
8:12 p.m.

8:12 p.m.





A very quick post..

I just wished to demonstrate the alignment of the World now to the E codes.

So at least now, you the People as Individuals ( Snow Flakes.. It is snowing here in New York) can at least witness the true Alignment of the Universe and the Plan-E.T at the very end.

Recall that I had 71 and 107 then 17 on the tops of the Starbucks coffee cups…

71… Do Ti La Sol Fa Mi… Rey Do….. Do-T. I La! Sol Fami (ly) Do.. ( Did the Do…Doing)

G.A… LA XY…Y…1O11 C I

107 .. 1O7…. 17…. J.G…. A O G…

17…. Letter Q…

Then the arrival of Alex Reyenga as my face book friend again.

and the Alignment to QueenTy Johnson which Links to Lisa Natalie Johnson Line.. L N… I.E…. L.I.N.E…

But even more so… Alignment to Emeka -Derrick bed 5-017… E.O.Q…I…

I.Q…OE…. Intelliegence Quotient… Infinity Quantum… Individuality Quintessential…

Snow Flake.. symbol of Individuality…

And of course, its snowing.

And then to my faceBook Memory of the Stone Titans of Strength and Power of the Earth being a Masculine Principle.. Y.

Rather than that of a Woman used from ancient times as the symbol of Earth because of her ability to give birth to children.

But Children are Beautiful Illusions – in a process of transformation until they reach Beautiful Youthphysically age 18-21…22…

And now as a Species, Evolved Energetically to Beautiful Youth Eternal…

Then to Ugo Nwamama’s post right below on my News Feed….

Of course, there is an immense sadness in me, very much to like the Snow Falling that I am still here in this place and undercover and thus, meaning even more is being demanded of me .. is that even possible?

My mind and being was awake all night reviewing my entire all the years which passed me by as I was solving this Equation E.O…Q.I… of a Hue-man being who is E.T

*( Actually I mean that Literally and figurativey considering that I have all the qualifications to be called an Extra Terrestrial even to the energies rising in my body)..

E.O Q.I… Which is the correct aligment through the E view…

7 to 1… Then 1-7 …Descent Ascent.. D.A… Da Enlightens… Sacred Portal D=4…A=1…

The Sum of the Square all in One….which forms the Full Circle….

17 71…. 8 8… 16…P… Peter Nyarkô Peter Zihlmann…

Plan.E.T… Plan.E.T…. PP 1616.. 32… 5… E

16… 7…. G….

God Particle…

Arrival my text of Georges-Philippe Roc G.P.R… With a text stating he has sent me a monetary gift… which is not about the money but the ability to ve moved by my efforts which through the years he witnessed from the day I met him May 8th ( 5-8)

when I was sure I was going home- Dawn Marie play…

D.M… Which instead lead me to D.M… Delat Manor…

G is of course, H…. 7 is 8… 7+8= 15… Letter O… Then 6.. F…ACT

Just as 69…6+9 = 15…O.. 6…F ACT..

On Earth.. ( Wine Red Tobbacco Pouch American Spirits which I buy)

And Heaven… ( The Blue Tobbacco Pouch which comes to me when I am doing the Sky equation Vast Limitlessness…)

Earth Heaven E.H.. Alignment by a Hue-Man Expression bringing the Two into alignment by My occupying Space…

That Space In between which links the Two… Symbolized as 11…

Thus, creating a Bridge… H.

Harmony Infinity…

Thereby proving my orignal equation that from Earth came the Heavens…

E Art H… Harmony… being a S.B.. Supreme Being who by exemplfying Supreme Being-ness replicated the Equation I recall doing ( and posted- streaming posted years ago as the Orignal Manner I recall when having manifsted alone in Space, and how I Solid Land Manifested all Around me…

The Solid Ground beneath my feet was not the Earth of the ground I stood on, but rather the Solid Fact of my Truth which was my stance in Sacred portal 147 A and 147B… The aspects of myself as the 1… Then 1 1… Space and then Earth Heaven… E.H.. 5 8…. 13.. ( 12+1… L.A… Which aligns naturally to the Human World Calandar moving to a 12 month years… as well as Time to 12… Hours… and this January to December… J.D…

D.J… Dough Jones Alabama.. 2nd state… First time since 1992 that a Democrat as elected.. Linked to me through the play of Axel Love and I ( Axel Anderson.. A-A…) in 2005…( 25)

to 1992 Paris Decemeber.. when I literally found the way home back to that portal at which I had eneacted that very act..

Opposte Garde De Nord Paris with my Room Mates Stephan and Manu…

See the meaning of the name Stephan… Crowned with Laurels of Victory

‘Manu meaning Progenitor or Source of the Hue man race

Who left me alone each going home for Christmas after I told them that I was going home but without my body… we wept. Manu begged me to stay, but I was being summoned.

I was correct age 25 and that was 25 years ago … 25 25..Y Y…

50 Years… 5O..


Jan to Dec.. J.D/ D.J… Full Circle… O..NE… which moves the A O… Alpha Omega ( really 1-6 in meaning)

to A.. Passing through the O… to rest there for a moment life a Fanatastic Four or Super Hero Logo… The A rests as the All Seeing Eye ( AS..E).. Eye of Horus.. Eye of Oh.Sir.U.S.. Seated on His Throne of IS. IS…

( Yes Derrick and his Fiance representing 9-19- 2001…9-19-1966… 9=I..19=S… I.S.. I.S)…

Isis Osiris… IS IS… K.. K I S S… Of Life and ..sacred portal 114.. Death….

Where He, It .. I…describe full circle what I see and Fill te Full Circle with Expression F.C.. 6 3… then on completion of that…

the A In the O, so much yes as a Total Solar Eclipse… 8-21-2017…

Total Lunar Eclipse… T.L..E… 20 12… 32… 5.. E… T.L..E..

The next Total Lunar Eclipse is on January 31st 2018 2 13;30p.m. It is really an Energetic Code and Frequency which does this and which has already been completed by me..

1-31- 2018… 38… 11… 2 1…

* 2001….21… 9-19-2001….

The Alignment of the is of the Human Body to the Hue Man Being.. 31 Vertebra in the Human Body.. links to 31…( 26+5… A-Z+E…. Z.E… ( E Z E…… Which means Teeth in OInri Igbo and was what appeared on the Mevius Tobacco box I found as also appeared on the Screen Saver here on the computer besides me..

Mabumba.. Shows a black Woman.. really black with an amzing body and breast in a corset and her wide grinning face in which th ethree front teeth have been literally pulled out..

Yes exacyly like mine… though mine was not done by me- as this one is, which is obviosly some ancient Earth Goddess cults Symbol of Phsical Beauty.. That Gap in the Front teeth.

This one though is more AN Exaggeration.. 3 Teeth are missing just as mine…

But this is not about the Igbo Earth Goddess Ala… BAMA… OBA MA… Nor the Eye of Sauron… Twin Towers… Lord of the Rings…

( Yes the Ring Erik Ebright gave me which I am wearing even now on my Thumb.. a Numbers Ring)..

No, this is about the A moving to Ressurecton A-Moves through the Full Circe.. Paused and then Moves A to O to Center an then to O.A…

O.A.H.. Having solved the Equation while at the same time Moving Everything to Resurrect to E.O.Q.I… C.E…

Eternity Fill Circle Q..


In physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. Behind this, one finds the fundamental notion that a physical property may be quantized, referred to as the hypothesis of quantization. This means that the magnitude of the physical property can take on only certain discrete values..”

Yes but more accurately simply the letter Q..

*First attested in the late 14th. century, etymology traces from the Greek etymologia, from etymon true sense (neutral of etymos true, related to eteos true) + logos word.. The origin of a word or phrase is its etymology.”

Yes.. True Sense… T.S… Steven Terrell… of Logos… Really Cosmos.. Cosmic Order…Log book O.S…E ( HOSE JOSE.. Jose Clara… Joseph Carey.. J.H… 108..1O8… 18… 2018..)

Ï… Well i is I… One Standing Erect Alighed.. Infinite.. I.. E..

And this Eternity E. Full Circle as Symmetrical Perfection -Harmony, Q as the True Sense of Order -Harmony is explained by the I…

9th Letter… 333… 9

I the Individual…. You the Individual.. The People… the I..


Further Reading…

The I..







the imaginary quantity equal to the square root of minus one. Compare with j.




1.forming the plural.

2.of nouns adopted from Latin ending in -us:

foci ·


3.of nouns adopted from Italian ending in -e or -o:




forming adjectives from names of countries or regions in the Near or Middle East:

Azerbaijani ·



from Semitic and Indo-Iranian adjectival endings.





a connecting vowel chiefly forming words ending in -ana, -ferous, -fic, -form, -fy, -gerous, -vorous. Compare with -o-.




I’s (plural noun) · Is (plural noun) · is (plural noun)

1.the ninth letter of the alphabet.

•denoting the next after H in a set of items, categories, etc.

2.the Roman numeral for one.





1.used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself:

accept me for what I am




the I (noun)

1.(in metaphysics) the subject or object of self-consciousness; the ego.


Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ik and German ich, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin ego and Greek ego.



2.(preceding a highway number) Interstate.

3.Island(s) or Isle(s) (chiefly on maps).


1.electric current

*J is the tenth letter in the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabet. Its normal name in English is jay /d?e?/ or, now uncommonly, jy /d?a?/.[1][2] When used for the palatal approximant, it may be called yod (/j?d/ or /jo?d/) or yot (/j?t/ or /jo?t/).

The letter J originated as a swash letter I, used for the letter I at the end of Roman numerals when following another I, as in XXIIJ or xxiij instead of XXIII or xxiii for the Roman numeral representing 23. A distinctive usage emerged in Middle High German.[3] Gian Giorgio Trissino (1478–1550) was the first to explicitly distinguish I and J as representing separate sounds, in his ?pistola del Trissino de le lettere nu?vamente aggiunte ne la lingua italiana (Trissino’s epistle about the letters recently added in the Italian language) of 1524.[4] Originally, ‘I’ and ‘J’ were different shapes for the same letter, both equally representing /i/, /i?/, and /j/; but, Romance languages developed new sounds (from former /j/ and /g/) that came to be represented as ‘I’ and ‘J’; therefore, English J, acquired from the French J, has a sound value quite different from /j/ (which represents the initial sound in the English word yet).

9;32 A.M

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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