
8/7/2020 23:14 – Facebook Post

E: M I T O S. I S. Y Cells not X
Y creates Y Y. X
Y IS YX merged.
49/ 94
DI / I D
D I D.

E. Manifests Infinite ( Via Individuals) Truth
Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry of
DI. Means “IS” in Igbo ( Forest People) O I Nri.

NN. A.M. D.I
I D. M A -N. A-A M.
D I.

21:35 Hundred Hours

21:17 Hundred Hours


I recieved a message from Coury Leavitt which I reconized Some thing in her question, something I wish to make clear publicly.

She said that it seems like I am Tormented and that my Soul is in Pain.

What did the world people do.

She also asked
” What happens when you prove this is not real, does reality shift.
Do we enter a new misson or lesson
Are you stuck in this play Script until it is over.
Is Free will a myth.

Did you awaken these missions or were you instructed
Do you feel you have merged with your higher self.?”

All pertinent questions
But I have answered them over and over again.
But because C L
Linked to the Wolf meaning in her name
Its comming up in the equation today
C L. 3. 12. = 15 Letter O. C L.O. S E
Spirit Energy.. S P. 90

And last night I found myself watching Lion King
* Her Logo is a Lion Le o.

I found myself staring at Esteban Miguel Filgueira lion statue.
And when I watched the Mustafa Simba
I watched Simba and I said to myself
That is Stephen exactly him

His father’s name was Alexander
Me born Alexander Grove
Led to Arden Gemino
By E.S.
Proven to be A E
Left with Esteban Stephen and Alexa Vertefeuille

This has not been concluded as a Script of Loves Consciousness
But that of Hate.
Self Hatred.
Not Self Love.

Hence Coury C means Courier A Messenger.
A.M. ” C A M. E. ”
John Mack

C A M. E. E
All linked to Arden C Morgan Emeka Eden.
The L is linked to Leander and Liberty C Liscomb
Leavitt means Wolf Cub.
Water Closest

But in C Code
C Double V V
Link Fahad Hassen what moved Liberty to choose FH.
Linked to Mentor story of Arden told me of Forest People story of a Man his Mentor who told him about a tale of two best friends.
( Ardens was Emil in his childhood. A E)
And their interaction with their Animal Spirits selves.
E L= 5 12. = 17
Elephant Memory Trumpets
Leopard. Hunter Predator Stealth.)

Leopard Tree Sage.Mother was wearing

Musafa. M U. S. ( I C) A F A.
A F A. S U.M .. A F A ‘C I. .C T” SUM.

Simba. S I M .B A. S I. M.B. A
Manifest Being Awareness.

I passed through Stephan Elephant in the Room
Memory Room
And arrived through the Portal of The Black Panther..
Same as a Leopard with Melanin.

I am being Tortured and Tormented yes,
But I am not Tortured and Tormented its being imposed on me by being forced to add Attention and Focus to this play and its view.
By what I am solving faced to see what I am made to endure.

My soul is not in Pain- its impregnable
What is Painful.and Hurtful is imposed on.me and that it is not real and yet its is at this point such a story entertainment entertained by you.

That is what the World People did.
Sustaining an Animal Mentality which is not even the truth of that Animal Mentality
Savage brutal coldly watching this play after ot had been proven true.
Waiting for Solid Fact of Manifestation when its already proven that you are in a Matrix
Animals Sense Smell and instantly respond to that which is Fake, Diseased Impure.
They do not sit and watch midly entertained and coolly demanding after a person had proven this reality not real in from 0 1-7

On.a public forum for 8.7..8 years everyday to a Script in which People Places Things publicly respond and do not even bother to pay attention and or.read, investigste the Solid Facts.
But decided only when Animal sees the Fire all around him when it is too.late does it move.

As for the latter questions..

All have been answered.

I did not know I was Awake but I was Aware.
It was outside influences: People Places and Things.
P. PAT. Patricik Patricia Patrician Nobles
Who kept on seeking for me to understand my Memories was that of the Awakened one
Axel Love
“Hero’s Journey ”
Rob Barr
” Elevator Man ”
Golden Buddha.
Geoff LaCour
And since I was 7-8

The rest of it… all know ask Liberty

This last part of The Play..
Is about proving how I know its is the Completion Perfect Fact…I
Attained at 900 South Road

22:22 Hundred Hours

To bring the Destruction -Awakening of Victorious I.D
Independence Day
Identifications and Recognition.
And Self Recognition of myself for the First Time ever in.my Life.
With absolute certainty

It is a Play of Cock Sure.
Are you Sure?
E R. U.S.
Emeka E Responds Robert
Arden Jeron ( Satya) Robert
Understanding Supremacy
Universe Supreme

And yes, the entire Facric of Existence Transforms and Changes
And no, there is no more missions.

Eden Eternity Attained

No more Need
Pain and Hurt.
Growing Pains
As Growing Up.
Animals Horoscopes.
Human Horror Scope..
Scope of Human Horror as their True Nature

And I can leave..
My Body behind
Still Free Will and Choice
But in.a possibility of the Impossible
Absurd Reality masquerading as E

I completed the Script already of the One
And Ones who sent me here
All perfectly legible and eloquently translated and decoded by me.

It already done.
What I am simply now absorbing is the play of the Absolute Abuse of Power

Meddling with the Facts of Life.
Body Being, Awareness Truth
The IS.

I am already moving everything to through this Script of the true DNA /
AND ..
Have connected the 3D to 5D
Where it all.began
EO: 8. 98. I.H

Izu Honda Ebubechukwu-UzoIzu

I H.E. U. U=21 =3 C
Car La!
The Car Vehicle C V is your Body

They have never not been in One
Awareness Linked them
Left Right
L R = Centered.
C Spinal Cord 33 = 3/3=1. 6.
A F A. Full.Circle.

I am simply here, observing the meaning conclusion of A Script I.solved age 7-8 acessing memory of a play and saying the same thing over and over for..

22:43 Hundred Hours

43 years.

Simply to.equate to a Numeric Script imoosed upon me by these Forest People
“First People” claiming they landed rose First as children of Mother Nature
Mother Earth.

And this imcredible indulgent Script which has forced me to provr through such a messy play
Chaos Confusion
When is, was simply explained and demonstrated
“Blue Diamond” B D. 2.4. 6
Blue Star.
Blue Santana Arden E.
5th Element Lee Loo

Coal To. Doamond.
Carbon Copy
A H. Tom.
Atomic Energy.
Expression A-Tom Energy

11 1

3 Dimension
Mecury Pluto. Earth
3 6 9?

The 1 A
Which is 3. 6 9 12 15. 18 21..3
U C..

Uzo means ” The Path. THE WAY
Thought Speech Action Expression..=Expression.

Sacred Portal 1/3
Y Trinity as ONE. I.


No, I.can walk away…
Its complete and I and satisfied
What is taking place is details
Buying more time
For what?

Ardens codes represent the ALL E.

There are no more lines of E undercover in.Human Naturals or Unnaturals to explore

I.feel nothing
Yes, I.am.shocked.
And I Will go to.Express Grief which is natural for having endured such.a story to this extent
Stained ?
John Wayne Stain

But it is not real.
I.will.get over it after Grieving
Letting all the emotions feelings I put away, put off.
But after that “Process ”
But the arrival of J W Stain is that proof that I will never Forget or Forgive this play and the response..of Truth which Manifests
20 13
F S.
Y M ..
3 in 1 A.M

S Car La!
No you who do rise will carry The Scar
Not I
Or I & I.
I.carry it symbolically
A V scar on my right inner Forearm
1996 “Poille Sur le Vegre’ Near Le Mann France.1996.
3 men.
Christian Gerald Pierro.
C G. P.

The same year in England I met myself as Jay and Tuan
A @ 1:30 p.m text.
” Mentoring”
Men To Ring.

Mustafa Simba?
M.E. Crowned
A E M F S. Y Crowned

23:11 Hundred Hours
11:11 p.m
4 in 1
23 12 Hundred 6

11;12 p.m
K L. . / Lion.King?

K O O L. I.O.N
Love Conquers
Koolly All
Whether paying attebtion or not.

All.is E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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