
8:08 pm – 88 p.m. – S.P.88 – I was

8:08 pm

88 p.m.

I was just reminded to add a code,

Anirbas Lem connected Perfectly the character in the Book which Aligned to my Facebook friend who recently arrived Marlow Jansel.
Mary Jane.

In Hearts of Darkness. H.O.D
and Apocalypse Now. (1979).
And so I was reminded to add Harry Potter. H.P.
Voldemort actually means “Volume of Death”
V.O.D. O O.

Ink Death. I.D. Mortimer. Blue Jay- Azure. 31.
Tatoo Goo- INK.E. NIKE.

And yes, my Yoruba Nri Igbo code and the Yoruba workers who came today and of course IBeji and lastly the 4th Kind – NOME, 49th State, Alaska.

Sacred Portal 49.

Connecting Primary Colors. P.C= Personal Computer- ( Your brains and Pan View) to a channel T.V- your Lives Existence E.T.C..)
Sacred Portal 97.

Yes, Magic, Yes, H.P./ P.H.
Harmony Perfection- Perfect Harmony- Poverty Hollow.

9:17 pm.


Fantasy Fiction- A Fact.

8:18 pm.

H.R. H.

Increase the Darkness of Terrible Death Imagined.

8:21 pm.

H.U. MAN Unnatural

8:22 pm.


H.A. H A INE- Hatred.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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