
8/8/2017 20:33 – Facebook Post

8:05 p.m.

Back to 1004…
Mama Dawn…
Dawn Marie 56…11 1

Three in One.

Dawn Piercy
Tiffany Dawn Haynie.

There is much more to the story, of what happened yesterday with Jamel…
But I am knackered, and have downloaded into the Matrix of this reality the decryption of this Truman Show..
Really meant to be True Men Show…T.M.S…
Transparency Manifestation Supremacy.. as Rocket Fuel…

8:09 p.m.

I am not even aware who is the Latest Face Book..

Oh I see Cory Melton.. C.M…

“Ravine, Seething pool, Cauldron” in Scots Gaelic, “Hollow” in Irish Gaelic, “Chosen” in Old English, “Horn” in French, translated from the word “cornell”, or derived from the French word for “Heart.”

Heart Melt On…E

Already done the Ravine, the Seething Pool.. S.P. The Hollow in the Mesh of the Universe… And The Chosen..
( McGuinness B.R.C…Shelter..Which means “The One.. The Choice…”)
So Heart is the 4th Chakra and the one center point of the chakras read Below and Above..B.A… 21… 2001…T.E.N..
And is Balanced as R.O.Y.G.B.I.V… G…
G is G.R…E.E..N… Golden Ratio E E..Naturalness Natures Truth…
Golden Green.. G G..
Kevin G Gordon
Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon K.E…VIN.. “Wine”

G.G… 7 7.. 14. 1 4 + “9′ = 1 4-9…9 5… I.E…E… 14 5O…
4 4… Bed 4 4.. Moi….
GG Mirror… 1 1

74…47… 11 77 77..14 14.. N N.. 28… Code 1 usd Lisa Natalie Johnson
G.D.. O.E…

The 4 is the Heart…
7 is 7 to 1/ 1-7… Descend Ascend.. D.A..
Da Enlightens…
We meet at the Center… the 4/4= 1…Which is 5…
Hearts Expression.

8+5= 13…M…M IS 1000 is M in Roman Numerals.. 1+3 is 4..D
C.M…/M.C… 1000 3… I was at 1003 Face Book Friends when Cory Melton arrived…
C in Roman numerals is 100… 1100…See sacred portal 110…
A Family all 1. ONE

Jodie Butler… J.B… Arrived at 1002 after the 1002.. 10 2 J.B…
James Bond story not the “Steve Job”- and the Story of Job Biblical Horror story…

8:28 p.m.

Yes, there is much more to the story…

But its enough.

I am tired and this was not my home work.
And now that we are finally back at Plan B, which despite my warning that plan A will not work,- they chose to do it their way by responding to the absurd Alpha Bet which took place at 268 East 4th Street Alpha Bet City… the B are E.T…
They came from Beyond and Had to learn to B here in this world play called Expression Time.. to learn the point..
Perfect Timing..
With what…
With Manifestation.. Expression is Energy Harmony…
Which Manifest instantly when you have reached the point.

Which I have.

8:33 p.m.

8:38 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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