
8:07 p.m

8:07 p.m

From Tree Sage

He sent me this at 5:58 p.m

Recall the Play with Brooke Lee Lemery

Whom I called Dawn..

And the True Story of Dawn and the Tree she stood besides in the first begining of Creation Time


Christopher Filgueira

Tree Sage. Kim Arthur Hines..

Dawn Redwood.

Angela Dawn

Tiffany Dawn Haynie

Dawn Chimento

Kerry Redwood Atjecoutay

I recounted the Story to Kim the other day and how Tom Trueman played that part when In his birth day in 2011, which is the day Facebook founder Mark Zuckerman was born

How he went to the woods with friends including Marina Burini who saw him transform.

As I was writing him and happy birthday E mail I began to recount the actual birth of the Lure or the first Wisp of Light in the Darkness

And how he was two John ( Grace) and Luke ( Light )

Which is the name of Toms literal brother John and Luke

J L…





I recounted how as he navigated his way through Creation as first Wisp, how he fell into doubt at a point where the darkness became so over whelming and that was just as he was to reach the end of the maze where his feminine self as Dawn awaited..

But he decides in the last minute that he had forgotten his brother Luke Light Lucifer and went back to get him.

And how Dawn saw this and though he had rejected her. That she was not attractive and that is how she mourned grieved and became Deaths Expression as the End.

But it was really the Story of sending her down just as TT.. John Luke as Adem was sent down

Adam means the Color red…

There is so much more to that story but I have already recounted it enough through the years.

8:21 p.m right now


Brooke and Kim..

B K..

Top of the Mountain

King of the Hill..

Dawn Tree.

D T.

Donald Trump..

The real one..

D T 420 Mary Jane

McKayla Rays

John Mack

8:26 p.m right now


Z 26 8..

8 26 8.

Recall the Brown Tree Man I found at Generation X Gardens 268, after 61 days living in an Alley after I left Sues in Soho and the Green House..

Axel Love was the witness.

I took 21 pills to simulate I was going through the Portal of Death Time to find those whose lived before Adam.

They Lived Before Adam by the late Prof Catherine Acholonu.

I then spent 61days searching for the Portal which ended up being Albert Santana portal where he sat with an older Caucasian Tall man called Sage, and the other called Isaac Calvin McCullough.

The tree was standing on the Top of a globe, Earth summoning the awakening by blowing a conch.

Al had been given instructions by the Espirt moving in him on how to build the sculpture and the Afro Face on the Sculpture.

He changed the face and placed his own..

And the statue collapsed when I arrived there


8:35 p.m right now

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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