
8/7/2019 16:09 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins

I take this personally.

See sacred portal 58.

As the date for my departure from Jesse Macias portal looms, the last portal of a life time of living proving a Truth not of this world- written as an 7-8 year old boy of A Mission I was dropped off on this Dimension to complete…
Which I recalled that My Father Son would arrive on Unicorned Pegasus U.P and lead me home.

See Sacred Portal 58.
It has been 27 years since I recieved the confirmation and an agonizing 18.5 years of waiting for him to arrive and lead me to the family of E now landed in this realm.

Fritz Venniqu recalled how in 2010, how sure I was that he was comming- after all he is Alien Father, Head of the Alien Council and I have been in contact with him since 1982.
Through E S P and his speaking through Persons Places and things.

3:39 p.m

I was not comcerned with the Mission and Riddle, I just wanted out of this play..
But the years passed.

And I questioned if I had been betrayed, forgotren because of what I was being compelled to Navigate, through a world which had no idea why I was living in such a unconventional way..

How could it go so far..
Moving 63 times..
Each play, I saw in Hindsight, was predestined.
Nor could I leave each portal until I completed and figured out the reason I was there.

Each time, I was sure that I was going home, but the people could not understand why I was so sure..
I could read.

And yet, I did not wish to read or let sink in what I was decoding that Father was present but I had to complete the Mission..
-DIscoverying it, along the way, that I was solving a riddle of which revealed my Eternal Truth.

The Nervousness and Anxiety, I suffered during these years, not knowing how I would go home, yet knowing exactly how.

While dealing each day with Human Avatars who saw no way out of my circumstances except through the way of this worlds systems..
Passports, Document Job..
-A Way I had mastered but was not allowed to live.
Because, as I later understood this play was about what and who truly moves this world and everything.

3:50 p.m

Its not easy to face the criticsms of people around you, the abandoment of Family members, public ridicule…

The knowing and seeing what others could not see.
The Public and private Humilations and watching the years go by,
Not able to deny the Beautiful Truth but the years, the effort…
And the faces of people, many perceiving me as a Romantic, reading posts and script as a wonderful fantasy..

I.leave at 8 31..
The Date..
Or the Meaning
8 31 is 8 13..
See sacred Portal 31..that is what the Intel I was given by Stepen Esteban S E
8 31..
8 Harmony Consciousness Alpha..
States.. South Carolina linked to The Golden State California ( Golden State Warriors)

I have completed the code
Sacred Portal 8 and 31..

3:58 p.m

Its not meant to be a Date..
But its meaning..

But each time for the past years, I have waited then crushed when incredulously, I saw that not only had I not completed the Mission but that more seemingly impossible tasks were set up for me.

I do not know what to believe now, after 14 years, added to the Date I knew I had completed the play in 2005.
25 Y

The will power I have used to silence, battle confront all the nay sayers, who believed I was lost to this play ..all in my head.
The will power to hold on to this Truth for 43 years.. 44..

4:04 p.m

To know your own Idenity, and that of all the people sent to me, Avatars Descendants..
And holding the thread not dropping the Ball when no one truly believed..
Warching me suffer, solve, endure indignation after indignation and isolation for so long..

How can this be.
How could it be of such a cruelty,
To keep someine hanging, to hold onto a thread of a conversation which took place in The Eternal Realm..

If it is not to be, why does no other portal opened exvept for only the ones which align to.my completing the play..

Its a good thing that this play is not about Belief..
But the Facts which Manifest.

4:09 p.m

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