
8/6/2018 1:03 – Facebook Post

11:28 p.m,
My Birth Day code.

From Tejumola Raheem Osazee T.R.O…

Again I commend andrecognize the Harmony of Tejumola;s posts and harmony but at the same time, it is here that the expressed embodiment of my experiencing in awareness the literal script and then documenting it as it manifested around me, linked to my own persoal experience and memory… We part ways here.

This is why, the young man used as an Avatar in the script of which I have challenged ( because being moved by truth.. which you may, if you still wish, call my own Truth and not the Unviversal truth because my truth has yet to manifest as Fact universally witnessed by all)
called Ja of Quanma’e Lewis was identified by me the first day he came here to this shelter as part of the play.
You may all go back now or in the future, ( when my truth does manifests Universally to all that is is the solid fact… until then “each to their own” ) to check the enactment of which he was first identified as Music.. or the reflection me as Music and the Wave.
This Musical Wave .. M W is what I have stated is the Nature of the Universe and all Creation…
That Truth is Natures manifestion ( as the template to understand Truth Consistency) and that thus are the instruments at which the Harmonies are manifested ( Universe has been identified as composed as Harmonics… Nature and Creation is filled with solid Truth ( Manifest Materialization) and everything vibrates…
The Wind could be likened to what could be called the source of the Music and the Manifest Intrumenst- all solid manifest creation.

Thus Music is not a Mind… It is Being since it includes the play of all thigs in creation eachh an embodiment of being with nothing to declare but the resonance vibration and frequency of thier expression of “I am”
and the Designers Intention ( D.I… Truth)
Rather than the Deluded Illusion which represent he equation I just solved of that which is not of Existence, since Mind has not been identified as anything in Existence.

The Play of the battle I have been in for the last 7-8 years and which many of my older Facebooks are aware of is my absolute refusal of the concept of a Universal Mind rather a Universal Being..

The play of “Mind Brain” has been raging as a challenger represented by Humans who are not Human Being but rather, those living in thier heads.
You can not live in you head..
You live in a Body and the Body is the Truth consistent always..manifesting since the Human Body formed and came into existence and awareness…

The expression here in this post was necessary and is part of the script and was moved by the very same forces which have been placing me this test to prove that there is no Universal mind.

And that Micheal Monks post ( M M ) is not the truth -simply because there is no Empirical Evidence how he came to this conclusion.
One might suggest that he simply represents ( nothing personal to him of course) the idea many have adopted of a Universal Mind..

This Mind would be this a Manifestation the Thoughts which come from the Brain.. Head…
Talking Heads.
Which no matter how brilliant- like Theoretical Physics, it is still a theorey which can not be validated as truth without Action Movement …. Empirical evidence which Natures Blue print informs us bust be a Fact which is Tangible, Consistent and Witnessed by all any time… experienced by every one or by one Individual or .. even indifferent to all..
If a a tree falls and you do not hear it, does it matter, that you are aware of it…?
The question actually would be, “Does the Tree Care that you are aware that it feel or grew..” It is the child or spawnn of the great “I am”
It is indifferent to you perception of it s Existece..
It is Truth and there fore it exist…
It does not need to prove itself as Mind Thought- was created in this reality of Non Existence represented by Unnatural Humanity living in the illusion Delusion of Mind and that what they Think matters..
Or even more ridiculous- the conciet that your thoughts effect reality.
How can thoughts which are based in doubt questions incompleteness, affect that which is already True and Complete.

Quanma’e Lewis played out the Music and then Mind…
When he entered mind,was able to grasp some extraordianry concepts which he stated my way of expresssing stimulated.
But he could not sustain that in his being.
And the Mind became his prision- hs thoughts requiring weed and other aid to help him silence his Thoughts which were moving him more and more into chaos.

To live in Ones Head and Thoughts in a reality which he had stated when the Quantum Particle of “Gode” was stimulated in him, and declared that there is only Art.. That only Art was required and this was enough to fuel being…
The music is the expression and motion which comes from being.. not thinking why are we here? Why was I born….
Such questions were never required and history still recollects people who existed without questioning but existed naturally and discovery and delight of that being…which brought forth the “Awareness” of the Music.. and consequently a Harmony, a Logos and Harmonious Symmtery in all things…
This Symmtery brought meaning.. as Music always invokes, and an understanding.,,
And then and only then, curiosity peaked.. an understanding that this was Created.. Designed . with Intelligence and meaning..
And thus came the search for the Creator.. and thus, the true and original begining of the idea not really of mind.. but of Thought.
To break down this Amazing Creation to understand the Creator of it, in order to find out His her.. I.D…

That was originally why Thought manifested.
That was the original expression of Man realizing that they were in Paradise and at the End of the Cycle of which I call
They Lived Before Adam:- coined by the late Professor Catherine Acholonu.
– where did they go…
they became The Elegant Nomads who moved backwards from the point of Completion Full Circle of the Wave The Music, the Manifestation of the Natural movement of Dancing exploring the Music of Paradise…
Paradise was never lost.
The Beautiful Ones. whom many call Light Beings at competion entered into the Sub terrain of the Music Meaning to find its Creator…
And hence they came back undercover as Thought “Proton Electron Neutron..” P E N… Pen State.. the 12 State.. to complete ( unknowingly their completion) which did not finish at 1 O… Going through the Full Circle of Begining and full circle back to the begining but now instead of being Naturals .. Natural Being .. They had evolved to Natural Bodies who had understood the Music and Creation and its meaning… and pt..
Perfection Harmony..They were now aware that everything is Perfect and Every aspect of Creation is Perfect…

And it was The One who Created this whom they now desired to me, the Creator of such beauty not ony around them but which they began to understand through the experiencing the second Full Circle of their Quest to find the Creator and in that through the Idea of Time ad Thought ( True Thought True True Reflections T R..O E)
They discovered another wonderful gift as they broke down thier First Journey… in the second it was thier cometplation Thoughts… Matter…

Thoughts do not effect reality or Truth.. if so you could make a tree grow with your thoughts…
This is of course possible when your Being is literally aligned to the very frequency of not only Creation but Existence and goes beyond it to understand it..

And that is where the Beautful ones went, they did not realize that as they searched for the Creator of this amazing work of Art and having understood Its meaning- His Her Meaning and thier desire to meet and know this Source, that they in turn where being schooled by following the trail in their quest for the source… Were evolving learning to become as he…

The Universal Mind equated in the west with the play of Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy – Mind Expansion drugs…
The Numer 42…
Yes Isabelle Ilic…
But what abut the full Circle.. 42 is Linear…. and 24 is its sequence of ascension and links to one Day…
Evenng would link to 42.. Descending…
Evening Day…
Day Evening…
full circle 242.. 424…. which one… Day versus the Idea of the Creator being a Great Computer seeking to Quantify… or needing to be quantified…

242.. 8… 1-8… First Chakra to 8th… 8 could also be linked to really being the point of Commencement.. O… Moving through the illusion o 1234567…back to Origins O but now with the Awareness of Harmony.. A.H.. O N E H… OH… O N E… One Natural Expression… Infinity…

424… is 10… TEN.. The Elegant Nomads.. that is the Journey of which at which are already created in Balance… and the other part 242… represents the journey of self discovery…

This can only be done through Embodidment not theoret but the process .. just as Truth ,, exemplfed by the blue print and the Black Board of Existence.. its carbon copy… Nature.. truth moved through a process but remains constant as a fractal from seed to tree… Completion..
Truth is Process and it is the expression of Embodiment as Fact transparent visible to all.


And so, I am responding to the Harmony of the Script of this post and demonstrating my awareness to this Source behind the play testing and checking me awarness undercover after 29 years…
( that was the number of my Coffee at the Arab Bodega..ALL AH… They Arab world invented the concept of Zero…West Africans understood that the Creation is actually a Full Circle…
Sigh.. see Lion King… L K.. ( But recall the lion King portays Human Beings undercover as Animals… As the Egyptians Gods..
Link Edward Eceinco Lion page..
Link the Lion with Jace Horsford page…
Link Klein Alicias White Lion…
The code is L – ION.. ( Link Noetics ( I O N S… E ions… Electrical I O N S…)

L ION K.. IN G…. G is the 7 full Circle.. 1-7=7 O.8… 7 Vision- connect to Awareness of 1-7 in one… 1 7O… 8O/ O8….

L K… 12 11… 23… 5… E…

I did it with Mind- but only by reading in Hindsight and checking my foresight… and then equating it to that which already existed .. exist .. truth.

Tejumola Raheem Osazee- this was part of the script- which I am solving with the Shaman world that post you posted was literal… as in LITERAL in my experience and I provided evidence fact proof over a period of 6.7 years…
76 is my sacred portal AWAKENING..

1:00.. 1;01 a.m.

It was they who set up this play of Q & A…but which really was a challenge to prove that They.. Ascended Masters do not exist..
It was all in thier Heads…
And nothing exists in the Head.. not even Thought… because even Thought is activated by intereaction with something which already exists…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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