


8:47 p.m.


Harmony after 4.7 Months on Face Book…

And at A.G.E code 47 years…

A Geographical Expression was not my mission..

Courtney Prince Panther already confirmed that by having moved with her line, aware as she traveled around the U.S..A and Globe of laying Ley lines of the Blue Print of Existence as Frequencies…

Dante;s The Divine Comedy was is the play I was in…


Donald Trump D.C…

Donald Trump at Washington D.C…

Divine Comedy….


Clinton Donald…T.D…Truly Divine…Comedy…

9:03 p.m.


That is the play everyone saw through 4.7 years I was in..

Not the Hell Fire or Dante’s Inferno…

Not that of D.I…

Dante’s Inferno… Infer NO!…

You the public manifested it.

Tis this I was warning and hollering about…

And saying that you are being set up by my Father Da line…

Devils Advocate…

After Death…

After Christs..

Anti Christ… A.C.

Called O.K, And Alternate Current then..

Di means Husband and Is.. Present Alive

I am I.D..M.AN…N.E..S…Supreme Awareness Aloha.. H.I…Story…

Welcome to the 5th Dimension..

See Malacoda Hermelé Folly…

Malacoda is Male Branch. E… Male Branche.. Branche Stylish Contemporary, Connected Avant Garde E

The Malebranche (Italian pronunciation: [?male’bra?ke]; Evil Claws[1]) are the demons in the Inferno of Dante’s Divine Comedy who guard Bolgia Five of the Eighth Circle (Malebolge). They figure in Cantos XXI, XXII, and XXIII. Vulgar and quarrelsome, their duty is to force the corrupt politicians (barrators) to stay under the surface of a boiling lake of pitch.

When Dante and Virgil meet them, the leader of the Malebranche, Malacoda (Evil Tail[1]), assigns a troop to escort the poets safely to the next bridge. Many of the bridges were destroyed in the earthquake that happened at the death of Christ, which Malacoda describes, enabling the time this takes place to be calculated. The troop hook and torment one of the barrators (identified by early commentators as Ciampolo), who names some Italian grafters and then tricks the Malebranche in order to escape back into the pitch. The demons are dishonest and malicious: the promise of safe conduct the poets have received turns out to have limited value (and there is no next bridge), so that Dante and Virgil are forced to escape from them.

Within the Inferno, the demons provide some moments of satirical black comedy. There are twelve Malebranche named in the poem:

Within the Inferno, the demons provide some moments of satirical black comedy. There are twelve Malebranche named in the poem:

Dante (blue) and Virgil (red) in three scenes with the Malebranche, portrayed by Giovanni di Paolo.

Alichino (derived from Arlecchino, the harlequin)

Barbariccia (Curly Beard)

Cagnazzo (Nasty Dog[2])

Calcabrina (possibly Grace Stomper[2])

Ciriatto (Wild Hog[2])

Draghignazzo (Big Nasty Dragon[2])

Farfarello (possibly Goblin[2])

Graffiacane (Dog Scratcher[2])

Libicocco (possibly Libyan Hothead[2])

Malacoda, the leader (Evil Tail[1])

Rubicante (possibly Red-faced Terror[2] and a reference to Cante de’ Gabrielli, who as Podestà of Florence condemned Dante to exile)

Scarmiglione (possibly Trouble Maker[2])

The last of these, for example, is introduced by Dante in lines 100–105 of Canto XXI:

They bent their hooks and shouted to each other:

And shall I give it to him on the rump?

And all of them replied, Yes, let him have it!

But Malacoda, still in conversation

with my good guide, turned quickly to his squadron

and said: Be still, Scarmiglione, still![3]..’


There is no Mal Coda… C.O…D.A… or

Evil Code A….

It was meant to be a Divine Comedy of the Tail -Tale of Evil..

As a Buffoon..

Malacoda Hermelé Folly…

Hermes means..

Mercury Gain Refuge

‘Messenger of the Gods

Probably from Greek ‘e?µa (herma) meaning cairn, pile of stones, boundary marker. Hermes was a Greek god associated with speed and good luck, who served as a messenger to Zeus and the other gods. He was also the patron of travellers, writers, athletes, merchants, thieves and orators.

The name Hermes appears to have to do with the similar Greek noun e?µ?? (hermes), which was a kind of border- or crossroads marker in the form of a human head atop a square pillar. Often this pillar was adorned with an apotropaic carving of male genitalia. Some scholars believe that the name Hermes was derived from the border marker, but others believe it was the other way around

The Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell and Scott lists a proper noun e?µ? (herme), which they say is a variant of the noun e??d?? (hezodos; a comparable couple exists as e??µ? and e???µ?), meaning a going out, an outlet, a closing (of an argument)’

Crossing… E.S.P. C. M..E

Energetic Spiritual Physical, Cellular, Material

(Matrix Web..M.W..Milky Way..87/78…) to Expression..


See Sacred Portal 28… Victory Victoria Victorious….

9;14 p.m.


Hermes Le..

The name Le…(/EL) means..

About the name Le. The meaning of the name Le is Joy. The origin of the name Le is Chinese.’




Sense of costly structure considered to have shown folly in the builder is attested from 1650s. Used since Middle English of place names, especially country estates, as a form of Old French folie in its meaning delight.

Male Branch E…Crossing Guard to the realm of Joy ‘Extase

Delight… of the Beautiful Ones…

Messenger of G Note…

Grace Clarity Expression…


9:21 p.m.


Infinite Universe…

9:22 p.m


Royal I Santana E.


I am meant to be at the Last Rendevous portal..

at the Ritz…

Ritz Montes.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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