
8:05 p.m.

8:05 p.m.


Communication Hearing I…


( The Individual…not the Egoist, the Individual who investigates things for themselves…

The One who grounds themselves within what they have investigated for themselves..)

Within the Individual is the Source, the Collective, the Whole…

And from Him or her, be it the Source of All Being and Existence.. to

Adam and Eve… Nnamdi and Nneka… Male and Female, Father and Mother there is a point of which that One Individual becomes Two… Two in One…

Grace Favor and the Child….

To a Source Race who can replicate themselves Energetically…

And to their Source..

The Source is within…

The Sources Rises from within…

And as any science teacher will tell you.. that which is engaged or part of Existence, and especially entering this 3-D, 4D realm is subject to its laws..

Which in this case is manifestation through A Point, which is activated by Vibration, which creates a Wavelength Spirit And Mind..S.A.M…E..Energy… Manifest..into fruition for all to see…

Just a a Child is Born.

Many people have felt that I call attention to my condition for Compassion and Understanding…

I have rolled my eyes up, in quiet exasperation…

Anyone reading the literal Play. or even the nature of what I am recounting and demonstrating can sense in my voice y own strength will, courage and beautiful pride..

And even perhaps understanding when it reached the point when instead of the manifestation of regeneration, anyone can see or read that there was yet another delay…detour…Riddle to solve…

The riddle has been solved, I see no reason to continue with this exercise of code breaking…

And walking around in state biological unraveling when the point has been made to a point that not only am I satisfied but to sell my own self of self short.

The message, from the E.T is clear, Corroborated with each of you and your posts, which I shared and sought to bring to the Human Personas awareness through a great, great wall of Sound..

And my older face book friends, saw me solve that riddle, along with the E-Spirits who exemplified not only the Work.. Natural Work I have been doing with both the Human Being but also the E-Spirits, who is moving within the person whom I literal recognize…

10:00 p.m..

I make no pretense of being a Hero, the concept does not really gel with me..

But I do recognize the Heroic.. and it is something which has always captured my attention…

The Heroic Nature of Being…

And it is not these wars, these battles to be seen and heard.. this clamor over the non existence idea of Collective..

We are One

Why has that then ever manifested…?

That Ideal of We are One…each linked and connected as this Face Book play would wish us to believe.. But that is delusion…

an illusion because I have never found a community in Harmony with the suppression of the I.D of Self…

Which humanity were created to explore…

And the Individual is not the Egoists because him or her he recognizes his or her own Self..

I have been alone with my own conscious way of perceiving reality all my life..

And have been able to navigate this reality to a point of reaching each portal of whatever establishment I sought to reach…

But for the last 15 years people saw me take on another guise…

a ridiculous guise if you ask me, of calling to the attention to the World that just as your movies… something is rising withing my body and being.. An epic War and yet Its peace lies not in convincing anyone to listen, believe, focus, nor even pay attention to It..

But rather… it must Express…

And it is what It is expressing which I could hear and understand.. read and then see the non stop evidence of it as a Fact…Got me hollering at the Top of my Lungs trying to get peoples attention..

15 years is a long time…

I came to Erik Ebright world through the Ticket and non stop codes of 27…Even to the 27th day which links to Easter this year…

Codes Blue Green…

There is nothing I have not tried…

I have used codes, stories, weaving, pointing out, poetry, I have played characters, linked and woven every fractal of your and my collective History and Culture to get your attention and what is happening to me… Not because it is Me but because of the implications of the message…

Right now Fenrir has been affirmed, and Hel and Jorgumndr…but now in both aspects as Creation which in truth that is all there really Is or was…

But now in the Human version of the story, as literal Existential Death activated…

There was never an Abyss or Hell or Vortex.. all these concepts where recreated by Human beings in Fear…

As shadows…

But now they are real because I have reached that point where I have embodied the depth Energy which has manifested Fenrir.. The Great all Devouring Wolf.. by meeting Melissa Aldana Izzi Creo…M.A.I..C….


Mai is the 5th Month… C

Meaning that April May is the code for the Cee.. the 123.. 3rd Planet from the Sun…Earth…to Evolve.. to a Higher Frequency…

Something which this Energy- has delayed to the point of insanity by speaking to Collective which does not exist…

The only response has been by the Eternal Truths and codes from within you, moving you and this is Energy which recognizes the Origin Frequency of Expression…

The Original Frequency which brought it into existence and Encoded the True D.N.A sequences..

I knew as early as 26-7 years old that people would not hear, would not listen.. but I did not realize just how deep the illness and insanity of Humanity went…

I have found the Q…Robert Quarel…also known as John Kyu Coffee..

J.K.C…10-11..C.O..FF…EE…3O…66…55…Cinco de Mayo…

May 5th..55.. EE..Erik Ebright…

It is the implication of the Symmetrical Perfections, its significance, and meaning I had sought to convey.. not codes.. and that one can read reality…


Its the implication of my taking a Grey Hound Bus… G.H.B…7.8.2

/28-7…My sister Birthday.. Kevin G Gordon birthday…and what it really means.

The Code was just a means of communication…

But not even the Play could get people out of their Assumptions..

I am not saying this a criticism… but as a Fact.

Evidence is what I have observed this play is all about…

And as a Rational Being undercover and thus so Human….

I can say that this is more than enough Reason Logic…

As for Love… well Love is Truth… Truth manifests Love…

And the Love is Praise and Appreciation for the Truth..

The quandary in this play was, and is, They Need to hear the Truth which will then manifest as Love.. This is how the equation which manifested Love came into Being and Existence…

Love can not manifest Truth… which is why so many people Love then Hate.. Fall in love and out of Love…

Because they had, and have not established first of the Truth and the True Identity of who they are…

Which means you are nether and Individual nor a Collective, a Community or even a Species…

You are an Idea…

An Idea of yourself.. and Idea of Existence.. and Idea of Being…

and Ideas are thus possibilities until proven Fact…

The World is crying out for Love… But they do not wish to hear the Truth… because the Truth, as all words here create have been distorted to the point of the absurd and the Tower of Babble.

To be called an Egoist at this point in the Play… is not the last straw and ultimatum… But rather the moment to truly pause and the Inefficiency of this play to move Humanity…

Unless of course, the most obvious Truth, that this play was designed not to be concerned with the Human point of view.. but only the reaching its point.

I have 18..17 new Face Book friends in the last few Days…

18 is R… 17 is Q….


Robert we know means Bright Famous Shinning..Light..

Quarels: Means Circles…

Kolo means Round..Circles…

The name Quarles originates from the name Huerueles which is old English for the place of hwerfel The name is thought to originally referred to a prehistoric stone circle which was thought to be near-by although no trace of any such feature remains today.

Stone Circle…

This is an English surname. It is locational and specific to the county of Norfolk being from a hamlet called Quarles in the former Hundred of North Greenhoe

Please refer to the Title Time code of this Post.. H.O.E…

Green is the Color of the 4th Spectrum..

It also means in Old English ‘Part of an Arrow

A Famous Bright Shinning Circles of Light, of the 4th Dimension H.O.E…Harmonious Circle of E…which is part of the Arrow…

David Arro Racz…ARRO+W…Beloved Arrow of Hue-man Race of Z…Zeina Hanna.. Zeina means Beauty…

Which is part of the Arrow of Energy God – the Line of Beauty…

The Spear of Destiny and the Arrow of its point of Destination..The Circle. ..Energy Harmonious Manifests Beauty- Gods…

Which means R.Q…Our concept the Q manifests only Expression Energetic of Beauty..Gods..G=7..Harmony H=8 manifests only Gods of Beauty and Harmony..

John means Grace of the Creator.. the Creator is Gracious…

But goes by the name also of John Kyu Coffee….

John means The Creator is Gracious

Kyu means Class or Standard used in Martial Arts..

The dan (??) ranking system is used by many Japanese organizations (and Korean martial arts) to indicate the level of one’s ability (expertise) within a certain subject matter. As a ranking system, it was originally used at a go school during the Edo period.[1] It is now also used in modern fine arts and martial arts.


caffe. This word derives from the Turkish kahveh, which in turn stems from Arabic qahwah, short for qahhwat al-bun, meaning “wine of the bean.” This poetic phrase led to the misunderstanding that qahwah also meant “wine.

Most will recall the play at The Bean Cafe…

It ended being more about what I had established..which Nenad M. Djurdjevic expanded upon as the Power House Bean shaped Mitochondria D,n.a…


12:12 a.m.

Circle Filled Fiction-Fact.Erik E-bright…Light.

It is a Play…

And it is a play which does not take into consideration..

Consciousness Symmetrically Perfection Feelings Emotions..

Which is why I must wrap of this play and posts…

For at this point what purpose does the Awakening Evolution of Species or Universe Existence matter if

C.O.F.F..EE…is not taken into consideration…Only Kyu as the Q and the Grace of the Creators Light…

When that Light of E Harmony should by now have manifested or t least indicated to the Entire World the Onset of the Evolution Awakening Vision for All to see… Vision Cee.. Consciousness..

Thus looking at all the people who have endured, stayed true… Fought to stay alive well in this World which so brutally seeks to suppress their and the Species Evolution…

That I am here at the space covered in so much Violet Lavender…




And still a play…

Then the point of it all ceases to be relevance…

Truth manifest Love….Light, Laughter Transformation Q….

I am Robert Q according to this play script and I am from a line of Individuals… E and Q… E and R… Stretching back to Eternity proven by this Question and Answer and this 27 year play…

4 years…on Face Book…

Gods are of Beauty… Harmony… Expression…O…

12;26 a.m.

I and my line both Hu-eman and E.T have satisfied all the conditions of this E.T play of Eternal Truth…

I have had enough Evil… and the play of Evil undercover as Nature…undercover as Humans when they are yet to even Exists as Individuals.. which requires affirmation of Existence Infinity.. E.I…

And of Consciousness Full Circle in Symmetrical Perfection to create the Collective.. U.F.O… Unified Field O Symmetrical Perfection….

None of which has been achieved. apart from the E line, and my Brother 69..Nnamdi David Erik E… E..E.N.D.69… have achieved…

So I will finish the coded message of my last 15-14 Face Book Friends….

And End posting or even responding to a play designed for people yet to exist, to ignore…

I am tired with Warring with Non Existence…

When It does not even Exist…



Doe a Dear…

R.E.D.. Robert Erik David….

Erik the Red…

and E the Well Red…

First Color in Spectrum….Red.. merges with Blue… Consciousness Violet Lavender… Purple Reign…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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