
8/5/2018 11:44 – Facebook Post

FroM Gabriel Binky Signar

Literally… C I A… The Correct Version.

Every portal in this Realm.. and I mean portal as everything named and existing in this Reality, is a reflections of the Original.
The Original as in the true version.
Everything which manifests here in this reality is a perversion, distorted version of the Original.

But they nevertheless are the portals and each of these portals were created as the representation of the Original,
Thus, all these portals twisted and distorted in meaning and function had to be taken over by the Original version for it to manifest in this world.

The City of God.
Eternal City
The Eternal World.

And so there has been a battle with the Evil Twin, just as there has been a battle with the Evil Twin of you.
Of course, the Evil Twin does not exist, not in True Existence…
…But this world is not True Existence… It is not even aligned with its foundation- Nature and Blue Print Universe which flows in Harmony of the Universal Harmonics…

There are some people who walk in Harmony with Nature but they are not living in this World and thus thier existence in this world is always in conflict.
And they are treated like outsides and to gain a living or come into this World they have to go undercover by changing and adapting to a Dangerous Mentality and way of seeing things.
The Mentality if this World…
The Evil Twin.
There is No Evil Twin..
Just as there is no such thing as Zero…
And yet this reality is based on Zero…
as well as ideas of the past which in turn where not full resolved or completed before being copied used and plagiarized.

Its is all a Vibration…

And this World exists on a foundation of Non Existence…
Sustained only until all the Portals and distorted reflections of the Original are aligned and reflected as 11…. I I… Thus, proving them as I..1… One…

This has been battle because the Idea of the Original twisted here through a Time line and Historical point of view not resolved to facts and common sense, but instead being based on Fear Superstition and the spells created by that which is Non Existent in Humanity – but which manifested into existence as a consequence of adopting and maintaining only thier personal point of view.
Instead of Facts, Emprical Evidence … Truth.
Truth as outlined by the Blue print of Nature… such as when you plant a seed..and water it, it will grow.
Consistent, constant, water melon seed will bring a watermelon.
The Rain falls…Snow Falls… Planet turn.. Night turns to Day…
These are Universal Constants…


10:48-49 a.m.

* I am sitting besides Lorenzo Widget and I understood a play which just too place with his expression- it was laced with a hidden intent coated in sweetness and superiority… It started with poor Francis who is seated here…
I was so literally revolted by the thought patten that I just snapped at him to speak up amd say what he meant and stopped being forked tongue- to inject posion with intention to strike..
Me of course because no matter his efforts to charm me, I have had no patience with that which he is being used as a Portal of…
The Evil “Non Existent” meaning of Satan .. the Devil..
After I snapped and called him out to everyone here present, so that he could not hide… Could not use that sly quiet cloake malice to strike, I called his cowardice and duplicity out…
No where to hide and brought it to light.
The revulsion came from the vibration and my clearly seeing that which he was realy saying- and yet using the cloak of he being The Chosen and the Elect of God.
“Do tell me.. tell us how you are superior, show me, show us then I will respect you but do not sit here on your hight throne calling everyone here Scavengers and you hiding under a cloak of superiority hiding that which is the sum total of all that which is the diesease affecting humanity..
Vieling intentions of malice because of hurt feelings .. because some one does not buy your hyprocrisy or even your intention to do Good but which is really all about you, All about you desiring people to see yo as you claim to be…

And then after I had called it out loudly, to the men quiety bearing witness..
Robert Nunzo nodding..
The staff through the radio listening.

I realized the riddle of Satan Devil Leviathan caught in this delusional man- This man who can not seem to take in absorb when I react so vehemently to his words and why I despise what he represents…
Because he does not wish to acknowledege that the very tools he is employing are the very tools of which the greates crimes and evils are manifested on people which cause them to be murdered, killed used as sex slaves, led into a trap.
Because of the calling it actually helped him to confess where it came from…
That is what he ended up speaking about to Robert…
He started telling the Truth…!!!

And Robert witnessed it….. And called it out…
Delusion is the refusal to accept the TRUTH
And in doing so one becomes as the Character Satan in this Non ExistenT Reality .. Who is said to be the Ruler of this World and realm…
Satan The Devil would then be that which can not accept .. The Truth

The Delusion can not affect that there is nothing greater than the Truth..
And he creates a Reality in which the Truth can not enter…
But it is all a delusion and illusion… Because He- She it they are all governed by the Truth because they have a body they are existing in a realm whose foundation is Truth even if they can not accpet the Truth..

Evil Twin… Delusional aspects of People, all that is projected and distorted and transformed into tis realm of lies has it base and foundation on the truth…
Because the Truth is that which manifests….
And that is that which is Constant… Truth…
Tom Cruise? T C…
Twin Cruise Missiles of Energy Expression.. Explaination…
And truth brings Harmony which literally was played out just now with
Robert Lorenzo and me as Emeka and Robert age 62…
Me @ 1162 Facebook Friends..
My bed 18.. R… The Portals of Robert I came down through…
And the conclusion of the play which I saw it as two peole Lorenzo and Emeka… ( Well not Lorenzo but what was movin through him Leviathan Satan Devil…) each presenting an aurgument to Robert Nunzo….
R N… Which I also called out..
And he started winking, as I spoke about this as a play while, Lorenzo beagn to speak about his life.. his personal life..
One seeing the truth that each was being used in a play including Lorenzo and he seeing it
and the other epxression which was of one trapped in a story his story and thus his hell all because as Jace realized, “That he could not see another persons point of View”

That is what just took place… !!!

a point of view…

And as Lorenzo kept on saying “I am Victorious, I have won ths round” i saw the Evil Twin.. that which does not exist…
I realized that ( once again) that he was speaking teh script of that which I had the right to say but do not say such things..
for me…
When I declare Victory, It is about my reading the Script declaring it as I write decode and see… I am simply telling the Truth…

Robert was stunned when I spoke about the Light…
There are 8 people here ( one of the men here just counted out saying that God is usuing him ask questions so that he can get answers..)
And when I told him the play that I was addressing ( while Lorenzo was petitioning) the light in him as the Meaning of His Name…
He was amzed and said that he I must have done some heavy reading and that “You Know the MEANING OF MY NAME…”

Which to me was the Light speaking directly to me saying that I knew the meaning of his name…”

Expressing Truth Transparently in Clarity not vieled but brought before to the Everyone to see for them selves… It manifest… Harmony.


That was Crazy….

Dawn Piercy did you see that…

I was crucifed for telling the Truth… I did fight for you, but that does not take anything away from what you did and earned yourself..?
I just told the Truth because this play demands that I speak it loud and clearly..
And you know how people respond to that.. No matter how beautifully I Wrap it….
It until I wrap it up no longer… I deliver it as it is…
The wrapping paper is all unraveled and taken off…
See the gift I have given the.. what is under the wrapping paper right here in the PRESENT…

And made beautiful by my C…
Will and Truth..
Beauty Beautiful…

So no more wrapping paper…
I give it to you all straight…

I fought for each and every one one of you and I gave the gift of Clarity Explaination to see the Harmomy..

That is not a Boast..
It is the simple… even plain .. but never never Ugly… Truth.
Ugliness is in the realm of Non Existence..
that which claims it is greater than the Truth.

11:44 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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