
8:02 pm. – 82. – 8- 62 – The code

8:02 pm.


8- 62

The code was “S.S.H”

We all saw it form.
I coded it.

I just got back,
the sound from the next door Thumping through my room and the bathroom,
The Nextdoor neighbor.

I take it that is the Last Straw.
L.S for E Nnamdi- Arden Aurelia Black Sarah…
David Rod.

Which I am reading is a signal for the End and the beginning.

8:06 pm.

Well, you all know what I think and reflect, that they, it was allowed to go too far.

8 66- Harmony Sacred portal 66 “Super Nova – Back Hole”

But as I said, each to his or her own, I am pissed that I even have to code this to ensure Command, Action Prompt.
C A P. T.

8:08 pm

88 S.P.


Enough of this,
8:09 pm


8 69.

How brilliant and exquisite play, but not on this breed of… human?


What a waste…
But many I know will appreciate it in hindsight, perhaps even I, of course, I will, but it will also fuel the forever rage in me and once in a while my desire to add more Hell-Fire, to those already dead.

8:13 pm.
Good, it is granted.

I saw that I had the code 12-6 on my Facebook Top of the page.


F.L. -L.F.
Full Circle.
F.C. I.E/ 59 S.P.

8:16 pm

Last Chance Ends.

6:17 pm.
Fact Quantum Manifestation.

Ah, I see that is what I was charged at the Arabian Shop, aligned to Tangiers.

13.97 U.S.D.

M.I.7. 007 J.B. Licensed to Kill… Again, and Again… etc…
That is what was just granted.
K.G./ G.K.

Aka. M- I.Q.

John Mack ( 49 Mutual Facebook Friends)
Was born in 19 97.
Sacred Portal 97.
True I.Q.
Manifest I.Q.
On your Achilles Heel. A.H.

* Anastasia Hart. 152 Mutual Facebook Friends. O.B.- A-E.B,

8:28 pm

Keontae Julien K.J.

That was the date Jae Sherman accompanied by Donna moved in here.
Donna came and got Jae Sherman, so not in the play, but in Perfect Harmony.
Two Males.
in one E.K.


*”A submission from Indiana, U.S. says the name Keontae means “Strong handsome warrior” and is of African American origin. Search for more names by meaning.”

Strong Handsome Warrior.
S.H.W. S.H.O.W… Them Hatred Wrath, Violence- Rage.

*”Keontae means Young warrior. A form of Ewan and Evan. Well born. and is of Irish origin. Keontae is primarily considered for baby Boy Names names.”

Young Warrior. W.Y. Add my Yoga Singlet from Stephan Esteban Miguel Filgueria
S. E.M.F.
Supreme Electro-Magnetic Field. 24 X
Add Y.

And add A E.M.F
with Evidence AY

A. Z. X.Y= 49. D.I. E.
Existential Death.
5 4.

April 5th, 1969.

*”This was the name of the Roman emperor Julian (4th century). It was also borne by several early saints, including the legendary Saint Julian the Hospitaller.

Roman Emperor Julian.
4th Century.

*”A name derived from Julianus, Julian means “young at heart.” While his meaning is boyish, Julian is fit for a man, working well in a variety of fields. A name …”

Young at Heart. Boyish.

*”The name Julian is a boy’s name of English, Latin origin meaning “youthful, downy-bearded, or sky father”. Julian was derived from Iulianus, which in turn came …”

Youthful, Downy Bearded. Y.D.B.

Sky Father. S.F.= 25. Y. B.E.

8:40 pm.

smh… from across and above me.
It made me turn a wry smile…

smh… So late.

8:41 pm.

H.D.A. I.

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