
8:08 pm. – 88. – 8-6-8. – 0 is O.

8:08 pm.



0 is O. 6th Sense.

Jeron, Satya, Supreme Lang-u-a.g.e.
= 60.

So I just saw a ping! Notification from Writer, Authors, Artists…

It was just posted, so out of curiosity of the name “Elizabeth Panczica”
I decided to let my sixth sense guide me 60- 6O- Birthday Boy, Nony Boy, I decided to investgate the intell message, the Avatar had no idea she was being used to send me a message – read via Perfect Timing. PT.
C.E. 3 5.
C.E.- C-A. A- Alexader Arden Aurelia.
Nancy Aurelia.

I did, all know what the name Elizabeth means.

Panzica *”Simona Panzica says: The origin of this name is ancient greek. Is composed by 2 words: Pan (/?pæn/;[1] Ancient Greek: ???, Pan) translates “everything” or “all” and the Greek word ???? (ps?kh?) was “life” in the sense of “breath”, formed from the verb ???? (psukh?, “to blow”) whose derived meanings included “spirit”, “soul”, “ghost”, and ultimately “self” in the sense of “conscious personality” or “psyche”. So you can say that Panzica means “full of soul” or “full of spirit”. The origin is south of Italy where around the 6th century BC the Greeks had founded many colonies”

Everything. Every-Thing. E. E.T.
All, Life, which Breaths.
Blow. is Spirit, Soul -Ghost ( as In Holy Ghost)
SELF- Ultimately SELF= 42, is Conscious Personality. Psyche. S. C.P. P.

Full Of Soul.
Full of Spirit.
E-A T. Gemino- Gemini- Twins.
Liscomb, Lang. L L= 1 24 =A.X.
Sum = 25. Y.

Jeron Lang.
B-Y. R.S. – T.V.


8:25 p.m

I.B.E. A.M. E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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