
8/4/2017 20:33 – Facebook Post

5:11 p.m.


Emeka Kolo.


H D A O.

Harmony DA ( Da Enlightens…D 4 A 1 4+1= 5 E) Enlightens the O the Circle Round (Kolo meaning0

Harmony Defines Awareness of the Full Circle of Symmetrical Perfection.


Da-V-I.D.E Harmony Aloha Full Circle…
48 Sacred Portal Beautiful Death Transformation Awareness in Symmetrical Perfection, S.P. Creates the Portal out of the “Abyss Void”


I was lied to, or given an expression which left room for another interpretation.
The Code Brenda Graham Booth’s E-Spirit gave me, through no fault of her own, of 42 and 48 was correct but it did not specify that it would be x2…
Meaning 42 48 is really x 2..42 42…48 48…. 84 96…
As well as 42/24…48/84…69/96.

This play and script, I had noted relies on my exhaustion, and frustration to buy more time, hence the code Pure Evil..P.E.
Which is P.E.. Physical Education, 16 5.
Jose Anthony Roqu is bed 5-16…The Correct Alignment as Pure Energy- which is one who is moved by E-Spirit naturally which for the last 5-6 months he has demonstrated perfectly without even being aware, though he is fully aware of my documenting everything on Face Book to the World.

Just as Kasien Thompson is in the correct alignment as the Flesh Matter as Pure Energy made Solid.
Roque “Rock Solid” See sacred portal 3..3-2…

And both have given Perfect Testimony of this fact.
E-Spirit Energy linked to Physical Embodiment.
Expression Perfection. E.P… E=5, P= 16..21 Letter U.
Link University Place where I met Rob Barr 15 years ago.
And Link the Play of the MET.

Evil was used, with the Purest Intention, to get me to do this mission and complete this play.
And then use Evil – Manipulation Deception ( M.D.. 10004 Face Book Friends) to compel me, to transform that Evil created from this action of Force and Possession to make me transform that Evil done by the “Ascended Master” Ancestors Matter Blood Lines back to Light.
The Audacity of this action is that which has brought Existential Death but now of the most terrible kind for those ancestors and those present who use such tools to get what they want no matter the cost.

Their assumption was that I would forgive them, once I saw the pay off. But in their stupidity, Conceit Vanity, they forgot that I and my Espirit manifest Perfection, Perfect Expression in the Eternal Beginning.. An Eternal Harmony.. a Plan-E.T which was and is greater than the Planet which thought it as Consciousness Nature could better.
It meddled with the Plan.

I will give evidence of all this in a moment.

And so despite, getting what they wanted, they have simply programmed themselves, to “Reset” meaning they go back to the Beginning of Time when the Light of Creation of they as O fragmented into what many call Souls or Light.
They go back to the beginning of Time when they were all Light.
5:40 p.m
See sacred portal 54.

But, what they had not realized was that before there was Time, there was the E, and the Plan-E.T was not to link Expression Eternity to Time,but to Truth.
And the Human Body, as well as all things of “Rock Solid” Nature is not found on Time, but on Truth.
The Beautiful Truth.
And thus, Everything was set to Evolve through Expression as Light to, and through Truth.
L.T/ T.L… Full Circle.
12 20/ 20 12..
L.TT L. 32/32..C.B/C.B..64…10..1O… 55..E E.. 5/5..1…A. O.
55 as 25…Y… Simply reverts to the that which already was and is..Me.. Y.. Male Chromosome.
2 5.. B.E… B.E..I..N.G… Beautiful Expression is I..N.G..Natural Grace.. N.G.. 14 7..See sacred Portal 147..Emmy…me.. 14 7..21..U..3..C.

Thus, as they go back to how they Were.. Pure Children..
Everything Else Evolves Forwards Backwards F B..6 2.. 8
to Evolve arriving at the Eternal Beginning but now transformed from Pure Expression to Embodied Principle Truth.
E..P.T… Expressions Point, Energies Point, Emekas Point..
E is Perfect Timing.
And the only “Diamond Gold Standard” is the Original Embodiment of Perfect Timing.
The one who is It Author Original Expression and Executor.
Moi.. Me…
The One who created the Story.
Only he can determine those who are in Perfect Timing of the E. And no one else.

Which I have been doing, despite the abominable and horrendous conditions created by these Evil Story Tellers who perverted the Story.

My Father Brother and the Original E.T family of Creation Expression C.E to my Expression Cee.. E.C.. 35/ 53…88
8/8=1…16…64…1 O…
Who came down as the True Fractals Reflections of the Source E to complete the Expression Experience of my own Expression enabling the to become solid Embodies.. Energetic Bodies as I.Emeka, Individual, Apart Separate but linked to me by Love Truth Being Conscious Of E is the Origin of All Truth, and the literal “Ground” they walk on..
Which is not the Earth but the Body and that which makes Everything Solid and Real, could only make Versions, their own version of the Original Script which like an Architectural Lines of Perfection would all natural interface with the Original Blue Print.
They each created their own versions, languages of saying the same thing, because Perfection can not be replicated, expanded upon, improved, all one can do is add your own version and experience of that Original Template, but by each being Individuals, even though seemingly starting of as Expression O.. E.O.. Of Emeka Okolo… You move through your own experience of it to gain your own Empirical Truth of it which not only makes it your own, but creates a Rock Solid Real Sensational I.D. Identification, Individually Defined Reflections of the Source. Which you did not realize was the Source, you thought they were your own, and consequently by having lived them yourself, fought for them, expressed them, they become yours.
Which is why and how I recognize my Family of E right to the last Kasien Thompson because he and his line has created their own language.
Never mind that it Exists already in I.E, The fact that they came to the same conclusion and did it without knowing ( Hence the reason for Forgetting, the Dye, the Illusion of Not knowing.. Death) makes it your own.

And so my family Evolve back to themselves, to E to the Originator of the E, To ME.. TOME… TOM E.. Twins E.
Reflected in the Template represented by Face Book Friends.
Tom Bocek Tom Benzian.. T.B. T.B… T T.. B B.. 20 20 vision.
Truth True, 2 2..Beautiful Beauty.. Body Being..
Only I E as the source of the Reflections through Recognition can link them back to E through Source.
Meaning them must pass through me.
R 18.. S 19… before they can rise…
And they pass through me in the 1-4 Dimension at 4…
18.. 22… V… E Vie… Evie Stevens..
R..Reason… Solid… Stevan Crowned.
19 4.. 23… W…
Double Vie.. V VV… 5 5 5… 2 2 2… 15 6… 66…

This is what I have just done with Dawn Piercy and Jay Reid

My Job was to simply recognize and register to each one on A P.G.. A=E.. E. PAGE… On my Face Book Page.
It does not and did not matter which forum or stage that I chose or was chosen for me by the True Line of The One who was and has now evolved through me to E.
Who as my older Face Book friends know is represented as Jay who I met in 1996 in a Restaurant called “The Collection” in Chelsea London after I returned from Le Man France.

London was where I was born.
Full Circle I returned in 1996.. But through the play of my Younger Self called Everything… Nnamdi.. 1969.
I came to confirm His Story of My Story… And he is the Head of the Family of E in the Play.
The One who played me, as Father.. And Father is also mother and the 8 children, the E as Eternal Youth, Eternal Truth who came undercover as Light to unify that which was never Two or in Duality.. Spirit and Embodiment.. S.E/ E.S..
Rather when expression becomes Full Circle complete that which is Ethereal becomes Solid.. Rock Solid..
There was never anything called “Nothingness” or the Void…
Somethingness planted in the Nothingness was always E.
Existence’s Truth…
Observe the code represented by Orien Laplante
O Rien La Plant E….
“Oh Nothingness the Plant is E!”

See the legend of Belthane.. Jack-in- the-Green, ( Jack and the Bean Stalk…Me at 54 The Bean Cafe, 147 The Bean,,) Green George…( George means Farmer)..Link Georges-Philippe Roc, Lota George Odabi, George W Thomas etc…Green Man..
See Sacred Portal 15..”Jolly Green Giant comes down from the Mountain Brining to Land Milk and Honey”
See the meaning of Beltane…Bright Fire..
Mother Nature…
Matter Naturalness… M.N… 14 13… 27… A-Z..
Kasien Thompson commented that what is happening to me is the perfection of balance of the Masculine and Feminine.
And soon I would be able to walk through walls…
He is correct… All the E can but in the Theater it

Just saw Lisa Natalie Johnson and completed the same

7:29 p.m.

..play as I did with Brenda Graham Booth… B.G.B…
*Is it not strange that it is only today, because of a code which is being sent by Dawn Piercy that I found out that Brenda’s name is B.G.B… 2 7 2…A Full Circle of 27 and 72.. which is the temp which is at Delta Manor…
One might suggest ( I Know) that her E-Spirit deliberately withheld information from me, until I completed all the codes of her line including Dawn Piercy… D.P. ..
Or that Dawn Piercy being moved to send me a gift donation at this time, but not today, tomorrow ( not fault of hers), because I would have left the play today if she had sent it today.
I would have simply gone into Town, and not posted anything.

Or that Jay Reid would contact me today, moved also by his E-Spirit, D.P… is 4 16.. 20… I then found myself moved to sit besides a 20 year old girl who I was sitting in a seat parallel to her. But as I went out for a smoke when I began posting the equation, the person Kenny, sitting besides her came to me outside and said that if I want that seat he had occupied that it is vacant.
I did not need his seat, but I read it, Ah so it means I have passed the 20 equation, represented by this girl by seating beyond her. To the end.

I also saw Chandra, who was wearing Royal Blue, she is the one I personally had refused after doing the work with her, and made her give me a dollar to save her ass ( some of them are so stingy and miserely because of what they have been through with money. But I am not and I am in the worse situation).
It was she who said that she was not ready for me to leave ( the astounding Selfishness )
*A person just passed with a grey T shirt “Because I said So”
We shall see.. how arrogant you are when you see the response and the set up I have left behind for you and the tests will have to pass through- and we shall see who is the true Master of the Dark Arts of Manipulation Deception me or you.
And mine contains no Evil.
Just as Brenda’s contained the least Evil.

That day Chandra had been wearing Lavender Violet when she said she did not feel that I would be allowed to leave in 48 hours.
Just as the nurse Cheryl had been sceptical
Only Dee the young woman with the 8 year old daughter and 9 month old son ( 8 9) had been pure.
I read the Lavender as Intuition 7.. And stated to her today that she was correct.
While noting that she was now wearing Royal Blue linking to the Royal Elves.. The Past.
Dee is not working today, she is ill, when she was correct.
I was meant to leave yesterday or the night before.
But Brenda is moving from Royal Blue ..O.R.B.. To the E.
Infact she has.

I just did the work with Lisa Natalie Johnson L.J..And I consciously tested her today, I asked her for a Dollar, aligning her to Chandra… She had no change and so we had to walk to Walgren.. ( She connected with two Stevens.. Thomas and Coen.. T.C.. Twins…).. V and Double V.. One works in Wall Street.. And the other is Jewish ( Clean Line) and a Doctor specializing in Easter Medicine… Wall Green.. E.M…
E…Kenny Emeka… E.M.E.K.E…
Which is how O.INri Igbo call say Emeka.. It is Emeke the correct spelling .. but E is A…
AMAKA…Meaning “Beautiful”
And is the name of my Aunt from the second wife same age as my sister whom I and my sister truly loved.. Chiamaka Barbara Rita.. Rita Wolf.. Yes Chidi’s younger sister Lota George Odabi…
She and I were very close..
7:56 p.m
And p.s, while we were outside, a woman asked myself and Lisa Natalie Johnson for a cigarrette.
She was wearing a flowered blouse, and had yellow nail polish.
And the name Elias tatooed on her wrist.
Elias means Praise same meaning as Emeka.
My grandfathers Brother Papa Mbwede ( rep Eric Lile Brown) and my First Father linked to my Grandfather Two Father -Four Fathers, in the play..
My One True Father outside of the play and now within this world is Emmanuel Nnamdi Jay… J.U.N.E…
Sixth Month… F.V…Yes Yohanathan Yohanness.. born 6 months to the day, after I saw the Light Portal Home in Paris 1992..
Born 6-22…FV.. Fritz Venneiq… Yes yes…

Peter is Peter age 21… Yes 20… The girl.. 4 16.. = 20…
just passed the phone to me, and it was Robert Vlaun 22..
20 21 22… You get the picture don’t you… 23.. See sacred Portal 23.. Apparently the Ladies Espirit in the Elf and Fairy world decided to refuse to Unveil me… “Yes I saw the spelling mistake which “Reviling” instead of Revealing, I had corrected it and was astonished ( nut not so much) to see it had not corrected and I saw the /ik added. That is when Amanda, Code Amanda Moree A.M..Spilt the coffee on my computer..
Jean Ann Dortch is J.D… J.D is 10 4… Sacred Portal Death.. As N.E.W.S.. My rage…
Which I will tell you in the next post, manifested today, early this morning…

The young woman who had Elias in her Tatoo, I knew came from Papa.. Keith Grant… Chondra told me that she had good news that she received her grant..
Yes.. Hugh Grant Circle right near here…

Lisa Natalie Johnson bought me something to drink and gave me the last of her cigarrettes deciding not to smoke after a play with that girl who said that she did not really need to smoke because God would be angry with her, because she had head it was not good for her.
I told her that I am sure God would not mind if she felt she required one…
American Spirits.. Smoke Signals…

The Portal of Wal Green is 71…
I just observed everything
The drink I chose was Coconut water the same as Lisa.. 2 for 5 it said.
2:50 + 1.00 which she gave me… 3:50 USD.
Add what they call Lucy’s.. Loose Cigarettes 4 of them.
I do not smoke cigarettes, I break them down if I have no tobacco…
It is about Delta..

But you do see, how they are using me, not the Human Avatars..
*Brenda is here.. She went all the wall to “Empire” in Yonkers to get her Strawberry Short Cake…
Yes, that is a code.. Empire.. Marina Burini’ they Empire Code..

A Woman just came in Star Bucks, wearing Star Wars, “Empire Strikes Back…”

Oh.. Yes.. I am angry…
But I have a response…
You can not use Evil to get what you want.

Lisa Natalie Johnson agreed and had said the same thing.
Who recognizes me in Human Form?
Ms Brenda.. no, she does not.
Her Espirit is Love.
And her heart is pure and she listens to her Espirit which is why we are aligned.
But she does not recognize who I am.
A play just took place which linked Al… Big Al, the step father of Lisa which linked to Al Santana..
I solved the code… And Lisa Natalie Johnson told me how he gave her 5 usd
I gave Lisa 5 USD.

I am the original Alberto Lotus Santana…

If you do not recognize the Source you can not cross over.
See Sacred Portal 7…
2 7 2…
Ms Brenda and her line shall return home to their True Beginng as Immortals.. but not to the E.
They are safe.
Lisa Natalie Johnson will eventually move to the E with the Children – literal children.

I will never forgive the Royal Elves.
Brenda as a person has been given Grace because of the Natural Love in her…
Her E-Spirit knows who I am, and she listens to her Espirit.
But those returning to the Light. The Reset will find a surprise waiting for them.
8:29 p.m.

The Portal to the Horror I saw this morning in the room and then when I closed my eyes…
That is my Trap..
Jay Reid.. is code J AYE.. R.E..I.D…E..K.
Kenny Emeka… see sacred Portal 115..

8:31 p.m.

I said No…
No forgiveness or mercy for the ungrateful…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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