
8:03 p.m

8:03 p.m

H O C.

H.F C..

8 6 C…

Hindsight Foresight creates Consciousness

Harmony is Sixth Sense = Consciousness


Liberty C Liscomb invited me to the Salt Baths after my body had to go back down, it wasn’t her fault of course, its the play of ah yes

8:06 p.m right now.

Perfect Timming

Perfect Symmetry

And yes, I did travel aided by the code represented by Arden and Ferrel

Air Arden ( and Water)

Ferrell Water

Auriela – Link Aphrodite rising from the se.

( The Golden Age and Its Golden Dawn..

In Short, the True Beautiful Past.

Liberty briefed me on the codes she had seen evrry where CC

3O3 every where she had exclaimed.

3 6 9

Earth Saturn Pluto

E S P… I.N ..E

Yes, include

E 19 16. 14. Their ages.

*E I is me.. Energy Infinity. I.C

E S. P I N. ..E. C.

E S P I N. E. C O D E S. P. I N. E… E T C.

Enter The Circle.

8:16 p.m


Harmony Perfection

Harry Potter/ Potters Hollow were we are at.

E S. Energy Supreme.. Perfection I Naturalnesses Experience Creation O D E S..

See Sacred Portal 104.

Com Pass me says Terrible Death

Cloak Of Death Energy Supreme

Yes, link the Inner Compass..

Imagine trying to pass that.

That which is your inner compass..

Only the Golden Ratio can go beyond Terrible Death, The Absolute End.

And then, it.. you begin to transform.

E SPIN S The Whole sum of Existence.

Lets not talk about this right now.

. Add Leander ( Bun) and Jeron age codes

11 9.

See my Sacre 119 ( 14 9. N.I / I.N.

E S P. I.N.

Aphrodite is Harmony H 8. 9 is I.

H.I..M.E… ( couldn’t resist.. 🙂 )

Yes, Sacred Portal S.P ( Ferrell Arden)

Is Alien Father Alpha.

A F A.

8:26 p.m

Yes, the play which began in 2006

268 East 4th Street

Alpha Bet City.


Generation X Gardens

A.Santana A S

Arden Small.

13 years ago.

*Yes Arden 13.

13 was the age he began his manhood initation rite of passage.

Yes A.S

Wisdom And Knowledge. W A K

Photograph of Arden by his God Mother


Did I mention how Arden was thinking for days about showing me that T Shirt with the Oath and Vow he took, but what decided it was he went into Ferells room while contemplating this when he saw that his older brother by 3 years, had left it out on the chair to wash.

He took it as his cue.

Ferrel had looked out for him because he was one of the older boys who had already through.

That is how to read… through perfect timing which when acted upon a results in striking Gold! Opening a door way.. in this case of a whole new world he had always known.

A portal back home to Eden Paradise

Well we call that Harmony.

Perfect Harmony.


Brothers in Harmony despite the illusion of Black and White

Black or White.

Sigh.. 96. 69.

Arden had told me his favorite numbers is 7 followed by 13.. and 11.

7.13. G M. God Mother?

His God Mother is Charleen Johnston.

She took the photograph which I had recognized him before I met him.

He was holding a White Flower.

Liberty showed me some series of posts from Charleen Johnston C J. 3 10, 3 16. C.P

Cosmic Prayer/ P.C Prime Creator, Personal Computer.

* Mine is a Paradise Blue Hewlett Packard


She had had a dream the same night as Arden and her Dream Vision which she illustrates and provided comments was a mirror expression of the play which took place here.

S.P. H E. R E. A .H.

Liberty excitedly showed me.it.

Do you recall the play and scene when Liberty invited me to the Local Fair..

And the two boys in blue I noted ( and coded) to my right wearing the blue jersey…

7 13..


Add 11. K.

G M K.

M K G.

M Keith Grant. Bed 53 2015

Assessment Shelter


M13. Keith Grant

Dette Grant. D G. 4 7. 11 28

M 13. K 11. G 7

G K M. 7 11.13.. 13th Gate.

Arden then mention how the number 13

Is predominant in his Gemini Astrological Sign.

13 House?

13 ..Yes I mentioned the 13th Astrological Sign

Ophiuchus Aclepius ( Son of Apollo)

11 -29 it begins.

K Kasien Thompson K.T

See the meaning of Kasien

Distribution Circulation.. D C.

Arden had spoken about how he heals his body, and about Distribution Circulation in his body and went out side to do so today..

8:58 p.m right now.

8 58 B E A. License Plate.

Thompson means the Twins Son.

Two Men.. A.H Tom.

Son of Expression and Awareness.

True Conversation between Energy and E and ATom E..

Sacred portal 41.

D A..


1111 in 1. Gemini Gemino.

Descended Ascension

The Gymn he went to recently with his friend Fred.



A -A A MAN F C. Full Circle. First Contact.

Ophiuchus Aclespius

Alpha Omega

Omega Alpha.

9:04 p.m right now is

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Sarah Kaizer

E S. Me room 904 Red Roof plus.

Emeka Esteban Sarah

E: E S.


S E E…

Inner Ocean is one of the books Libery bought from Karen today, the gifted massage therapist who treated Auriela and Jeron and herself today.

And I saw while in the Salt Bath through the Espirit of Ardens eyes, as if he were me.. but it was he, soaring over.the Ocean of Salt..

Peering at his reflection, but not simply his face Adonai Cupid.Narcissus – A C N ….Eros Aphrodite .. A C. N. ( A Pi) N E A. H

He was flying racing like the wind, peering at not what he observed as the World Mirror… Reflection of Air, Water.. he was living Energy..

9:14 p.m


And his Reflection he saw in the Dead Sea was his own reflections in Hindsight of what he Expression Sixth Sense S.E.X.

9:16 p.m


.. * His Dream which persisted even when, and while he was A W A K E ..

He had it 3 Times.

Ah! Be..Cee.

Wisdom And Knowledge Expression

Aware Wisdom And Knowledge Energy.

A.W A K E..

G M.


U.E. Mark.M his Mentor. MM 13 13 26 8..

H U G E. H.

And what he saw in his reflection was Himself

Rising from the sea of Poseidon Hephaestus.



Perfectly A P P Y with his Reflection his True Form: Male Female.

9:29 p.m


Nordin Roslee Is my latest Facebook Friend

Nordin means North

Yes, as me in my apartment across from Le Gare De Nord in France 1992.

My recent post of which I went home through a Coma a portal of Darkness to a perfect sphere of light, which I recognized as my.portal which I can now call Perfection.


11 11. All 1.

Nord means North…

North Star..

The One Constant.

Rosalee means Rose

N.R. Natures Reflection.

O I N R I. O.S… O IN River..

River Phoenix is the name I had called him through that photo on the Fridge

9:39 p.m right now.



And so this is an Echo Confirmation through my 3rd? 14 87 Facebook Friend.

Nordin Roslee

And it states That in 1992 I did go.to the Light and returned and stayed true to my.revelations and a Sacred Mission given to.me.to share the way home.with the World Peoples.

And that Light in.my third eye was a crown.

And yes, by the way, there is still an.illusion as Evil and Fear..

Trying to block the View of the Youth.

And testing me with Jealousy and Hurt.

Seeking to Cloud the vision but not.realizing that this meddling, and using a cloud to.obstruct the Vision is the Cloud called House of God.

See Sacred Portal 46. W W.

9:46 p.m

Jupiter Ascending


10 1.

Jealousy is not in my nature, not for the young, my, or the illusion of my lost youth, or.people using my using my Transparency Honesty against me, to cause me pain by placing.me in situatuons which calliusly flaunts that which.has been denied me..

Much like those who taunt the blind and disabled.

Cruelty Personified


How can I be jealous of my Self?

And not be perfectly aware that I was placed in this situation intentionally, maliciously just to see how I would respond to the revelations of my.True Feelings, used to seek to destroy.me.

How can you take it seriously, when you can see its Source?.

And Reason

And Evil Script?

No, I understood the play a while ago, and now once again, we have proof of its Source.

Liberty went out dancing with Tom and Jeron

She invited me, but of course, I declined.

T.L J. 2012. T E N

J L T.. V T.

Ferell is with his girlfriend here Rielly.

F R.

Arden with Autumn Small.


Auriela is with her Self, in her room alone probably speaking with her friend Jaden.

A J.

Leander did half the dishes after dinner, and has gone to bed with Flora.

L.F… / F.L

All is as it was designed to be,

Its is not Harmony but one can see its meaning quite clearly..

And the omission was no omission of my.feelings, or that I Exist

I did not come here this address to Dance ..despite being The Eternal.Dancer.

I did not come here to because I was lonely or sought a Girlfriend, or sex and companionship

I.am SEX.

And I know what it feels like to be desired even it this current state and condition.

I came here to seek the trail of my Eternal.Family, and the to prove the Truth of my Father.

I have found Arden ..

..he and what he represents, the end of this story of Evil created by your minds not mine or my Twin Brothers or Sister nor the E Family.

These are yours The worlds reflections not mine his hers or ours

I have found Arden .. and what he and his line represents.

*He just came up stairs asked me a little favor.

On cue?

10:13 p.m

J.M. Jump Man Micheal Jordan.. River Jordan

Baptism with Water

River Phoenix Baptism through Fire. Okwu Mmou

River Nile. Crocodiles Baptism through Terrible Death.

Stream of Conscious Baptism through Air A river runs through us

Baptism through the Unseen See and Reflection Inside Ocean Depth to Surface breakiny

Intelligence I.Q..

Quantum Leap


M.J Mari Juana

I came to complete a mission, and nothing in 27 years and especially the last 7.11 years and 13 days has been able to derail or distract me from the goal and the Point.

Not even my mother 31 yrs absence, and almost 2 yrs not by phone ( can not find her number).

It unfair, but I have never wished upon anyone my fate, or been jealous, even when so provoked to blame shame guilt, wish to spoil fun for anyone.

Nor piss on anyones happiness.

Even when I.have to tell the plain truth, I dress it up in Beauty and Laughter.

Its never beem my nature to make anyone share a misery and suffering I do not feel, but which has been imposed.

True Compassion or True Consciousness

True Consideration even True Conversation without all the work and etc..

But this is the Narlture of this play..

I will boogie..

And when Its the perfect timing moment

and I.will do it on my.own terms.

Until then..

10:43 p.m right now

I simply observe Cruelties play of the Selfishness Exteme of Humanity not Being their True Selves.

10:44 p.m

10:45 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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