
8:01 pm – H.O A. – I O A. – Harmony

8:01 pm

H.O A.
I O A.
Harmony Omega Alpha.
Infinity O-A.
Infinite F -A.
I, O A.

Feeling Sensation all 2020 Vision at perfection. And in Hindsight- and proven Solid Facts.


I truly was not sure I would post anything today.

I am 16 35 Book Friends, a full circle to the almost 11 months ago when I left 900 South Road and the most traumatic play of my entire journey, and yet most heartwarming and intense.

I was at 15 20 Facebook friends;
15 20= 35.

Today I am at 16 35 Facebook friends.
Mahmoud Farouk my last Facebook friend, whose name means “Praise” and “Praise Worthy”
P= 16.
P W Particle and Wave in One Perfection.

And well “The One able to separate between that which is true or false- which one can see as a direct response from the Universe Supreme I represent to my post and challenge to Nature, which, as Naturalness and the one given the guise of Nothing, the Zero to wear, did indeed rise from that Pit and place “Abandon All Hope and all who enter this place”
To rise through all the frequencies of Creation and Nature, able to read and see-through 20.3 to read see and understand every frequency moving around me of Creation Nature, and not only prove I could read and identify them, but that I could transcribe, translate, transform all of their expression via proving ESP, to Satya Truth- putting silence to sound via words on a Face- Book page- in front of a live audience who unaware that my talking posting on Facebook was my literally talking to the Silence, to my Self, while proving out of existence the frequencies and waves of illusion, and thereby unlocking that which is and has been silence and causing it to respond in front of you the witnesses to E S P and that which was unseen unheard and thus for many, the mere act of Talking To The Silence, which was seen as a sign as insanity, that indeed that Nothing does respond.

Through you, and outside of you for all these years for you all to witness be communicate with that unseen and then battle fight, prove their blockage of sight and senses of all you, to be Open.
As the way always was.

One thing was to bring this to your awareness since you all started as Beautiful Illusions.
But it was quite another thing to go up to something which is actually real.

It was one thing to transform Silence to Sound, but quiet another thing to transform Sound to Sight and then prove that the vast see of frequencies like the greatest ocean could be conquered by arguing with it in front of all of you and prove to it, these Titans and Gods of human creation but not the ones of human imagination and history, but the Gods and Titans Nature and Creation that was another thing.
These frequencies are real, they exist “Chidi” and do respond- but through a medium, and this time through a man, who can channel The Sum.

Everything in creation nature vibrates, including all of you.
Each emits a frequency, a currency, it’s not the one you had assigned them, but they’re actually the frequency of which they had been created.
Waves upon waves of lines, layers, resolving each one and their point of view, their resistance.

*Absolute zero, the temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy. It corresponds to ?273.15 °C on the Celsius temperature scale and to ?459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit temperature scale.

You could not see that they were a fact, but you were able to see them respond by moving through you all without your being aware.

At 3:11 pm I received a message from Mahmoud Farouk, he asked me about myself and what the devil was going on on my page.
We danced for a while and by 3:31 pm he sent me a message “You are gorgeous:
( he already knew I am a male)

By 3:12 pm ( C L) he sent me a Heart.

It was done.
Completed at 3:32 pm.

Yes, the age I moved here that Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
The Date I arrived in New York and the USA, dragged here against my will by this play.


Jonn Jason Lee 10 10 12= 32.

How old is the EG.Y.PT Story in this world, how enduring and how well did it sustained.

*For almost 30 centuries—from its unification around 3100 B.C. to its conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.—ancient Egypt was the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world.”

And the Unseen?
Nature Universe?
4.5 Billion Years to 13.8 Billion years.
45= 9- 20. I T.
13.8 M.H Manifest Harmony 13+8= 21.
We are here in 2021.
21= 3.
Consciousness = 175. AGE.
to CCC on the 3rd Planet nearest to the Sun.
9 months in the Womb.
It took me 18 and 6 months to reach Arden at 900 South Road.
and a further 3+7 + months to complete here.

To move through Expression using my Naturalness -Consciousness “Speed of Light” recalibrated to this realities 3 D ideology, philosophy ( Those that made sense) to prove E Harmony Perfection present here in this world and equate it through a transcript challenge created by that which you know exists but could not quantify or qualify.

Nonstop Awareness – Attention- Focus to read that which was unseen to reach E C.I.
Prove consciousness Infinity 106.
And the true human Naturals can rise to express the Infinite.
All tested and qualified through passing through a Universal Simulation of awareness, designed for that very purpose.

To prove this capable of any Human Natural, not even a Hue-Man, but a human sent in the deepest pits, in which no one felt I would ever rise from.
I was blamed and shamed.
Made to leave my family, whatever life I had planned to enter in a play on coming to New, all to prove not only Eternal Harmony but how my Thesis, was not a Thesis but a Fact even to how an Evolved Planet aligned to the Original Eden Paradise, never experienced in this world, even at the onset of Creation Existence.

Everything Vibrates, even if you can not see, hear or feel it.
Everything Speaks, Talks, and even talks back.

It all Language.

9:04 pm.

I know for most of you this appears as a fantastical story, and despite the evidence, you were brought here to witness the Solid Fact and reality of this challenge, your minds are not able to take in the significance and import of what you have witnessed and is recorded on my page for 9.5 years, whether you were or not, paying attention or not, “pooh pahhing” me, or mocking me or not, to finally this quiet on my page as you watch and observe me prove that This is not a story.
I am real fact, blood and C Men, I am here present.

The Story was what I had to clean up, your History, but this is the “HI. Story’, the true story of Human Evolution and Awakening.

That possibility in you, proven by me of what you can become, will become while 2/3rds are destined to be cut out, since they were never real in the first place.
Only that which rose full circle in the Beginning of time, will rise now at the end of time and rise to meet their Eternal selves who rose in the Eternal Beginning.

I was given the challenge to prove not only how my plan would work, but how an evolved Species, Planet would look in 20090 2010.
And by December this Mystic realm and of the most Sacred Arts and Sciences, Wisdom & Knowledge of the ages, who in turn were messengers, mediums, channels, prophets of an even higher Frequency, unknown to most of humanity, to submit my plan at how in this reality, through this reality, how that Harmony would manifest in this world and amongst it people.

9:17 pm.

I did not have a problem with that, I was excited and confident to share and show and tell how it would be applied and put into practice.
Application Practice, Implementaion

But I was blind-sighted, the Unseen had liked my plan but had decided to do it their way.
I refused and I got stuck here forced to do it thier way.
And so on Dec 21, 2011.
( 12-21-2011) I entered the play of Facebook motivated by Evan Alexader Judson’s true self and his friend.

Yes, exactly 12 months, 1 year to the day which Kim Arthur Hinds Jr left the Army.

12 21 11.


It was always about the code 32.

3:32 pm Mahmoud Faroul sent me the Heart.

Kim was 32 when I moved here.

*”For almost 30 centuries—from its unification around 3100 B.C. to its conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.—ancient Egypt was the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world.’

30 USD in my wallet.
332 B CE.

Alexander The Great died at age 32.

I came to New York first by my own free will in 1999, when I was 32, and Jon asked if he could come along.

I entered the play, full force at the dawn of 2012.

Last night, just as you have in the Highlander stories and movies, I felt rise in me, as is the case when I complete a full circle, the truth of that milestone would rise as well as the film my best friend my Harmony Awareness would in perfect timing cause me to watch the cleaned-up version of the story I had cleaned up.

Last night after sinking to perhaps my lowest point for a moment after the 1.16 am post, and seeing that it was deliberate, that on the 3rd time attaining 1636 Facebook friends a play so vile had been set up, for people to miss my 2:10 pm Facebook post which had the Thesis I had been challenged to prove and had stated, posted over and over again through the years, burst forth from me the summary, not in my Timing but in The Scripts perfect timing of it still playing The Boss, as The Body.

Suddenly, as my e-spirits lifted I felt my half aunt Nneka rise.

Nneka Umeano.

Nneka was most wonderpusly beautiful black as Oil child woman born to the third wife of my grandfather, but born with a disability which caused the servant who took care of her, to beat her, brutalize her in such a savage way.
She was not mentally imbalanced or disabled, or the shame which allowed her mother to neglect her and allow such truly brutal and savage treatment of her, which no one in that family seemed to want to interfere.

9:43 pm.

She was an Oracle, a strange wise and hilariously funny child who when the beating finally stopped when I went o my mother and asked her to put a stop to it, and then supported by my sister the girl Vicky, who was truly wicked and cruel ( but who I noted suffered from a temper and a hurt which made her rage so violent)
I did wish her to be dismissed, I just wanted a stop to the harrowing screams and beatings inflicted on her, the cruelty and the abuse.
For I had watched and observed her- as she would quietly watch and observe me. there was no amount of beating given to her that made her become mad or bitter or enraged, she endured it with pain and remerged later with something outrageous and witty to say.

And every once in a while, she would grow silent and she would start to speak in a calm quiet voice and tell you things…
No child should or could ever know.

She was up there in physical beauty with my mother and the great beauties of the family in a family where beauty was in no short supply.

She could walk very well, but she could read, and her mischief…

So when the beatings stopped, so did the awareness of her true nature, her personality, and quiet power become known to everyone.

She was the life of the household and everyone who came to visit.

She became Beloved.

With all her pranks, all the restrictions and limitation, and often sickness she had to endure, nothing really got her down and she would go after anyone even my grandfather- I think her message, motto and source of her humor and mischief, was everybody Lighten up.

No one had it as bad, except for my aunt Caroline, and her condition she had not been born that way while Nneka had.

Did I love her, how could you not?
And did she love me… smh yes? It was not because I was instrumental in freeing her from what i literally saw, when she was being beaten in the room she shared with the Servants or house help, ( I would literally see flames, fumes colors of orange and black ash when I peered into her room right next to mine and here the first cousin Ozoekwe who had a similar astonishing beauty as black as oil, but who was treated like a slave despite being the first son of his father a man as respected as my grandfather “Morrah” but his mother had been married by the first wife of the father in order that his first wife could have sons through her.
I learned from my mother that he too had died so you, he was born 19 64.
19 72

He too carried a terrible cross with dignity and nothing could take away his good cheer except when he spoke to me alone about how he was treated.

In 1972 we had emigrated from England to Canada.

72, I had paused about that year.
And began to reflect on how my own condition and body often made it seem as if Nneka was inside of me, that I was mimicking her movements and that as the Oracle of Goddess Ala moved in her, but it moved in me too but I fought it.

BG/ G B.

I had not thought about Nneka for years, I do that, I shove the hurt of beloveds to a place I do not access, so I can focus on the task at hand.
But my mother had told me that she had passed away, a short time after I left.
And I can not tell you the sadness which welled up in me, it surprised me actually, I did mo realize just how much I loved her, such a rascal.

I and I.

Now it makes sense.

I always thought she and Nnamdi who truly was astonishing in their physical and inner beauty looked alike and similar personalities unless you got him mad… then sheesh.

I did not wish to go down memory lane, but Nneka Umeano.
That took me by surprise and I stayed awhile, dwelling there in her memory and the awakening revelation of her true identity in me.

Yes, Nneka means “Mother is Supreme”
Supreme Mother.

Mother Supreme is the being I have always known.
The Opening of the Universe to create this story and play of Humanity.
That play with Laura Walsh.
I always knew I suppose, but it took Nneka Umeano Esprit rising in me- she of rakish humor and the ability to be so quiet and Still.
Stillness and Motion.

I suppose I had been her mother and protected her until I left Nigeria and 5A Ibagwa road where my Grandfather and all of us had lived.
But by that time she did not need me, she was beloved and those who still remained cruel, a whole family had now learned to love her, cee her and her value and she could fight back now.. in her own way.

I actually did not know I had it in me to post anything today.
All-day I have been lying down as wave after wave of exhaustion has washed over me.

I am watching the story of Ancient Troy and the battle with the Greeks.
Ulysses and the tail of the Odyssey.

My Short film I filmed in 1999 all over the western world on entering the millennium was called the Ethnic Odyssey.
T. E O.
/O E.T

10:28 pm

Reign Santana ..Again.

Nneka Umeano.

NU Tea.
Orisha of the Abyss.

/NU Kolo.

Unversal Nature.
Nneka Umeano.
Emeka Umeano

Emeka Kolo

Ozoekwe Morrah.

O M.

Yes, it’s all making sense.

So tired now.
I miss being quiet and still.
It is actually my truest nature.

Animated – Movement.

But my truest Nature is Quiet and Chill.

That I was able to post today, is a miracle.

I am that tired, at at 16 35 Facebook Friends, Perfection – Symtrical Perfection.
P C E.
A F C E.

16 35 = 51.
16 25
I really did feel, I had anything more to add, nor was it required, but then this is still not my play- I just have the say, the sway earning it still.

Through A Story.

10:42 pm.

Next, it will be 10:43 pm.

It is nice to know, and have the order logos in knowing what comes next.

10:43 pm right now.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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