
8/6/2017 18:09 – Facebook Post

23 32 47 M N

This is the number a woman is wearing on her T-Shirt in front of me.

Yesterday, I had 23 U.S.D in my wallet, after Dawn Piercy sent me the code of 22 usd through Lisa Natalie Johnson L.J.

I returned to the D.O.S Delta Operating System;
Delta O Shelter, I bought some Chinese Food, already aware of the manipulation with money.
To get to Manhattan would cost me 5:50 U.S.D.
I already calculated how much dinner would cost, because I had not the energy to let them know at the Shelter to reserve a plate for me.
I had foolishly counted on being sent more from Dawn Piercy ( no fault of hers, for as you can see she was in perfect harmony of this Set Up or program), and it is because though I have lived in the full awareness that this world is not real since I was 21.
And the awareness that I had placed in this Universal Simulation Matrix Hologram, the experience of it as something Evil to such a degree, as well as illogical but most importantly having the ability to exert control over everything in this reality- an impossibility which I have proven not possible by proving the program of Chaos and Random-ness as Harmony- the ability to for it to over ride its Original Truth to exact a will not of the Source, something not even of Reason still surprises me.

So, I did not make arrangements, which is what the program counted on- or that which is behind it.
Meaning it knew I would have to buy food.

Lisa Natalie Johnson had brought me a gift of Dove soap for my grooming. Dove is what I had been using in this Shelter System since a person at B.R.C while I was in room A Bed 007.
It is also the first Advertising Campaign I had done in Nigeria,as an nineteen year old for a company my friends father owned and which my sister had worked.
And of course, the code The Landing of the Dove” as well as the Eagle has landed.
Linked to Ms Brenda G Booth and Lisa Natalie Johnson.

The Chinese food cost 8:00 usd, but the girl said 8.50;00 usd
Yes, 13 85 Starbucks. 85.
code H.E.
Then was corrected.
I had 15 USD left and some change.
When I reached the Shelter Jamel was seated in the place I usual sit.
He was wearing a cap with B/B on it.
He was listening to a clip from a person called “Nature Boy”
who was talking about everything I had spoken to Himself and Kasien Thompson about during the 48 hours.
He looked up at me, his eyes widening..”He is saying everything you are said to me!”

Nature Boy was meant to represent Fritz Venneiq F.V.
6 22.. But as I have testified and the Universal Simulation has responded and confirmed when I downloaded the information on this page and then in perfect symmetry it responded with confirmation as well as did the E beyond the Simulation and the one I call Lady E.C.H.O..Moi in Female Aspect.

6-22 Is J.U.N.E..22 Which is when I wrote “A Pause To Take Stock” ( A PT. T.S… T.S.. 20 19… 39.. C.I… 12..L..3..C)
and 6 months later, in December 23- I traveled back through what I called a “Coma” or a “Pause” back to the Light of the Radiance and the Feelings Sensational through Death to my portal which I instantly recognized as the one I had originally come down.
It is also the date of birth of Yonathan Yohannes Y Y.. Who may or may not be a face book friend ( I am indifferent) and the one who I found through the codes written on an “Unmarked” 5 Dollar Bill.
Y Y… 25 25…( And yes, I was 25 years old.) 50…E.O.
Which confirms that it was my portal home.
Mathematically we know what E.O Represents… Eternity.

And yes, It was Fritz Venneiq who led me to Pelham Bay Park where he lived with his aunt.
We camped out in the outdoor together, he accompanied me, and would go back to the house to change.
But it was I who lived there, after leaving A.Santana’s home in 2010 after being asked to leave after he was awarded 20,00 usd for a claim of False Identity which I had walked him through. And his connecting to Ritz Montes who I had worked on, and then he decided that he could interact with her and then with my Spirits Aid, opened her womb which had been “closed” allowing their Son to be born.
It was while she became pregnant that I was kicked out.
Fritz Venneiq witnessed the entire play and was so disgusted, not only with A.S, but also the people who had invited me to their homes, after reading my pieces My Name is Woman Said She, and the Covering Letter and the husband putting it through a program he had created, an A.P which transformed literature into mathematical Equations.

I recounted it here- My name is Woman said she” became the Equation for Mass. And the Covering Letter the equation C as in Speed of Light..
He had been so astounded that he had contacted mathematicians and physicists all over the world.. 13 of them responded telling him that if his finding where correct that I had changed the forever how to see the world.

This person called Collins, who lived in Bed Stuy had arranged a hideous dwelling and I recall lugging with Fritz my bags through Pratt Design School where Erik Ebright had gone to school and I had met 4 years previously just before I found Albert Santana’s home after 61 days on the streets.

Yes, I have mentioned all this before, and since I sacred portal 65 as in “No more repetition or repeating my Expression” and the code of 65.. F.E…Which Flor Elena played but turned out to be a fraud, her true name being S.M…( Yes Steven Morris who had been in bed 43… E=C.Me 4/3..)

Fritz Venneiq had stayed only a month, and decamped to return to Jamaica. Leaving me alone with the E play despite having witnessed that which I had witnessed. Lights landing and the Universal Matrix revealing in the clouds a program of the Gods, in the clouds and sky as we stood in the ocean.

I had stayed there for an extra month and half, and then descended to Thompson Square Park.
Where I met Isaac Calvin McCullough who was staying there after getting out of prison.
I had met him with Albert Santana that first day in 2006.

And it is there I created with the help of John Shaw and Nikoma Rios- the interviews “Dear Mr President” to give people living in the Park- those who were not bums or drunks, many of them brilliant people who had endured terrible situations because of the system and the American culture.. I decided to give them a voice.
I lived with them slept with them and stayed there until October until all of them found places to go.
It just happened that way.

I could read the abomination of the Script, no other of the usual portals were opening…
I knew where I was being led, I knew the portals.. I was full aware but I was stunned once again and as I have been since 2004-5 by not only the power to control my movements but by the subversion of a script and program, a plan E.T which I was full aware of since I wrote my “book” as an 7- 8 year old.

From there, I passed through the portal of the Leviathan with Nikoma ( which years later was represented by Edward Eceinco) which played out publicly here with my recognizing in the correct script that which was meant to be our ascending and moving to the E.E..
Witnessed by Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones, and instead moving us through the E line…
It brought the arrival of David Phillip Gil who was a friend of Nikoma and who came to investigate me and Nikoma Rios claim that he had a literal E.T friend.

All is recorded here.

That was meant to have been sacred portal 56…
Linked to my Family coming to my door with the Records I had kept of how to get out of the Matrix.

And as I observe myself writing even now, and that which took place to not allow me to go to Manhattan and end this posting.
As I link Thompson Square Park and my meeting Kasien Thompson ..Code Thompson Square park and his memory of Death being as I had stated Transformation..
Sacred Portal 48.. Linked to 48 code Brenda had channeled before going to Atlantic City ( A.C..1 3) With her family, linked to Sacred Portal 48 “Beautiful Death -Transformation”
And Linked to the Transformer Code B.Q. W.P..
4:17 P.M.. D.Q at Delta..
Linked to Jamel who is born 7 17.. And his code numbers 7-7- 17 17..1984…
And then linked to Kasien Thompson testimony of being led onto a stage and where he witnessed his whole life flash behind him on a screen while he was on stage ( some I had not had time to mention in his account) linked to 4:20 yes Mari-juana Erek Ebright- Miami Florida- Toussaint L’overture ( T.L. Toussaint Means “All Saints” L’overture means the Opening.. The Gesture..) Recall that Erik Ebright E.E Lost or Left his high paying 70,000, 00 usd job on All saints Day and was with a girl Izzy ( Maggie H) a maverick who spoke of the Kolo…
And how he lived in Little Haiti and was sent by his Father to the Hospital for Mental issues, and how he used an image of Eleggua to summon me, and recall how he was “Possessed” and recall the Said and his tales of Voodoo experienced there…
Transforming people into acting literall and believing they were snakes.
I experienced the Gorilla and what my body feels like is as if I am in the stomach of a Boa Constrictor.. Anaconda…
And that my body being digested and and the same time fighting to come out…
*Igbo Anthony told me yesterday when he saw me eating “Chinese Food” To be careful of the Meat in the West, that it is destroys the Large Intestines.. The Large Colon because of all the things done to the Natural Process of Meat..
Doctor Professor Patrick Okolo is an specialist doctor in the Colon… Jordan Colon.. I met him Patrick 28 after 28 years.
28 was the only monies Ms Brenda ( 56) gave me which had a mark ( blemish )n on it.. 28..
That was the marked bill she gave me before she went away. And instead of leaving- I connected with Kasien Thompson..

Which leads me to recognize by my still being here, and to Celestine who I met while in Thompson Square Park and recognized her as the line of the Sky People and my sister.
But I had met Geoff LaCour G.L.. 7 12.. 19 84..
* Link Jamel and Kasien… J.K…10 11/ 11 01/ 11 10… 3…
Names meaning “Beautiful Handsome he who distributes.. Knowledge Intel Grace…
Who told me that I had been betrayed and that an Evil had been planted in me, not my own but all the Evil that others had done who had betrayed the Source.. Basically blaming the Creator the Source for all their woes under their breaths while spouting his praise and praising him.. Or not obeying the laws he set down in the religions and churches. Twisting their truths just as my body is Twisted.
Just as Lisa Natalie Johnson body is twisted and all the people and children.. all the innocents suffering diseases and affliction inherited by their parents and ancestors lies and hypocrisy.
And dong this knowingly…

If i link that Cielo where I met Geoff LaCour through working with Micheal James.. M.J.. 13 10… 23…
4:40 p.m.

And Kasien… and Jamel… C.K… C.J… And the designed portal in the Universal Matric set up to test my Truth in a Court set up by the Audacity of the Dark Elves…
Who called themselves Dark Matter…

And if I link it to 23 32 47… 5 5.. 47…
47 is my mothers birth year the correct one.. Linked to Albert Santana’s Mothers Birth year 1947 and His 1974…
And the intel he gave me of his mother passing in May June ( M.J) and her touching him and he experiencing the sum total of his life flash before him…

If I link this to Ms Lillian age 74 born 1943 who gave me 15 usd and who was the only one here today.. of that line who always sits on the Wood section but sat once on the Metropolitan section when I was there and Caroline sat on here…
( Link my Mothers Sisters Cecilia Caroline.. and Theresa…)
* A person called George was here on the Metropolitan Side with Lawrence.. Larry… G.L… 7 12.. I eventually moved from the Wood side where I sat infront a Beautiful Gentleman who works for M.T.A.. And Ms Lillian… And eventually sat in the center then where George sat and then where Lawrence offered me his seat by the window…)..

If I take into consideration after Dear Mr President I was led to Marina Burini by John Shaw for one day.
Then to Adelphi in Forte Green ( F.G..6 7 NZ 67 67 46 B My social security number… 76… Erek Eclass Mateo )
Where I stated with Tom and John.. ( John Thomas.. which is a slang for a Penis.. Private Di C.K.. 48 Hours) Tom means Twin…
And used the room which was reserved for the arrival Johns other brother but who is from the same mother and father as John who is called Luke..
And both were beloved to me as if I knew them.. as well as Tom..
The cane from Lived on Ash Street in Map Town in England.. See Beltane.. The Ash is sacred.
See the Phoenix Bird on my Shoulder .. modeled after an American Eagle…
Area 51 Phoenix Arizona…

John Luke… J.L.. 10 12.. 22..

I met with Lisa and after getting the 22 usd I met with Jamel..
L is me as LU.K.E..
He was watching the Nature Boy..
Which is me…
And he stated it three times…
Saying I was literally said it but had embodied what the person was saying..
Just as he had experienced what Nature Boy experienced as Deja Vu… Speaking about seeing a Teacher he had known and seeing someone who looked like that person and had the same energy and when he asked him.. he said he too was a Teacher…
Edward Eceinco is a Math Teacher and had invited me to his home in Peurto Rico… P.R..

Taking into consideration that I gave Jamel 5 usd to get me some “M.J” For the pain of my body… 22 = V.. 5..
And that earlier I had Dennis had asked me, after I offered him the New Port Lisa Natalie Johnson gave me,
which he refused.but had asked for some smoke..
( I smoke very very very little- I use it as medicine)
And I did not like the way his need for it seemed desperate.
I also saw the play because I knew it all depended on how much Dawn Piercy would send me. I had planned to come back around 5- I had not planned to post.. just as today…

I could not come at 5 because it was sent at 5:10 p.m
and when I got back the first person I saw was Jamel and he was listening to that Nature Boy..
Sitting besides a person called Kip whom I had recognized before. He began speaking about frequency and body language.

Kip Jamel… K.J… 11 10..Galaxy 11 01 I.C…
I was sitting in front of Jamel..
then Kasien Thompson came down and the alignment was formed again with Jamel on one side…11 10.. and then Kasien to my left and myself in the center… J..E K… 10 5 11..
The correct alignment of crossing over to the E.
And diagonal.. 11 E 10…

Time now..
5:11 p.m.


Correct equation is Jamel Emeka Kasien Thompson.

And considering that the piece Jamel was watching spoke not only about Dark Matter- D.M.. Delta Manor represents in the simulation.
But also the menalin in the skin, which is the opposite side of the Sun…
And my once describing myself in the midst of my Maternal Family the Umeanos as a Rose amongst Dandy-Lions…
And then my seeing that this was challenged to the point that I found two Honey Bee Be packets last night left on my table and only late in the night did I realize to my stunned shock that “Mother Nature” the Programe who thought she was real… ( Just as all the other programs like Jesus to Eri to God to Goddess to all those programs the E.. I.E planted and greated for this meant to have been fabulous Evolution Story…)
-Had challenged me to prove what I had been in nature amongst the flowers…
I found a Rose yesterday…
It had challenged me to find the Bee which distributed my essence and in a flash of memory I recall how I rose as in Nature in the Flower story as the only Red Rose in a sea of Yellow weeds which flowered to dandilions..
5:28 p.m.
Hrtz of Love Frequency… Planet…
Nadee Nakandala.. N N.. MA NN.. 14 14…28..

Jamel is in room 2 A.. bed 2-008… 2 8… His Harmony -Perfect..
28.. I am 11 28…
Kasien bed 5-017… E.O..Q… E.Q… E Quantum…

B…H…E…Q… J…E…K.

And so, having passed through the portal of Jonn Blackwell- Jonn Delguidce “Grace of the Creator from the Judges Bench… J.B… I am sitting on a Bench, and have been for 17 years when I first visited New York University Place, 80 Spring Street, The Ralph Lauren Store The Bean Cafes… Waiting.. Waiting..
For those who had taken my genltemanly reticence of not telling the world all the secrets I had been told, the horrible things people did which they told me so sure that I would not tell others…
Horrors which I had to hold and transform.. these people had then turned around and spoken about me in the worst possible ways.
Those who I had healed done things for which a Gentleman Warrior does not speak about.
Because the Air listens to everything and everything is indented.

Yesterday night I could not sleep because of bed 4-006 and 4-008 Snoring.. But Jose of bed 4-005 witnessed what I had been observing which was that Qunitin Q and Nichoals N..
Fifth Victory of the People is what the two names means..
Where conversing or more like fighting with each other in their sleep. Quintin the 5 who never used to snore was challenging Nicholas who I observed represented Supreme Selfishness of doing anything to get his way…
Not necesarily him but he had enough selfishness in him to be a portal for what sounded like a Cow Mooing protest and each time I said something he would respond through his snores!
And Jose of bed 4-005 tried and saw the same response!
Aggression and it seemed as if Quintin Espirt had gone down that realm of the Sub Sub Conscious to challenge this one who blocked the path to bed 4-010.. 4 1…
See sacred Portal 41…

I understood that they had used sound of aggression, the veil of Silence to bad mouth me, to twist my truth I have posted on Face Book.
And that I who actually came to Judge ( against my Will ) had been put on Trial for being the :Evil One… E.O.

And that I am in Thompson Square Park… 2010 but really Pelham Bay Park August 2010…
Falsely accused.. by Fritz Venneiq by the line of Nature for being EVIL because I revealed truth and truth manifested which caused those who had known all these Truths deep within and preached it spoke of it, used it to enrich themselves…
When confronted with its Truth…
Its Beautiful Truth had turned me into the Devil.. The Evil One..
Into Albert Santana.. A.S…
But it was Them..
It was Nnoyem and Nnamdi allowed it because it would mean cleaning up the mess and getting evidence and expression of how I was the 1st the Original and of course, the Map and Emanual to get Humanity Home.

5;51 p.m.

Evil is Evil…

Live and let Live….
Each to their own..

Elvis told me out of the blue..”Hey you could be going home tomorrow..”

I simply look at sacred portal 3…
I look at the 10 USD left in my Wallet earlier…
10101010… That I had to go into Non Existence as Zero to transform that which is and became the Black Hole…
B.H.. 2 8.. Jamel back into its Original Beautiful Truth..
Kasien Thompson the Twins B.. 2.. Who distribute Creamy Honey… and Milk..so all could come up Roses.
5:55 p.m.

And for this, this play was allowed?
And Here I am providing the true Expression for the Akashic Records as to why such a Hell such a horror shall descend on all Humanity a;; creation apart from the E line.

And why there will no ounce of mercy and it will get worse and worse and worse and never stop until all the debt is paid for all that was given to these ungrateful illusion I E have made solid and real so they will feel Everything.. not numb themselves and not have death as release but Death as Hatred for this species and given free reign to enact out the abomination of Hatred not of the E until each one fades out of Existence having full paid the bill even if it takes almost an Eternity of Time.

What is the Hurry, you have no other pressing engagement.

And so each will understand the power of Infinity that so as you do unto others so it will be done to you.. over and over and over again from top… that which changed the program to a Human program supreme with their stories as the Truth to that tiniest germ of your seed of Evil.

Because this is what you chose.

This was my journey in your Mind University…
The Sub Conscious.. Your thoughts..
And so Your thoughts manifest and the this goes for the ones who sent me into such a place for their own motives…
Profited from such a play.. and said nothing did nothing…
The Worst is reserved for you…

6:03 p.m.

My Akashic Records/..
My Voice and Written and Spoken Records Counts..
Because mine is the Truth and the Truth Manifests..
Not this play which allowed your Gossip and Lies of Fear and Ego = Money Projections of Filth think you could do or say anything to my face and behind my back or in your sleep or in your THOUGHTS.. Vieled and it would not be heard.

Yes… I hate you more…
I can Hate you because you are not real…
And I hate anything not for real…

6:06 p.m.

M.T.A..L.L. E

6:07 p.m.

67.. .. This is how far I am willing to go for Rage Anger Wrath.. R.A.W…

6:08 p.m.

My response 23 15 10… 1 O… W O… TO W.O.E MAN who Love War..

6:09 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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