
8/7/2017 21:11 – Facebook Post

8:50 P.M.


EVIDENCE… D.P.T… 4 16 =20… D.PT.

Delta is the Point…

That is the Link which proves who is of the E line Rep.

From Dawn Piercy…


I was scrolling through and reading more… on the stapled scar it has same design…i recently tore the sheath around my Achilles after my recent surgery… there is a bruise that looks as though it has a figure in it… would you like to see what it looks like?

Emeka Kolo
Yes Please..

Emeka Kolo

The first thing I saw was a smiling face – if you turn the image to the side. I saw Father – Jack of Green…” P.S.. Achilles Heel is Sacred Portal 97… Light of World Existence- There is nothing wrong with My Achilles Heel… ” But there was something which was wrong with yours… What this simply means is that -There was something wrong with Womans View of herself and the Universe Existence.. 4 16.. D.P… Dawn and the Past.. The Piercing of Dawn of the T.E.N…D.O..N…E… View of how I The Elegant Nomad manifested completion. The Idea that something was missing… That Woman Needed Man… Nonsense.. Woman is Man! Man is Woman… M.W… Milky Way… 13 23… You gave me 22 usd add the 1 usd… 1… 23… 5… 56… 2 3.. B.C..E.. The Past History… HI-Story.. Achilles Heel according to myth was pierced by an Arrow – demonstrating the weak point in the “Perfect Man”- There was no weak spot in him nor did his To prevent his death, his mother Thetis took Achilles to the River Styx, which was supposed to offer powers of invulnerability, and dipped his body into the water; however, as Thetis held Achilles by the heel, his heel was not washed over by the water of the magical river” His Mother had Fear.. her need to dip him in the River Styx… There was no need.. The River S.T…Y.X…

In Greek mythology, Styx (/st?ks/; Ancient Greek: ???? [stýk?s]) is a deity and a river that forms the boundary between Earth and the Underworld (the domain often called Hades, which also is the name of its ruler). The Body is already Complete as Perfection… She felt she needed something more to protect her son.. THE TIS… TIS already in one… Earth Underworld.. Hades Earth… E.U… H.E… There was no need to put him in a story… When His Truth was is Perfection…. Thus.. See in my own experience the Story of Tom Truman and his mother April…

April means OPEN… Transformation..Spring.. Summer…
Tom means Twins… True Man…

This is my Story represented in the Matrix by the Avatars of this Matrix chosen by the Challengers..
Though the only True Challenger is My self.
The same way we compete against our selves.

Why this play cheated as Ed Harris E.H… 5 8..
True Man Show… T.S.. 20 19… 39.. C.I..
I.C… E GA LA XY 11 01/ 10 11 J.K..E… J..E..K..
E.J. E.K…E…L..C…
Is that he knew that Every One E.O… Real is me.
But not Every Thing is of E…

And to keep me and everyone else in the Dark about it is criminally unfair cruel.. Evil
Which is why Geoff Lacour called out the Evil in me which was nor mine.. It was his, at what he Representing Every Thing had done to me, to make Every thing True Hinge on me.
Which is not how it works to become an Individual
all because of his lack of Faith in Himself or better still his descendants- Humanity of True Nature.
What felt it better to risk me, sacrifice me to this play and risk my eternal ire…
Than risk the failure of the Human Race .. Species from evolving as Bodies to link with the E my Line in Eternity.

Of course, this was the error, because despite the wrath I now have, the only way people can be confident in themselves and solid in their truth of Self is to Walk the Walk themselves.

But what he did siucceed in doing, is making sure that a E Manual Existed for all Humanity…
And thus ensuring that no one suffered, and that in the Awakening no one would have to endure what I endured at his hands…
Or of this Matrix manifested from Human fear and Those who played Gods… Control Dominators…
And those who do even after getting such a detailed and long Map and Exemplification expressed overand over again…
They deserve it and He She are now assured that such as their descendants never deserved to exist- aligning with my own assertion that they never had existed in the first place.. That they were Illusion…

A.Truman then Shaw… AT.. A.S… She felt she needed something but Tom began to fear her because of her Fears and thoughts… He began to fear and hate Women for bringing the idea of his not being able to take care of himself.. That he needed ‘Magical Protection” – Meaning that it leaves one with a sense of inadequacy.. or an idea of invincibility by relying on something other than oneself. Mothers turned to Nature to stories to unintentionally manipulate and control their children in a desire to protect them.. But from what? S.T.. X.Y… S=19..T =20.. 39… X Y Chromosome.. Male Female… Perfectly balanced.. 39..C.I…I.C… G A LA XY 11 01… / 10 11 C.I… Perfect and Complete… In Woman as the Promidal Goddess.. P.G… She as He was is already complete as H.E… There was no NEED of him .. Eve Did not NEED Adam… Adam did not NEED Eve.. They came down Complete… From the 5th Dimension and in them was that perfect knowledge which moved through their “Stream of Consciousness” The River which Runs Through Us… ” and the Underworld.. The Sub Conscious- Not really the dream world but the realm outside the Matrix.. The Body… Earth.. is the Hologram a perfect Embodiment of all three in One… Able to navigate and See in three Levels of Existence… Using The Two perspectives Awakened Truth… A.T.. Truth Awake… Awareness Sleep.. A.S.. To realize that they were are the same thing… 1 20… 21.. 3.. C… A S… 1 19… 20… 41…5.. E.. All the 5th Dimension.
It was and has always been 5 in 1… A Dream with in a Dream.. ? No the Fifth Dimension is Present always was is.. right here but you go from the 5th thinking you are going down 4 3 2 1 0…Only to realize it is all O.. A full Circle of the same thing.. the story the dream all are the E.. Expression which links back 12…Life Love Light.. A.H… Achilles Heel.. AH! i was lost in a Idea of dreaming.. not Ceeing.. forgetting that which I already know – because you got so involved with Fears of not being complete whole or taken care of… When in Truth .. It was just not seeing the full circle which then allows the RISE.. 12…3.. I.C!… D..DE VINE… Connection links… Dionsio Diana the Moon.. Intoxication of Life… Extase… 12 3 4 5… E.. is a F… Fact Solid… F.S… 6 19… 6 Sixth Sense.. 1 O… 7…2 5… 7… and 7 Root AND Crown.. Sex Creation.. Head Third Eye Creation… All I create Below and above and it is balanced by my Heart Beating the Rytmn of my desire…

Dawn Piercy

Emeka Kolo
Is it ok if I share this.. I know that is why you asked the question – it was for the World…

Dawn Piercy

Emeka Kolo
5:10 p.m

Dawn Piercy ;


It took having this injury for the pieces that fell in place to happen. That is my blessing from my pain.
I found my strength in my weakness
Well Said…

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9;07 p.m.

9;08 p,m.

P.S Excuse all the Spelling mistakes editing …
I am too knackered.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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