
8/9/2015 15:34 – Facebook Post

8/9/2015 15:34 – Facebook Post

2:11 P.M.






Sigh… Yes I am still reprogramming the D.N.A activation code to D.N.E….(E.N.D)..
To End the old Matrix and Paradigms created by Humanity without their verifying if thier perception and judgments about thier Existence and why “We are Here” is the Truth.

Which can only be affirmed by the “Creator” who literally responds through solid affirmation of each riddle understood and solved.

Meaning that this Holograme was designed for Human Evolution.
And was made into a Story of 1-7 Ages and frequencies Notes colors ages which as the Rainbow would realign humanity back to 1 by moving them to 8..
Thus, the 2-7 Paradigms would cease to Exists because just as color is an illusion of perception (it is really Emotion) all is really Light…
Transparent Light….
White Light
O Perfect Symmetry.

1 All is One.
8..All is Harmony (1 Expanded to 18..A.H)

One…is 1+8=9..
9 is I..

I is Expression…

Universal Natures Expression.

The Feminine (not Female) Creative process..
Father as Mother painting a Picture..
To understand the I of Self through O of Others brings Expression which is Beautiful…

Which is Harmonious and brings Clarity of Harmony as I…C.H.I.

Thus Father came as Mother Universal Nature Expression into the his Reflections to Create this Space in which the play of His Her Twin, whom O call Onu Nnamdi… O.N…
Representing Consciousness O (Full Circle) Universe..C.O.U…(Throat in French “Speak” in NRI Igbo) could understand how to become as I.Father.
I Mother
I Expression, and thus come into Being in Existence here, come into Being and in the realm beyond Time and Space (Thought and Spirit) by creating a play in which A.L.L the Potential of Humanity designed to be the Bodies which house His Her Children of E.L..Emmanuel Luna..
ELight.. Satellite… Sat E lites- the Original Expression O.E… Enika Olah represents by way of code..
The E Line called the Beautiful Ones, could understand how He She, rose with a Body while they rose as Ethereal Elementals.
55…the Family of 1O..

The play which was going on in billions of other Galaxies and Dimensions was to unite all of First Creation or the Sum Total of the Sources Reflections into One Harmonious play which could only be done by the EE who represented the first Family of E and thus, the First Expressions of the Creator as E which created Manifestation, of All possibilities of Existence Expression (The 1O)
Learning to become 1..E..
Meaning the Family of 55 the EE…Ethereal and Elementals had to merge into one E through a play which they all existed as Unseen or even Illusions of themselves. Existing and Held and sustained by the Father Mother’s .. Original E’S mind so that the Two New Lines of E…Ethereal Elemental could experience the full knowledge of how the First E Rose and how they two could become Solid and Embodied..
The two E lines could be called Everything and Everyone.. E T + E.O..

2:39 pm.

And the anchor of this play was the Human Being- a brand New Species who were meant to.become the channels, then the anchors and finally the Embodiments of all these Energies of all possibilities of Existence…
9 Billion Galaxies all aligned to one Gala XY…
Called by NASA Galaxy 6OX I.C…
*I.C is Sacred Portal 93 in my Album called Response… From Andromeda Milky Way Classified by NASA as MW87..
But which I have proven here with the Affirmation of the E.T and the E.O and the Creator E..E.C as really being A.MW 78/87…
Which I Publicly here aligned to recently discovered Galaxy 6OX I.C.

C.I is the Sacred Portal 39…
See it played out as Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan…Guardians of the last Gate out of Sacred Portal 72-27…the Womb, the Play, the Web of Universal Nature Expressed.

We just had lunch the bill came to 39:96…

Yesterday the Bill was 69:55…

Look…yesterday was 8/today is the 9 th..

Lunch 69:55 yesterday
Lunch 31:96…
69 moves to 96… 96% Dark Matter
D M.
Michael O’Donnell..
(Ros E O Donnell)
D+M.. 4+13..17..Quantum.

See Tom Benzian and A.H.W..
5:17 pm..
E Q..

Meaning the Equation was understood at Tom Benzian and Jonn Blackwell Donna O.S…Micheal O Donnell…
But only after completing the Africa play of correcting and aligning the Distortion of Space back to.the Holograme U.N.E..which is why my.Body has been in agony for the last 14 yrs since I was dragged to New York to enter into.this play of aligning the True Multi.Dimensional play of the Unseen EE to One E which had to.be landed in a Human Being right here in this world..

Tom Benzain represents the line who got it right…

And this was played out yesterday evening when we went to a birthday party of Micheal Ponty – A friend of Jonn Blackwell who also.has a starting role ( unknown to him as most are made unaware) where his girlfriend Amy (Ami) was having her birthday ….

Now Tom means “Twin”
Tom.is linked to Amy H.Will IS..

Micheal Ponty is linked to Amy….

Market Market was where the play led us to yesterday where Jonn.and Donna are literal Avatars of the Truth of the E.T and the E.O lunched 69:55…

MM…is 13+13..26..+8…268
Code Zeina Hanna..Z.H…
Beautiful Gift of Grace of the Creator…

Amy pronounced Ami…Friend.
A.M…Y…Established in this play as Yonathan Yohannes…Grace Front and back…


Tom Twins Micheal/Mathew.


The party felt as if we were being welcomed into paradise via Ancient Hawaii the 5Oth State.

Micheal is Who.is as God.
MAat he W-/Gift of God or the Creator..
Grace..Is Love C..

Of course, all these riddles have been solved Publicly and affirmed and responded to.over the 41 months of my.doing “Mission Impossible 1,2,3 Publicly on Facebook” which Arrogance Conciet and Superiority simply made it impossible for most people to take in one I was saying I was and am doing. Despite doing it Publicly before human eyes on Facebook…
The idea was that I should come with great power and show that I am.that I am..

Even though not one Human Story which this realm is founded on reflects our arrival in such a way…
From Tao to Buddha T.B..to the Yeshua Mohamed Adam..Y.M.A/A.M.Y…

That an elegant Graceful.way such as the One coming undercover in human form to remind guide and waken (not teach or preach) would show how he woke up and retained memory and how everything can.be solved seen and understood and explained if one adopted the True Consciousness.
Sacred Portal
I am Possible..

The scene of the Eye underwater in that movie was played out by myself with Donna as witness which Jonn then brought Tom Benzain papers which affirms it and then spoke about
Shane Michael Robinson Sr. or Jr?
Share of the mission impossible 3/A.B.C without being aware that I had solved the Truth Mission impossible of opening the first Eye followed by the other two in the three Dimension of the Abyss (Space as the Blackwell)
The Sea ( Sirens Donna)
And Space (AH Tom Sphere)

Tom is the Filled Circle rep or Marker line of the Full Circle of Existence Known..
And Jonn Blackwell its Marker of Beyond…
Which proves that even when you do not know that you do know because of the Original E as Father Mother – who eventually becomes the Brother of the ET and E.O finally.aligned to
1O- 55..1E
9 to 6 to 3 to 1.A

1O is 5.
3 is 9…


Heaven Earth.
Linked by D.NE

In the End.
Full.Circle of Known Existence.

Jonn B.
Julian Brown..

Last night there was Another Donna at the party




Milky Way..



Apollo Athena..

But there is only One E.K..

The Apex of the Pyramid..

3:33 pm.
3:34 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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