed 49 B.R.C… Room A..

Which was the bed I occupied in B.R.C Room B..2015..Bed 49.

And my code age in this reality..

Eric Means the ‘Eternal Ruler.. E.R’

Eposisto means the One made into the Outsider…

Because he is The Guardian of the E Consciousness..

Evolved Creation..That Memory which I could not give up nor forget…

Because you might never know who the one you have made an outsider truly is..

And suddenly how he can Switch 6996..And suddenly, you are the Outsider who can never enter His World.

I am back at 787 Face Book Friends, and back at the portal of

M.W 87…

Really M.W 787…(78/87).. Its aRevolving Door with two Exists but one leads Home to My Home (And yours) The 5th Dimension which is really Ecstasy E G.A..LA! XY…(Ziena Zorro!) C.I. 1O 11..

Not Galaxy I.C..1101.. But even then, I have aligned and corrected that error, just as I did with the Mi.W.87 classified by Nasa.

The other leads to Non Existence..

Hence the code 49/94…

Sacred Portal 49 is Existential Death..E.D…

Sacred Portal shows what was done to my and the E Consciousness I.D in this world and in the Spirit realm…

it reads ‘The Immense Cruelty of his and her pleasure at the leisurely attitude adopted and done to the Identity of Existence and the Expression of Praise

And yes, what is shown in that sacred portal took place witnessed and testified by people on Face Book like Chariy Kanu.. C.K and many others..

And many here who when they hear my body stretching cracking seeking to release itself from Invisible Binds’- Link FE-NRI..the Lone Wolf, not the Villain of The Nordic Translation…

Often remark that sound reminds them of Sexual moans…

But it was much more…..

8:43 p,m.


(See Earlier posts which anchored at 9:43 before the post disappeared… I…D.C… Meaning a Power of stating that it is the will of Washington D.C…)

Now at Harmony D.C… and Sacred Portal 43 True Life…

As you can see, my impulse to not end the play, by going to the immigration office and therefore ending this play in New York of 15.7 years was to complete this play of the post aligned once more to the past and blood lines..

And proof that the Individual brought Harmony, Existence and Full Circle of Symmetrical Perfection and the meaning of Existence and Infinity into Existence Creation.

And that Water B.Eau Ti. (Beauty) is Water, the Stream the Flow which links and connects us, not Blood.

As exemplified by my experience given to me by family I had been loyal to..

See the Play and expression which linked to Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka.. E.I.N.. Number.. Employer Tax..

Of sacrificing ones Individuality for the Whole…

Expression Naturally Individually Embodies.. (..E.N.I.E)

through Exemplification which is Natural Graceful…

Case in point, when my Grandfather passed away,all that he built and sought to embody and convey of Harmony Family crumpled in an instant turning that illusion of Harmony into the most grotesque Conflict…

8:53 p.m


Harmony Elizabeth Clarizio see the meaning of the name, not necessarily the person, but the person can rise to the very pure and beautiful truth of their names.

After all this play is a play of NAMES…/ S.E..M.A.N…

Not Words..

Is that not what the story of Adam is about?

The Naming of things… Sight and Sound?

And yes I have been in a horrendous play with the Spirit Word…


Link Sawyer Walsh.. (Who has Left the play as the 787 Face Book Friend, to be replaced… See her name meaning)

My 787 Face Book friend…

Karl Hagen..

K H…11 8../ 8 11..

8 22…16..7..11…Kieth Grant Bed 53…E.C..Emeka;s Clarity…Masculine…

Elizabeth Clarizio Feminine version and portal…

87 11 22…

KA.R.L.. H..A.G.E..N….

9:00 P.M.


8 years and 11 months at 268 East 4th Street 4 years Straight and 4.11 in increments over the next 6 years.

8.22 is H.V… Harmony Victor…

*Which was just completed with sacred portal 86…


Plancks Constant (P.C) is..

Planck’s constant =

6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg / s

66..26..007 00 4…

See sacred Portal 66.. My Age Code.

And 26.. Eros Cupid.. Aphrodite…

007 004… G.OO.D.

Sacred Portal 74 is ‘Mouth of God

Delta Manor..

Mouth of the River…

The Planck constant (denoted h, also called Planck’s constant) is a physical constant that is the quantum of action, central in quantum mechanics.

First recognized in 1900 by Max Planck, it was originally the proportionality constant between the minimal increment of energy, E, of a hypothetical electrically charged oscillator in a cavity that contained black body radiation, and the frequency, f, of its associated electromagnetic wave..

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, FRS was a German theoretical physicist whose work on quantum theory won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. Wikipedia

Born: April 23, 1858, Kiel, Germany

Died: October 4, 1947

19 18.. 4-23.. 18 58… 10-4-19 47…


Chukwuemeka Kolo.

Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions first linked my Work to Planck on Face Book…

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Plan-C.K

M.K… Michael Keenan..

EL..Bed 15 B.R.C..Room A..B..and Bed 15 Delta Manor..

He came into my room 3A Today…

Who is Moving Who..

Karl Means Man

American Meaning: … In American the meaning of the name Karl is: Manly. German Meaning: The name Karl is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Karl is: meaning a man.

Meaning of the name Hagen…

Gaelic Meaning: … In Gaelic the meaning of the name Hagan is: Young. Irish Meaning: The name Hagan is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Hagan is: Little Hugh


It also means Protected Enclosure… (Mental Health Shelter?..nope)

North German and Dutch: topographic name from Middle Low

German hage(n), Middle Dutch haghe ‘enclosure’, ‘hedge’. German, Dutch, and Danish: from a Germanic personal name, a short form of the various compound names formed with hag ‘enclosure’, ‘protected place’ as the first element.’

Little Hugh means ..

From the Germanic element hug, meaning heart, mind, spirit. It was common among Frankish and French nobility, being borne by Hugh Capet, a 10th-century king of France who founded the Capetian dynasty.

The Man of Heart Mind and Spirit in One..

Who lives in a an enclosure, a Garden of Eden..a protected place as the First Element in Being..


HU..MAN…HU (8 21..H.C..Harmonious Consciousness.. not Hilary Clinton… 83..383…See sacred portal)

G.H…G=7, H=8… 78/87.. 787…

9:20 p.m.


It is where I had to Reach…


9:21 p.m.


I know Universe Galaxy M.W 787..

Redangelstar Galaxialove

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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