
8/8/2020 18:07 – Facebook Post

4:06 p.m.

8/8=1… 16 64
64-46…10 10.

The E Love very differently from the way the most people in this world mentality define and love.
We love by bringing the Truth and that was is True.
True Clarity…
T C so that none would feel alone ever.
So that all can see and know why they are loved and are value and worth.
Why we were called Satan and Devil and Cold Hearted by this world of children.
Because it was more important that you rise and become that that Beautiful Truth than being coddled by a blanket – a temporary blanket of “Falling in Love” ( Fil… ) but compell you to link the Thread of your Existence.
Where able to leave you behind and leave to to believe that you where abandoned when it was really to show you how you do not Need us, that you have that Beautiful True Nature you saw in us when we arrived from out of the Blue.
And we are you completion.
Your Evolution already attained.

And that the only way that you would every accept that truth was to experience it for yourselves.
W.E the V V E came down to exemplify simply by our being and then going away: a mirror of inspiration, a example of who you are.

We came to inspire and left, went away, so that you could choose, discover the truth of who you are after seeing an example of our being and why you called us The Beautiful ones.

You were actually naming Yourselves.

And why on our second comming we came to see what you chose.
And this time reflect the ugliness you chose and why it must be destroyed.
And to Harvest those of you who aligned to the Beautiful Truth.. sought to become the best version of yourself which is the only version which is actually real.

It is True that I am not from your world, and never have been or pretended to be.

Nor could or would I or any of the E T line rising through Nature Naturally be confined by your opinion of how we should be.
How we should look, behave, be…
based on your ideas of perfection, Need… of God, Hero’s, Messiahs…


Jeron Satya has been on my mind, a quiet desire almost urgent to see him.

I rested today, at least rested my mind.

I wish to make it clear to whoever is paying attention:

I have no iota of doubt, in that this is the completion of the 123 Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening.

I know exactly where we are in this Script of the Awakening, and why this last script was based on the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse T S.E which bisected the United States and began in Oregon the 33rd state and Completed in South Carolina the 8th State.

Why I was wearing the Jeans cap with the numbers 3301
“attained perfection”- Stephen Johnson.

I know why I came here at the age 33 first at the age code of 33.
Why I met Stephan Esteban Miguel Filgueira age 33.
Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka linked with me age 33.

Why Liberty C Liscomb family car is 3 16 33 LT
And why Arden driving it was so relevant.
And why our connecting on the 8-6-2020 was so relevant.

And why my body is the exemplification used ( so I can not forget) that this is real.

link the sacred portal 33.
link the fact that we have 33 vertebra in the Body.

And that 20 17… Links to Arden.
20 17… 37… 10… 1 O Alpha Omega.

T.S ..E.. 20 19 …5=E.
And why my the last 4 digits of my telephone and first bed number at Delta manor is 19 05.
T.S E was in 2017.. Arden is 17.
– The code is T S E is 2019.

2-25-2019… Jeron Satya.

The Script E
The Source E is of Nature… the Body and this is the play completion of the Body linked to Being which in Harmony 8 rises transforms literally and with ease to a 5th dimensional body.

Every body aligned to Their True Nature rises via a physical transformation attained by Human Consciousness having attained the Cee- as the Speed of light.
S.O L.
see sacred portal 2017.. 37.
see sacred portal 2019=39…
10 12… J L…
Jeron Lang…. 10 12= 22 V… Victorious V=5.

And so, I understand why the ache and awareness of Jeron has been flooding my being and body…

I understand why Stephan Esteban is linked to Arden and Jeron.
And why Mackenzie, Athena Sarah Kaizer daughter was in the photo with Stephan and why Tree Sage Kim Hines daughter Serenity and Isaiah, Kamora Herrington son are connected.
S.I. / I.S.

And why there is a T W O year gap between T S E in 2017 with the East West bisection of the planet the first time in 99 years ( 2-9… I & I).
equates to 20 19.. E and why I met Jeron when he was 5 months old in his Mothers womb.

I know why the play is of me being here alone at Stephans Home, while he is in Oregon where he moved to Oregon where his brother Nathaniel Bywater and Josh Bywater are at when I was still sponsored by him and Athena while staying in living chez Jesse Macias Orejuela and Zion.
J M O.

He has been representing 6th sense and the Jump man on the E M F.
I am fully aware where we are in the process.
Link the last play with Arden and the “Crowning in the Woods”
my drawing a Full Circle in the woods around the time Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka identified him self while I was with David Philip Gil at The Bean cafe.

I know that S.F… E M F….is a code linked to the Impossible Dream of Independence Day.
Bodies being released by the Mind Heart being released from Mental Slavery…

A bra H am Lincoln.
29 Lincoln.
A L.
L A..

That once the Mind Heart is free of Thoughts Prison, you are released from the mental prism 1-7.
And the body is freed because Consciousness is linked to the body.
Link Stars… and Dark Matter…
the light moving through the dark matter.. transforming the Darkness around as space into light.. dawn.
that is the dance…
C Sol…Sol O…
Consciousness is Energy and energy is Expression and it literally Transforms the body as Mass matter…. releases it from the laws of physics .. the ideas of science of this world.
the real prison.

Which is why I was compelled to create a new way of seeing the world.
using Arts and Science…
Art as the natural expression of 6th sense and sex….
Science as the break down of how we created that wondrous work of Art and Creation.
Hence, the code A S.
Hence the code on the photo of Arden… Arden Autumn Smol.
Stephan Alexa Vertefeuille
Athena Sarah Kaizer

A S O8.

All great scientists and artist through out time had to create a new language to convey and communicate ideas which have never been this the collective consciousness before.
Things which had to come into existence in order for the species to evolve.

To expand … to break the limitations of the past peaks..

And so I too was forced to create a new language – linked to that which was already familiar to you and which exists inside of you.

As a artist and scientists, I have been moving you- aware or unaware to the harmony of that which is within you, planted in you.
Yes Coury Leavitt you have free will and choice to ignore the facts, to not concede that there was never any duality between you True Self Eternal
T S…E and your True Nature.
Just as people have free will and choice to ignore my post, translate and interpret it as they wished..

It does not change the truth and the Facts.

No, I know exactly where we are, in this script Dna to Dne …And End.
DD .. 44.. 1 44…. 8 16… 24….25 6 7/ 7 6…. 13.
Why Lisa Lawrence arrived as a facebook suggestion and why I accepted this particular suggestion.
And why she has 13 Facebook friends including me.

I know exactly where we are, what is going on…
I am that 123 Cocksure that i publicly stated that I would leave my body if I was wrong.
I have no intention of leaving my body, because I am not wrong.

What I have been protesting and calling out is this Script play which is doing everything it can to make it seem that there is a question, that is designed to create doubt… to make me feel doubt.
To make you feel doubt?
That is truly not my concern, I am that cock sure…

I am cocksure because I did the work, checked and checked and had to see for myself.
And that is why i am so cocksure because i investigated it and checked it all by myself.

Which is why this Gift Present from my Brother E and E family which i checked myself over and over again, even though I knew who was really behind this play were the E rising through the play of Nature matter and naturalness- the nothing is what Matter really is.

That was my question…
Why is the script designed to challenge and contest that which is obvious, to constantly seek to make me doubt “Are You sure”

Of course, I am bloody sure, I have observed my own evidence and facts responding confirming echoing in front of you a living and breathing audience ( paying attention of not.. is irrelevant .. I am paying attention… have been set up to pay attention)

So of course, I am sure.
Cocksure… 123 Ah Be Cee..
because I have witnessed it in all of you rising…19 years 5 months ( 19 5 19 0 5 / E O S..”Dawn” in U S A since 3-20-2001)
64 Home portals…
Hundreds of People portals..

My astonishment and final acceptance is this reason for making me repeat and confirm all i know in this Script of Fear and Doubt expressed ( F A D E) by this response.
This desire that I fall on my face…
My big ego for being so confident and trusting of my truth.

Are you jealous…?
Does it rub you the wrong way..?
That such a Script had to manifest…
of constant lies and duplicity deception set ups, conditions limitations…

Misery suffering, pain hurt, sorrow…
Poppy Cock…!!
I am an actor on a stage, forced to play an odd assortment of characters through a script of your fears and doubts and the desire to see a man fall.
fall on his face for being so arrogant? conceited… Cocksure in a world of instability and where nothing is sure.

Rain falls…
Night turns into Day.
people have sex and people are born…
There is alot of things one can be cocksure about in nature…
Yes, I am Cocky…
But not to offend but because that is the nature of Confidence True .. Expression…

You need the truth to manifest for it to be true.
I and the E only require to see the way inside and outside of us aligned and confirmed that which we already knew.

So this Spirit of Jealousy,
it is not real to me, this experience is, of course and just how far this script was allowed to go..
keeping the illusion of my being Homeless… crippled… disability… stupid… no sponsor.. no one even interested in my E Manual…
or if i live or die… because it is my fault, my problem for telling and then proving this Most beautiful truth?

So punished… whoa… so crucified… so hated …
Why did it have to be you…?

I think that people are missing the point…

It could have been anyone of you….

Do you see why I understand this as Hatred…?
Alicia Norris you say “We are love”

I see only hatred expressed to those who tell the truth, but those who tell it cock sure, with beautiful Bravado and in my case, a use of Humility and Grace which, which I assure you …Humble has never been and never will be part of my nature…

But I did learn how to bend, to take in others point of view no matter how ridiculous to me.
That is something I added…
aka love.

My question these last 19 years.. 27 years… life time has always been why is it that people are always seeking me out for always being correct right.. in harmony.
But set me up over and over again to fall…

of course i knew why… but lord knows, I would, could never imagine it would go this far…
In missing the point…
Its evolution awakening…

And no human who ever existed has accomplished what i have done.
You many all ignore it, and leave me in the role your minds and infected evil spirits have created for me to be trapped in…
And yes my Brother, Father… Sisters may have all betrayed me in this story…

But that is just a story…
Your version of my story…

I can see for myself the beautiful truth reflected back at me.. at what I alone have done which none have every done and will never be repeated.

That is not a boast…
it is simply the truth.

… But oh what a terrible response by the one who sent me, challenged me…
to see if i could reach myself and what they saw was my arrogance and cocksure you…

yes… my sister and I, on Television where I was being interviewed.

The point missed was this was for the beautiful truth in all of you including the one who sent me…
And not not Arden Gemino…
… the one who came after he rose and before.

6:04 p.m

L IS A Lawrence…
L L 1 24 A X…A E M F
Y. 25 7- 8… G H. I.

It was for all of your benefit and the cockiness was for you, to feed your own sense of confidence in the Truth as Facts..

nothing to do with me.

6:07 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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