
8/9/2018 20:10 – Facebook Post

From Tejumola Raheem Osazee

Extraordinary… We are still crossing the O of T R O… F E…
T R U E.. T R U T H…. O F…E…

Yes..this is Truth and Fact…
You can see by the script I have been successfully decoding ( and encoding the correct response)
100,000= 1 to the power of 5 Full Circles.. 1.5.
and 5,000= And 5 to the power of 3…. 5 3…
5 1 5 3….

Keith Grant Bed 53 is now represented as Kimani Gorden who is in Room 5A..Besises Ant… K A…
Meaning this was about passing through the Black Hole as Terrible Death which was represented Twice through Jah..Quanme and Kyle…
Both occupied Room 5 C.. ( 53) and bed 5-026…
50+26= 76..

Time now is 7:06 p.m

76 is sacred portal the Evolution Awakening of which there are two,
The Terrible One “Rude Awakening” R A. Rep Jacqui-Q
And the True one represented by the portal Kyle …
Yes… linked to my sister 7-28…
See the play… Roberto Munoz R M…Kimani Gordon.. R.K.. And M… =13..
13/31… Kimani is 31 I am representing 13 and 31…
I went to bed with the code 3.13 am. clocked in the phone..

Time now 7:11 p.m… 7:12 p,m…
This links to Robert Kyle Murphy R K M… R M…
7:12 p.m to Randall Michael R M…

31/13… 44… My former bed number before Jacqui…meaning that I blazed the path…
313 is the number again I saw this morning on my morning walk it is the code of my Phone 1 347 313.. 67 78…/ 87 76… 313.. representing the full Circle… 74 13… Which ends at 13 the corrected way and 78 as the way you may recall we moved through….

313 C M…E=CMe… 4/3…

I will be honest, that I am baffled by the script which keeps repeating the sequence already established, perhaps it is aligning through the Brain Mind function back to the Heart…
Ah!… I have just recollected something which formed my first conversation with Kimani… About the 1010 world he is conversant in and yet his adamant declaration of refusing to be part of the Play of this reality because he lives by his Heart.
This morning after writing about the code with him, the first person I saw was him outside walking…
So yes, I can see the EMF current… activated
And when I came out I saw Kyle when I came out the second time and on both occasions encountering Kirtan- wearing the T-Shirt with Life on it…

Fox Xie Inariusagi…. It is interesting that I am constantly physically and Emotionally, Financially, pyschologically and spiritually assaulted ..
which no matter how nice some of Tejumola Raheem Osazee and other people more in tune, post are I can not confirm them as Truth because the Experience I am going through has cancelled out many of these laws and expressions…

A Magician Wizard is on the left side of my Altar Art.. He stands in front of a door of a Domino all in black wood…
On the other side of the Altar Art installation stands a Knight Templar and besides him the Jump Man and the Dominio in white with the Cock Rooster and the Code Peurto Rico wriiten on it…

I have trouble for weeks opening my Laptop and connecting to the Internet and had to post mainly from my phone which has no access from its host server Assurance Wireless but I can access through Starbucks server…
Until yesterday I found by opening it up to Fire Fox- it now has no problems…

F F…

Above was me Encoding, my body inside is twisted and in serious pain, it retreats- the pain when I complete the play or post which I am being coerced by ..lets just say by some power which is an Evil which has no right to exist.
It is not the Roses and Honey which so many people assume or what to assume is how the World transforms and Human ascend.
-It is a battle.. a Horrendous awful, evil. evil. viscous battle which I would turn my back on if I was not bound like a mummy body twisted and alone in living this nightmare which my mind can no longer even compute.. Oh I understand it. But the implications and meaning of what my brain is computing is so… it is what bring madness and insanity and the cleanest people to turn into abominations by knowing such a thing exists.

I know that you the public do not wish to hear the Truth- or that To bring back the Beautiful Truth is a battle, a battle.. a war…By God there is no war that ever was or could be as this…
I have astral projected, time traveled to the battle and horrors created by Humanity through wars genocide …
But what I have experienced traveling through the Mind Brain Black hearted…

The German Mother who gave her son to her Boyfriend a Pedophile who had been convicted of rapping A 2 YEAR Old…a 2 Year old girl who was mentally ill…
And served 12 years- she not only served up her son but took part in abusing him and then selling him to men through the dark net to abuse and recieved money….

Isabelle Ilic Dawn Piercy do you hear this?

The only way boys 2 year ordeal of horror ended was when some one saw the advert in the Dark Web of the boys advetisement which consisted of his being raped. And a man who inquired if after raping the boy, could he kill him…?
This is what made the person alert the police…

Do you hear…?

I read the other day of Syrian women who were imprisoned many of them falsely or for reason of simple malice and of how some of them had lost thier minds.. and were still incarnated,
The person who was incarcerated and who had told the story spoke of how one of them had sat in a state of constant state of supplication – a Mother of 6 who kept asking every 4 mins “Why am I here”

I understood the Woman…
I used to ask that question.. a long time ago.. and recently but more ‘Why am I still here?” at Delta MANOR..

I have experienced as I moved through this Mind Brain Maze wave after wave of cruelty and hate… It has been thrown at me like a vomit, a regurgitation of abomination horrors which were never digested…

I could hear that little boy age 10 asking, crying.. I could feel his thoughts, his hurt his pain… it was his mother… his mother….?

I can feel, see them.. I have endured and made to taste all their horrors what have been done to them while the world people looked away – and then now as in German when it reached this place of horror…
They finally react with rage and horror.. wanting to lynch the persons..
But they are as guilty as the rapists if not even worse…
I have experienced the truth of this first hand- in Delta Manor, in New York…
Heartless.. to activate the E M F.. You must have a heart it must beat to the beat of Harmony and that allows you to see feel and be there when such abominations happen which is the cue for you to do something…

Look at the script of this last 6.8 months on face books.. look at the beggar and user mentality in the shelter corruption dripping from someone as intelligent as Quanma’e Lewis, the revulsion I feel, for him now what he and and many such youth have become when they have so much to offer.. Filthy liars deniars using that brilliance to lie and deny that which sustained him. them…
There is no other solution to such youth and people who have become such abominations that the rage he has brought forth in me by hus ingratitude his expressions words… So incredible that the desire to murder commit acts of violence so awful to such betrayers who are so cruel in their coldheartedness.. yes it is the drugs the weeds I called it all out but it is also the persons who make that choice when they have been given something so much better.. something which they desire…
But there is a viciousness in him which he has chosen to use.
A Delusion which makes him as a youth, a young man the perfct representation of the Evil, just a Lorenzo my room mate, and the women and the secuirity guards.. the Social workers…
Nicola who one moment is Flashing Brilliance, but the next moment if she feels you have slighted her, she responds with malice…

I have watched and observed the Truth of Humanity and the End play…
The Love Peace and all that Jazz is all true but there is also cause and effect.. there is also consequence of inaction..

6.8 Years I have been made to put my life on trials and scrutiny as people were allowed to judge rape, condemn, persecute plagiarize, torture me crucify me without even reading the script..
Coming to ask to be my face book friends, stealing my expressions and point of view then coming back to challenge… They watched me. you watched me suffer through miseries and constant betrayals…

And most did nothing, if anything they contributed to it all by putting themselves first…

Jace Horsford just sent me a text we were meant to meet at 9p.m. It was confirmed…
No, the evil is selfishness in the species which I have experienced and made to witness in such detail that revulsion fills me…

No this is the play of which I have refused.. I refuse to save the Species with my Codes… Only those who are true…

Because this is the Truth of the Evil Beyond words which the species have come despite Their Your constantly patting each other on the back…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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