
8/8/2015 17:27 – Facebook Post

8/8/2015 17:27 – Facebook Post

3: O3 P.M- Time/ E…M.I.T….

(hint hint Massachusetts Institute of Technology versus…Hmmm?)

Date…/E.T..A.D…E.T..14..(N) N.E T/T.E.N..


Time now 3:O8 pm
+x 11…1 A.. 2..24..X..6…F..

246 2539…(old Telephone number when I wrote the story of the World Awakening at age 8 in Windsor Park, Canada…25 39…Y.C.I…(Yeshua Christ I)…2 5 3 9…B.E.C.I…/I C.E..B)


It’s is 8-8-8 according to this current world Calendar.
Which we are aligning the E T Consciousness to the Human Linear Time Consciousness Frame work…
Through a Contract being signed by the E.T.C and the H.B…Human Beings for the merger with the Human Being as H.B (Pencilled in until Humanity aligned to the Highest Consciousness in Universal Nature 8 Harmony Infinity…I=9..
H.I) and the Truth Story of the Source Beyond Existence…the E Line.

What is Beyond Existence?
Naturalness Eternity a place where Existence is not defined…Meaning it is beyond time and space …
What can exist beyond Time and Space..Thought and Spirit?
The Point.
What is the point..
Where and How (not why) the Creator of Everything and The Everything Rose.

That is the Point.

I have a new Facebook Friend..

Hello and Welcome
Catina V. Elliott…
My 338 Facebook Friend.
338..C.38…C.1..C.2….C 24…C.X…..C.F.
Represented here by
Chris Franco
Chris Forrester…

I was in the car the other day with Jonn Blackwell when I pointed out a van which was parked in such a way that the sign blazoned on it in large letters was E.Victory…
The next day, I received a card with a beautiful poem written in code of her highest Consciousness I call the E, from Donna O’Sullivan called Victor E.. V.E.

E.VV.E….EWE….Meaning Purity… Rachel McWilliams…. David…RD…Donna Ruth…DR.


And so as all this played out yesterday then was acted out with all three of us A.B C..
A Triangle.
And my posting the Awareness of the conclusion of the play yesterday to 66 posts 66- to 6-76…
The response is E=AH BE CDE…V..E…
Becomes a Full Circle and thus Manifest in the Facebook Friend

C V.E..
Catina V.Elliot.

Curriculum Vitae Emeka

Curriculum Vitae Existence.

My Curriculum Vitae is Of Existence…

This is the response to the Unseen whom Tom Benzian of The Truth of the Universe..
TT O T.U…..

(Gate way to O Source Truth is U..21 letter…1-21…Sacred Portal 121 Nnamdi!… The Base of the Universe which sends through the Heart Beat – John Obi- the Harmonious Beat which creates the Ripple Effect in the Black Well, really a tunnel of Love which captures the Light on Exisrence, the Portal to the “Other Side” the only true Sight…of the Luminous Ones who in NRI Igbo Lore, cited here on Facebook by Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula…
How the Beautiful Luminous Ones made first contact.
The Luminous Ones Being the full Potential of the Human Espirit H.E (8-5) having already been achieved when Erose rose..
And the subsequent play of Existing in the Holograme I call the Universal Matrix- Universe Nature…
Universality Naturally Expressed

– correctly calls the Andromedans…And I called the A Lien Council…A.C…
Andromeda.. And Rome DA..
Milky Way designated code by NASA 78W.
7-8 was yesterday’s Date.

A.M.A.C….A Silver Mac Computer?

The only thing missing in this equation shared in the work of Tom Benzian..T.B…Truth Beautiful…
Is the B.V…The B..

Please older Facebook Friends will recall the plays of Tom Truman and Marina Burini…and how I met a Billy through Marina whom both Tom and Billy (T.B) had so moved me when I met them both because I knew thier Espirits so well and thier Espirits in them moving them knew me instantly
Then recall my subsequently meeting Billy Hung and his brother Tom Hung…
Proving Tom and Billy were literally brothers..
And recall the play of Tom Hung with Professor Chinua Achebe C.A…the writer of Things Fall Apart whom I used to call uncle.

And Billy Hung contacting Professor Catherine Acholonu..C.A (Author of The Came Before Adam, The Beautiful.Ones etc…) on behalf of my work which aligned and correspondending alignment to my Work my Expression and my Expression and literal embodied experience which both my Higher Self and literal physical body had done the impossible by overriding my own self to move me literally into this play, which only in hindsight or with foresight and codes could I decipher not only the transmission but the meaning of the paths and Expression and experiences in what I had determined was a Holographic play and Simulation of the Evolution Awakening of the Species…

But in which despite my total recall, I had been forced again and again into places made to resemble forhetfulness, Darkness of seeming Chaos or distraction and lowest Human Consciousness (Living with people whose focus was on and of the basis needs and fears of living in the Human Matrix I call the system of the damned…-Those who do not understand E.V…Expression Victorious Energy…they choose to focus their attention of Fear Control rather than on Beauty Harmony ..Being Human)

Thus, I was literally diving, go deeper and deeper into the Ocean of death to the depth of human consciousness in fear to align each connection with each Dimension. One or several people I was led to embodied as a human consciousness…
Where I had to stay undercover in thier homes, and in thier worlds (a Nightmare and pain in the butt for me which literally affects my body) until I completed full circle the Truth proven even to them of the Harmony.
Repeating this process over and over again, for 14 years and income and my own body and sense of self denied me, in order to force me to submerge myself in another’s “Truth” and then rising against that “Ocean of Pressure” to create the Ripple effect “Waves Sine” to link Expression Harmony in three Dimension Under water, in this Worlds Worst aspect of Living the lie..and then in Space of Cyber Space Death…
Until it formed a Well, a Black Well a tunnel of True Love to True Life…
T L.
5…See Me as the Lady 5…Ma Donna..
Shared by Orobello Agata…
Nnonyelum. I…
Kevin G Gordon
Evan ALexander Judson…July 28….
11.28..39…C I.
246…25 39..
1O5 Wiltshire bay Windsor Park Canada…

Tom Benzian is a friend of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O Sullivan…

Tom Billy…

In Tom Benzian… The Equation of Tom Billy..
Tom means Twin.
Billy from William…
The Two become One..

Tom Benzian…
Twin B..is
See Brooke Banwer play..
Twin of B is B…

Jonn Blackwell
Julian Brown…
Arrived almost simultaneously as F B friends..
John Obi
Jane Frances
22..Victor (my British Name)
22 is V…
V is 5..5 is E

Now what does the name Catina mean?

It means “Pure”….
V is 5..5 is E…
Elliot comes from the Hebrew name ” Elijah” Praise of God on High…”

Thus, in a sentence “C.V.E”
Represented and Embodied in my new Facebook Friend Lady Catina…

Pure E, Praise of the Creator on High.

For my Curriculum Vitae of Existence…

No ones opinion or Judgment of me has any effect or bearing on me or this Play.
I am not playing with you . this play of which people believe that by omitting you, negating your Expression point of view, renders you non existent..
When in Truth it is the other way around.

My play is with the E Line and the correction of the one True play which was called the Story of the family of T.E.N…69:55… The Beautiful Ones..
The line of Nnamdi Nneka NN 14+14 is 28…
Whose expanded view of the play by TEN creates 38..8-8-8…

In this regard, the 28 is really the 2+8…1O…J…?
No, it is the 1 Filled Circle A.
Of Alpha..all Exisrence..
Balance is not really J.B…which no matter is being enacted by that line..
But rather, 1=A…
Alberto… Bright Noble Intelligence….

Tom B
T.Benzian of The Truth of the Universe is the first person whom a through a play of Jonn Blackwell having recognize me and my Truth through others even though his Espirit recognized me instantly and even moved him and Donna to act on it.
But what maybe have been presumed or acted out to being the rescue of a homeless man, who did not deserve in thier estimation to be homeless has revealed that through Tom Benzian that Jonn Blackwell as the man is able to recognize my Truth.
All rigged..
All a set up…
Yes ..
By the Andromedans… Yes..
But the Andromedans fogot that they too were part of play, of Mother May I.C..
4:46 pm.
Pls refer to Sacred Portal 46
“First Drop”

And that Mother is E…
As affirmed by the play designed by Nnamdi Nneka both NN…J.O…NN…1OO…28..128…
JO N.N and Harmony.
Nnamdi is Harmony.
And Nnamdi is

Tom Benzian…
Tom Billy
Twin Billy..
Billy Reflects Billy.
AH Tom and EE..
15-Letree O..O 55…O.EE…
1+5=6…F EE..
*There is a fee to pay for all this Denial..
Mother states..
For the recusal to recognize why we the EE made this play, to reveal those parts of you A L.L which required refining, redesigning and establishing if you are the Truth of the Universe…look at the Universe above Below and all around you..

“What do you see?”

Movement Victorious

True Beauty..T.B
The Beautiful.. T.B
Beautiful Expression

Tom Benzian I already knew..
Is the merging of two Wills
Billy Billy..B.B.
William William.
Market Market…
Into 1+8+O…9..

Thus it is no surprise that Tom Benzian, whose work I finally today is the Highest Truth of Albero
Noble Bright Intelligence I have encountered who got the Truth of the Universal play correct.

I read his work..
I invite anyone to read my posts of 41 months it is exactly the play I described..
But I am from beyond because there was and is a point to this play..

T.+B…is 2O +2..
22…letter V.

5th Dimension
5 is E

Victor …


The Point is Beauty…
Beauty Harmony
Is the One Source..

5:O4-5 pm.

E D …EE…
69 Nnamdi
In S.HE.

I render the highest to Tom Benzian…
Nearest to the Absolute Truth of the Universe..
But its point was made in Donna being the Hostess…
Be Gracious Be Beautiful
“Recognize the Truth the Universe
5:O8 pm..
And give It the respect it deserves.
The Movement Victorious of E Harmony.

And the loyalty of Jonn Blackwell to his Friends whose Expression existence helped his Being of E move past his Fears and Doubts..
To take in a ” Homeless Man”
Yet it was though others such as
Ras Ian Nathaniel Dawkins
And especially the Beauty that is Tom Benzian
5:11 pm is the time now..

Who helped him recognize that this “Homeless Man”
Is the embodied expression whom Tom B was sent in his way for Jonn to see…whose Truth of the Universe expressed by Tom Benzian, he is gradually begining to see embodied in me…

Tom B and 12 Gurus in Jonns life prepared him to meet me..
And yet, his Being alreay knew me.
H.T…H.O.T Headed?
Fritz Venneiq Jonn Blackwell Julian Brown..John Obi…Boom! Boom!
Krsna Radar
Deep in the back of mind Being..
The Darkness turns to Luminous Moon Light..

Memory Awakens.


Who is as God?
A Friend.

Thus, fullfils the last Contract now out of the way..
Loyalty to GOD is the loyalty to friends..
Dog mans Best Friend.
Do G is Men Best Friend.
Symbolic of Dog Jake the Golden Retriever..
Dawn Marie…
Loyalty is the Covenant between God and Men.
Friendship is the brother hood of Men.

But not to me..
Tis my own Harmony who is my Best Friend..
For all my brothers betryed me..
Loyalty to the source of M.E.N
Eros E
But not my Ladies..
They were loyal to Me to the end.

Thank you my Ladies..

Highest honors to the trinity
Tom Benzian
Jonn Blackwell his twin.
And Lady Do NNA O Sullivan
Hawk Eye..


5:26 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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