
8:00 pm – So, I had to go to C-

8:00 pm

So, I had to go to C-Town once again.

David The Worker and his Lady Friends are still here but out of sight.

I wish to pause for a moment, and for you to consider what just took place and I posted as David- Devi playing the Village Idiot.

V.I in the last of the Intelligence of the Ancestor Golden Age play *=( Julie Aurelia) of Nature Energy- E.T. T.L.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr pointed out to stating that David had installed the door upside down, then had to correct it.

The play has switched to the code intel of Liberty C
Wine red car “A.S. 696669”

From 9 months in the Womb -Room of Woman to 6 as Sixth sense, as “E-B-Y T.S” Y.C, Y.A.- “Anointed” Born of Man and Scent-Perfume… sent or to choosing the C.T.C-E) the woman who will carry it. An a choice made by the Father and Self- Semen ( S.P. 27 “Conversation with Ones God-Self” and the covenant of being Eternal Wed can not be broken, though it can be broken with A Woman and a Man, Woman Child
And that is what not only took place, but when he installed he left a large gap and space on the top.
It looks absurd.

I recognize this riddle and memory.

My Grandfather Chief D.N.Umeans or some called him King D.N.Umeano, and I with his family were living in 5,A Ibagwa Rd, and it was after Nnamdi and Obum had been kidnapped and after Namdis crossing over to me ( with Incense and clothing Sky Blue sweater and brown tartan brown pants)
.Earth Sky-Azure Blue,
same color as my house uniform in Boarding School, I was in Peace House.
Poverty Hollow.
Perfect Harmony.
16+8=24. E.M.F.

And through Jeron and Liberty ( J.L= 22 V)
And now with Liberty Liscomb- 12 12 1. 1 24 ( A.X), 25
Evidence AY
as the Sacred Feminine having risen to Y.
And Y.C
Liberty C A R A.F De Vin.

My, I was once tiny, a late bloomer, but I sprang up becoming very tall, having shot up like Bean Sprout to a Vine, I was taller even than Nnamdi Umeano his tallest son,
my Grandfather in that his mischevious and jolly way had joked half-seriously that he would instruct that his contractors to add more space to the doors and the ceilings of his buildings to accommodate me, my height- ceiling- Cielo.
Kamora Herrington
Celestial Tea.

8:31 pm

Its rather the last of the play of the True Beautiful Ancestor- Ancestors and Beautiful assassins, rising via Liberty, Stephen Johnson

Stephen Popiotek

And I listen to the guy in 217 Drumming and pervading my room, quietly but this thud, thud, vibrations, while reflecting on the woman who sleeps upstairs, but hangs out and leaves her little dog in 217.

8:46 pm

Murder C-Z- H wrote, and I have long since agreed,

C.A.S.E. L.C and Stephen and Kim. / Mik. M.I.K E
Mission Impossible 7-8.

I had shared or given Kim Arthur Hinds Jr in appreciation and praise 70 U.S.D in total since he came back, but it was the code sequence of how it was given 50-20 and today 10

80 USD.

I spent 49.70 U.S.D in 1544 C-Town and expressed to him appreciation generously for his languid Chill attention to detail in the plays, especially today.

Carbon Copy- Charcoal is on his way to becoming Transparent Diamond Cut as I.Connect, I Cut.

Today it was Lemon Drops L.D.
Delouise Larkin
D.L = 16
But he had completed De Louis Roi De Soliel Line by himself L.D.
By Byy attention to His Self.

8:59 pm.

Harmony Elegant Imagery

Harmony Sacred Portal 59

and… 9:00 pm

Harmony 900 South Road,

Julie Aurelia J.A.

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