
8/8/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

7:56 a.m.


G ..E F…. God is Efficient Facts.
and Facts Manifest Consistently Constantly irrespective of Opinion or Belief.

8-8 .. E M E K A… K O L O..Numerically comes to 35 53…
C E / E C.. 8 8…

The play I have just completed with Tejumola Raheem Osazee has nothing to do with him personally, but rather was his being used as an Avatar Challenger Tester of the E…
My awareness.

8:00 p.m.

..And proof and evidence that I am indeed the original T R O…
This completed today with my last post which was then followed by my Laptop finally opening and the first thing I saw was the Face of Tejumola Raheem Osazee revealed.

I wrote on the last post of Tejumola Raheem Osazee which I had just aligned.
And spoke of how I do not trust anyone who does not give the credit which I am fully aware I deserve, especially after I give full credit to the person but not a lie, the truth of the credit they deserve.

As the last 6.8 years since I began posting on Face book- 2012 which is popularized by the Mayan Calendar and the End of the World scenario, which was actually correct but in a different interpretation, but in the last 6.8 years ( 68/86… Please see sacred portal 86/68…)
I have constantly given credit and observed the response from those who I have raised to a higher vibration not only by my simply existing and expressing in this world- which means that by my existing in whatever form in this world, that I am affecting reality- more so because I and “Being Doing” the Action which links perfectly and aligns with the Truth I am expressing.

8;08 p.m… Ah good I am in Harmony with this diabolical script.

16… 20 16… 20 18…. T P… T R…. B O F… B O R… B F.. B R.. B F O.. 8 O… H O….
B O A…P… B O A H…. B O.G… B O I…

16 18…. 11 68…
20 16… 20 18… 20 20 11 68… 22 11 68…
Now is that not interesting… 11 22 68 is the date of birth of David Roman Nicholas- the one the only person I have have met in 17 years and indeed my entire life who had not only full memory but is the literal incarnation of Nnamdi as Me…
He even had the memories of his death as Nnamdi,and the last things I said to him and did…

He is the one who was killed by an 18 wheeler though some said that he had been drugged and poisoned before…
That is how Nnamdi died..
David told me that he learned to drive 18 wheelers- he he looked at me fiercly… Beautiful Blond ageless who looks like Thor when he is pissed off..and dressed often like a cowboy or a Samuarai…
He is also the one who has the “Wings” -he showed me how his body transformed.
He even remembered, saw when I came into this World.

As I may have mentioned Nnamdi and I knew that we had one last mission here before the End of this world could take place, the very story I wrote when he I was 7-8…
Nnamdi was born April 5th 1969… 4-5-1949..
David 11-22-1968… /69
My mother 11-22-47/48.
..The mission was to conquer Absolute Death which is Absolute Stagnation.. Stillness.. The Black Hole.
I reached that point yesterday when I found that Ping Pong Ball.. ( P P…B..)
It alludes to the game I used to play with my sister.. Table Tennis. T T… 20 20… Vision.
It is a childrens play, though more Adult than anything here calls adult .. it is for Grown Ups, players who have evolved quietly and undercover to completion.

1 2… Beyond the 10… TEN… The Elegant Nomads..
It is a plat of the 3… 1 – 1;11… A B ..C…
The Ping Pong.. P P… 1616… 1… 16 16… 32… C B… 2012… 32.. C B… E… E….
Yes Robert Munoz was there at the door as I left today… I have been activating him with conversation and his rise and linking by his own effort and work, is phenomenal…
He said he knew that his bed number was so important but decided to wait until I asked him…
2-012… 2012… Thus he is a perfect reflection of my Truth…
So what is he and I, and all the key players doing in a Mental Health Shelter, especially after considering that I have proven that the World is suffering from a collective P.T.S.D..
Not the correct meaning as Perfect Timing is Santana Dharma… ( Eternal Law… Symmetry Synchronicity…which converges as a Star to reveal The Point.. Of penetration H harmony the G-Spot…Immaculate Conception to Immaculate Ejaculation)
Not P.T… Part Time ( Divide the Red Sea.. the Dead See) Satan Devil… Sigh….
D S T P… 4 19 2016… I was allocated bed 5-019 when I came here to Delta… Meaning that 5-019 Meaning E O S… “Dawn” that I was brought here to the 4th Dimension Simulation to bring forth Dawn.. rep by the Five Dawns and Embodied by Dawn Piercy and myself as the David Dawn ( Bed 4-017.. 57… E G)

And since there is no 5th Dimension in this world, ( only yet to be revealed) my current bed with is 4-019 but for some reason it was changed some months before I came back full circle to this room as 4-018…is the correct equation of bringing forth Dawn.. E OS.. to the D.O.S…
Yes Link Donna O Sullivan D O S whose portal along with her Husband Jonn Delguidce.. J D.. Jonn Blackwell J B.. I came through travelling not through their Mothers Elizabeth and Ruth..
E R ( Emeka Robert )
But through the portals of their Fathers …Robert Lorenzo…
R R.. Robert impressed me yesterday when he recalled the play of S P… A R K…When I asked him the significance of my returning to Delta yesterday and encountering Enoch ( E Knocks) age 44, and then himself..
And then on returning, encountering him and as we spoke Enoch arrived and kept walking back and forth in front of us.
*I had spoken with both of them Enoch spoke about his intention to move to England that he had completed his task and understanding of this America.. and how he writes poetry…
8:44.5 p.m right now..
I knew he was aligned to the E…
While Robert had spoken about the erractic energy of Delta Manor to use the facilities of the Senior Citizen center…
Enoch looks like a boy..
Robert looks like a very healthy older man.. he is only 62 and I was somewhat surprised that he would use such a portal..

But one was representing completion as E… Poet ..
The other.. the play of Delta.. the Reflection not the Radiance…
R D… versus R E…
I am R E…E R…
Melvin Er-er .. M E… H E R E…

He started to furrow his brow in concentrated though…
“Don;t think.. link.. link the simple facts like a child…” I suggested.
I gave him a Hint .. Full Circle… F C.. 6 3..
But he said it is the two Rainbows which form a Circle.. as you explained yesterday..

“Well Done” I said.. truly..

He said..”I pay attention…”

He is the play of Agent
Donald Trump is called by Spike Lee, “Agent Orange”
A O…He is.. do you see all the Fires, the Anger, the Flames he is inciting…
But that is Agent Orange based on the Distorted Projection created by the Cause Effect of this reality or mentality of which people do not embody truth before spouting them and sharing them as intel.. and this adopting a superiority, even unconsciously and not intentionally, because they become addicted and blinded and hypnotized by their own clairity.
The same way I spoke about the God being Perfect…
P… 88.. 16… P..
But then becoming G.. 1+6=7.. Means you have gone down from 8 which is Infinity Perfection…Harmony…That is the Height.
9 is I… 89… same thing…
7 as G..means you are going back into illusion or the containment field- the Body as Mass…
When the whole I idea was to leave it behind.. The same way an actor has to shed the character he played in a movie or a broadway production. Playing the Character helped Him or Her discover new things about themselves by playing someone else, taking on someone else’s persona and point of view…
But you have to come back to yourself because that is not who you are and if you do not you get lost in someone else blue print which you can not possibly ever be…
-All you can do it take in their point of view.. you may not agree with it.. But you have learned something from that experience which adds to the perfection you already are.. hence the play of O.. Start out as Perfection.. Descend… O Into the illusion of 0 as ZERO.. ( Really Z-ERO..S.E….Z=26=8…H.. H E R O S..E)
And thus, 0- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1…then 0 again balances to Ascend through HEROS.. 123567…8…The new ID of O..
O.H.. Orgasm..”Oh… Oh.. I cum.. I see.. Oh… Immaculate Ejaculation.. To Orgasm is an Individual Experience.. do you know why…? )

To thus go down to 7… means that your are leaving P… Perfection to entertain a point of view which you have not only already conquered but which because of the “Veil” of illusion.
it dims your view and this that which is Perfect assumes the role of imperfection, no longer having the total clarity of 7.. 1-7 =8 because they are seeing Everything from within…
That is the the play which Agent Line of Robert Munoz represents… R M…Room… 18… 13… The Ressurection of the Universe.. B M W… Being of the Man Woman in balance…
Being Manifest World.. Which is where I later realized that I had placed the Ping Pong which some artists had transformed into a web or jigsaw puzzle .. fractals all linked like a rubic cube…
I placed it on the the New York Parking Cards I found which has a Skeletal structure of the World..
The Sculpture which stands at Columbus Circle Manhattan which is very near 57 street where I lived with Michelle Lobsinger in her aprt in 2004…

*Yes the 24 years old Ian or Eion whom I saw ran into him 3 times today…

The base which is the black hole, I placed on top of the gift of the Louis Vuitton sample cologne which Jace Horsford gave me as a gift.. ( LV… o e… l o ve… which meant his E and Ancestors have acknowledged me as the meaning they attribute to love… “Yeah Whoppee for me… smh)

The Black Hole is Stagnation… That is how it forms- since everything in Creation Nature Existence moves… Vibrates and Moves..
V M/ M V
18 Mountain View Donna and Jonns Home… 18 …

Did you see the Thunder and Lightening last night?
In New York…
I have recounted again and again over the years the play of David Thor and I and the lightening..

I went outside and found myself looking down at a folded piece of paper… I resisted the impulse but finally gave in.. what am I to do, this is the play and it is real…
Agent undercover in the Matrix… Men and Women in Black and White as the Destroyers…

the receipt is from H Q… which I have coded to Self Destruct on completion of this Evil Script They Sanctioned…

It is from Macys…
1441.. Metropolitan Avenue… 14/41… O…
Codes… 022-033-0076…. 22 33… 76…

10772987 0033… 5-19… Yes,.. 5 19… 4 19…
The date is today…. 8-8…
The amount is 49.99…. See my last coffees,.. 29 99… Gap 70..7O…
Change from 100… * The last money code from Klien Alicia K A! (Egyptian ) was 100 written on it… meaning mission completion O Hundred O .H… C in Roman Numnerals…

Change 50.01… E O.. O A…

Do you see..

Yes,the ball I found represents that game I used to play with my sister, Nnamdi was still too young when we used to play and by the time he was old enough we had moved to Nigeria…
But of course, it is David who is the original Nnamdi- and linked to my mother Cecilia Onuabuchi…( the 11 22… 1 2… C D… O N… Yes the CD is On… and ONE)
-It was he telling me from the Invisible realm as he played the13 year old play as AGE but which really represents the 12 10+2= 12.. As in Nature and the current universal Calendar as 12 months and thus, was used in the Template of this Universal Simulation end play 2012…

I am thus T R O.. and have moved the play of 2015… 2016-2018… B O O…. B O A.E…. to 20 15 20 16 20 17 20 18…
22 22 OOOO…1111 5678….

T R… 2018 is the completion of the play of 2012… to 2018…
6 years…
T R… O… 2018… O=15… ANT + Emeka… = Francis.. Fact… Free Person… Naturalness…

T R..F…
F R E E … B T…
2018… that is a Fact.. Freedom from this play this year…

I found a Diamond today… It was so tiny, I sat on my bench in Taylor avenue meditating and travelling with my mind..
Searching while avoiding the implication of the Hatred to give someone such a task in such a way and refuse to let go of being wrong.. this God and the People…
People as God… God Grief… even at humanities cleanest they can not play God because they end up being blinded by thier own Truth… which makes them descend further in delusion and illusion because Truth is always Evolving Moving Evolving to its point and then doing it all over again an infinite number of ways..
That is what the Endless Code which appeared when I was commenting on Tejumola Raheem Osazee page…
His face revealed age 41… D.A..
Da Enlightens.. to enlighten is to Show demonstrate teach.. lecture.. exemplify.. Embody…

Endless is when the story reaches Infinity…. Perfection..
People assume that I will be solving this forever…
No Tejumola Raheem Osazee represnted the End.. Just as Kyle and Ja in bed 26.. Room 5C…
That is the End but of this story… I am with Robert Munoz..
You may recall I found a Black Diamond… Black.. then I found a Tiny white Jump Man… then I could not find the Black Diamond lost it the first day.. found the Jump man.. all white.. and then found the Black Diamond after finding the ping pong ball with the black hole… and then today.. the Diamond which looks like a Scepter.. Tiny .. it is someone Ear Stud of Nose stud…
But the K’Abba stone.. Saudi Arabia…
It was said to be originally White…
Black and White…
B W…
Bhushan Wagh.. B W…

Diamond comes from Carbon .. ..Black…

Like a Diamond.. Shine like a Diamond..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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