
8/9/2020 19:58 – Facebook Post

3:45 p.m.

H.I 20 20 Vision.

* I really enjoyed Kachy Ihem definition and expression of the number 20.
In my sacred Portals it represents Lady E.C H O “True Clarity… creates an Echo response from the Universe to ones expression as being Fact.

Liberty C Liscomb decided to use that sacred portal on her phone the first few days of our interaction.
And was given an echo response every single day of every expression and riddle I solved and expressed to her ( often solving the riddles with her participation) echoed and confirmed outside of my influence which she would show me, and which I posted.

20 is 10 10… letter T.
And was the last play with Arden traveling to Virginia with his sister friend mother.
And immediately after to Vermont the 14th State.

Double V V.
20 14… T N… True Nature.
34… See sacred portal 34 “We ed Mari Juana… Lotus…”

34= 7.. G…G links to 8..
34 = 7….12… 7 12.. G L
+ x 19 84.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira was born 8-16-1984 H.P S. H D.
/ D.H S P. H… 4 8… Sacred Portal H..Harmony.
sacred portal 48 is Beautiful Death as Transformation of physical form through attaining C and it is on the cartoon which Arden used to play with Jeron.
with the code 48 901 as well as 8-29-2019
Atlanta Georgia.

Lisa Lawrence arrived yesterday as a facebook friends. LL, and it led to an expression of which me as 7-8 and Arden as 9… 17 8…And the code of Spirit E A.. Linked to him and his friend Morgan who went to Vermont.
The 14 State, “Evolution of Consciousness Star E”
I am currently at Esther and Ceilia portal represented by Esteban Miguel Filgueira.

Esther means Star..
Stephen had an experience with a blue Star.
Code represented by Morgan car is 27 8 D 90.
Spirit E is sacred portal 90.
I was at 1493 facebook friends with Lisa Lawrence arrival.
N I C.. A D I C..
After the play of my postind and eqauting the code LL = 1 24… A E M F…
I received a notice from Alexa Vertefeuille followed by a phone call from Stephan F ( E M F =24)
* S F = 19 6=25. A E M F
E M F = 24.
Y X… Y chromosome and X as 49/ 94…
He had contacted me on Independence Day. I D 94
I was forced obliged to enter the Shelter via Green point Avenue assessment shelter in 2015 near Lisa Levine 97 Maha Rose studio on Green street where I had first sang the riddle “Can you tell me why you are beautiful?”
as the riddle of existence, also confirmed by Arden Gemino.
My first bed number given was 49. And the same day I entered fully aware as to why, I met Keith Grant K G. 11 7… 7 11 Seven Eleven.

Alexa + E.M.F.. A E M F…
Arden Emeka Mother Father masculine feminine in one.
Arden Morgan A M 14th State.V
Arden Fred 20th State V.
Arden Double V V… A V.

He was correct as I was, I was not meant to leave 900 South Road because that is the last portal and the correct portal of the harmony transformation of the Body and being and everything.
But I was set up by the play, a test to see if I would leave if i could not longer seem or tolerate the play i was in and the consciousness the hostess was made to represent.
I was instead brought full circle back to Terrible Death after having retreived the only truth from the idea of the 4th Dimension. Thought Speech action=explaination.
I knew what such a decision meant but I had been tested like this before, to see what i would endure for the play and where I would draw the line.
And it was set up, that I would have the way to leave the place i knew was the last portal and end of the play.
Provocation had gone to the point of the extreme.

Stephan Filgueria as S F is 25 …
which links to A F K G and my Last bed in the Shelter at Delta Manor.
S F is code Solid Fact and Sensational Feelings..
S M F if you had his middle name is 38. .. 25 Manifests.. 38 C H / Harwington Connecticut
Hartford Connecticut.
38 = 11 2… 11 1… code given me twice by Stephan.
this the EM F is not X as Feminine Chromosome its is masculine but that truth was thrown out.
after the play of Alexa “Golden Dragon” and the telephone call with Stephan which he described as if he were in School of magicians.. he was once again correct. See the Sign of the Tarot for the Magician.
I also found myself looking at a card earlier before our conversation which was on Stephens altar, it was a druid magician which I linked to the Druid Master Alien Wizard dagger Michael Frazer had gifted me and who had called me out of the blue while here after a silence of over 8 years…

When our conversation was over and i had finished posting I woke up today, after spending most of the morning in quiet reflection and struggling to move my bones structure back to alignment with my muscles through breathing…

I woke up with the quiet question after reviewing my actions expression at 900 South road and the portals in the last 19 years…
What did I do wrong…?
Did I do something wrong to deserve this?
I saw that I had not, that is what i had spent the night reviewing…
Seeing the plays the set ups and admitting to myself that I was correct and had followed a Script which had set this all up, including Answering the set ups and checking my response.

I had done nothing wrong,
I had had answered and responded to this set up, perfectly responding perfectly based on the script and where i landed.

I only just opened my Facebook page to observe that I had moved from 14 89 from 14 93… and immediately to 14 90 with a new facebook friend request.
Best Okeh
B O… is 2 O…. at 14 90… = 104 Sacred Portal 104 is “Com pass me Terrible Death” ( I saw an image in the wood ceiling yesterday, it is a of old elf man instantly I knew it was terrible death.
89 is H I… 14 89 is the response my expression and the play moved it to from 93 I C.. to 89 Me at Arden 9… 89 17= 8
age 17 we completed our play in Harmony even my leaving him behind and vice versa and still 14 days later on the 8-6-2020 we were are, both still in harmony with the script which in truth has nothing to do with us.
89 then moved LL and its meaning i expressed and got correct by the 93 – 89 confirmation … – 4 no more 4th Dimension. The one truth of the E line was retrieved from Non EXistence expressed as Poverty Hollow of the one line of being there in Non existence being real.
I had begun my Journals in 1989 when I cut from the Africa Forest People, First people story after showing respect and moving back to finding my E Family.

19 84= 103….( 13 M..Nnamdi) J C…. 1O3 1 6 3 A F C….
Its the code written over 9 years ago on sacred portal 14.

At Best Okeh I am at 14 90 Facebook Friends.
Sacred Portal 14 and sacred portal 90…90 is Spirit Energy Aware. S E A..
Linked to the play with Morgan.
and the purple container with grapes.. De Vine line of Dionysus and king midas…
Spirit Energy is A..

Stephen had called me the day of his Fathers birthday yesterday… Alexander Grove.
Alexander Filgueria… A F… K G.

14 90 links to A D I O… as well as J D… and the S.. Supreme 10 + 9… 109 19 Space and Matter..19 10 1O A F…S…
A D I O S… Y B E / E B Y…E

Completion of J.D Judgment Day by Terrible Death. 1O4 A F D.
Arden Alexander Fifth Dimension F D.. 64… 900 South Road 64th Move. 64 V I V … 46 as the past.. Waves sacred Portal 64.
See sacred portal 46.
64 is 10 46 = 10
10 10..
20… Kachy Ihem K.I… 11 9…
at South Road.. A.F M A S… ( F M = 19 letter S.. Link Ferril Gemino age 19 not yet 20
Meaning Emeka Arden are and were representing Ferril.
See the meaning of his name “Victorious Valourius Man”

A and E… E A FF.. 66 1..3.. A C… E… A C L E A R…E D… The Way.. Izo Path.
Esther Uzoma.. meaning Star of the Beautiful Way.

Stephen Johnson do you see what this means?

That this was a V I D E.O G. A.M E…
V G… to V H
creating Double V V. x2

That video games can create thier own rules of how to play the game.
And that this was about if I am sure…
And that Expression… literally any form of expression= communication can move Energy and Matter… and even the Lie.
Because even lies, as things of the imagination can only be grounded and inspired by that which already exist.

My expression was tested yet again and my awareness and as well as my Truth.. My Clarity.. My sixth sense, my Awareness Focus attention to that which I am resolving though Its Template and game rules.

14 90…. Evolution of Consciousness they went to the 14 State A and Morgan whose name means Circle of the Sea but to me Full Circle of the Spirit of Existence Aware Awake… linked to the Eternal Cee See or Arden Eden Arden Stephan “Crowned Supreme” E A..
Area 51 S E X Penetration
S.P via Solid Facts.. Y Release See sacred portal 25… 7 G spot linked to 8 O 17 71 88 back to Transparent White Of Light…Creation… T W O L C E

Best Okeh Best O.K… E.H. ( 58…. 85 … 1.7 85 71…4 29 )
Okeh in IO Nri igbo means ” To share” It also means “Rat”
( Yes the rat with the Spring I found here linked to the Spring Coil Tree Sage found- who is by the way, presently on his way)
I wrote about “Sharing”
And E H Ed Harris who is Christop in the Truman Show ( T S 2019.. T S E)
OK is Odimma in OI Nri Igbo.
See my Face Book friend Emeka Odiamma.. E O… 50..
I have 50 usd left.
I connected with Stephen in Hawaii rep of Paradise Eden via facebook the 50th state.
I moved with his wave of 6th sense and my decoding and realigning through posts and conversations linked to Jesse Macias Orejuela Athena Sarah Kaizer and then a full knowing and aware “Leap of faith” to Liberty C Liscomb to connect with Arden connected by Jeron who never doubted me, questioned me and recognized me, but not as Arden did at First Sight.

Am I Sure… A I.S.
S I A…?
Arden is Sage Isaac Albert
A S I A..?
Sia means Black in Turkish…
Turkey is in Asia and Arabia.
I have Arabian blood.

A.M I Sure Arden IS?
Who I say he is…?
Smh… I never really said it…
I recognized him just by his manner and attitude…

It is you.. The script who seem to have the question and doubt what your own game and play script has resolved itself into- that it is obvious him.
Your Script is saying this… Forest People… The true Forest People… First People now resolved to the First Family.
E Family E F 56 undercover now and awake after finally reaching you in the play of challenge of this worlds forest people that Elves and Fair-e’s don’t exist.

Energy moves facts… because it is the A E M F….moved and authored by the E

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