
8/31/2019 19:30 – Facebook Post

1:43 p.m

Humanity… People..

They twist and misrepresent everything…

Of course Anastasia is Real
And a True – “Story”
Anastasia is my sister

In this world she is called Fairy Queen
Elf Queen.
Nepthytis Sprite…

Vladimir Megre.
V.M. ..
Venus Mercury.
Aphrodite Heremes.
V A. M H../ A V. H M.

*Alexa Vertfuille (Defender of Man The Green Leave or File” )
Hart Melanie.
Both arrived as Facebook Friends)

2nd 1st.
B A….Being Aware.

Anastasia Hart
Anastasia Young

Liberty C Liscomb

L A!

Anastasia Resurection A-A.. A-Z..A. 27.
1-12. One Year.. 12+1. Ressurection.
One Month: 28 Days..+3.. 1 2 3.. 31/13..
30 days average in a month.
28+2.. 82/28. 7 7 7 7. 28. H.B/B.H.
Left Right Center O
12 18 30.. C O. C F. O is 15 and thus 1 5=6
Thus, 31 days would be the ressurection to C ( 123) of a Lunar Cycle One Month.

Lisa Le Vine…
Liberty C L is C O..M.B. Manifest Being

Ressurection of Awareness 28+1
Ressurection of Being B 2. Leander wears the number 2.. He is 10-11 in November 8.
Ressurecrion of Consciousness 3 C sacred portal 14.

This we are at 8-31-2019.

Do you see what I am equating?

How the line of Liberty and Thomas C C
2 men C.T ..all linked to Liberty E
C T L E.
C 20 12 ..32. C B. 5= E.
Constant Energy
= Ressurection of Harmony.

E = C M.e 4/3

See sacred Portal 43. “Door of Life”
D O ..L. L …
L. L O D.

Anastasia Resurection
A R. E.

I was conversing with Liberty, which is why there was a pause,
She had to give me Her own intel
( basically her True Self T S. 20 19. 39. C.I.
3+9= 12. L. Liberty..
Saying she can speak.for herself.)

And so I found my Self unable to complete this post, but rather summoned to her presence.

4:44 p.m.
* yes, the code she gave me yesterday.
4th Dimension 44 Sacred Portal Goddess Bliss.
I came to her portal ( Liberty Tom Christ Chris)
Through a play of 72 Hours and through the portal of John Mack As the A A masculine form.

See sacred Portals 27 and 72.
72 is 3 days
27 hours is 24 hours ( One Day) + 3

24 Hours +4. 444. 12. 4(3)

What she told me, in that break and pause..
From how she went to a point of Death but as separation and then Self Ressurection
( S R Sprectrum Rainbow Sally R a story of her past self destroyed by dependency on a man)
And only afterwards, discoverying the Books by Anastasia..and recognizing herself.
And literally speaking to her, and the response of herself as a presence.
Her call to Anastasia was literally responded not only by a presence, but her request for hpw to heal something in her Digestion.
And how she recieved a message by a message in her dream which she said she never really remembets but this time she remembered it.
Svette Nook.
S.N …I said “North and South.

Thomas Lang her Self as C C Two and She as 1 ( 3 3 1.. 6. 33 1)
Stated this just yeaterday.

Svette means Cleanse and Nook ..
I decode with my own codes of my blue print
14 O

N O. Nature is Naturalness Full Circle..O
She had spoken morphed into herself married to Christopher for 15 years she added the number 40 D O
15 40 55
She said her number is 55.

I had this confirmed as the most correct translation by her post of Natute I shared on my page the first day I arrived
The Antartica 6 weeks unprecedented even 6 weeks
N O A A.
N I W A..
That it was N.O.
14O. O.K. O 15. K 11. 26. Z

She spoke of her friend ” Ninja Bliss” ( Charlene which made my mind jump to Charlamagne and Erek Ebright in Miami, direct descendant of that line.

I saw the Spirit and Ancestors riddle of which they had accused her of Witchcraft, using her powers to get what she wants.
And as I was defending her,
In perfect timing she gave evidence of my question.. and Sphinx Riddle. S R
can you tell me why you are Beautiful ”
She spoke of how she organized with Charlene and Chris ( Ninja Bliss. Not Blitz ) and Chris ( Christ Line) L C C to honor her life and celebrate her after she passed leaving the way clear to “inherit” a beautiful well invested land.

I gave evidence that S R was herself
Who died and was resurrected as code Name Sally Fields.”

*She had come to my room at 319-317 Fairfield and seen the book The Field.
E M F. 24
S ALLY. Of the Fields
Death as Nature ressurected back to her Trutu that Earth is life.

Gas / Sag. Tank.. G T. Gods Truth.
Has the Code 6 19. F S
I met Liberty via Stephen Filgueria
And Christopher Filgueria as Thomas Nnamdi/ Nathaniel C T N. C N. C C. NN.
Solid Facts
Feelings Sensational.

She Feels The Land Earth World..

6:04 p.m

And we took a pause while the Spirit of Truth and the Ancestors rose in me demanding I go higher but I needed to take a break.

When I was coding 4:44 p.m Time Code..
She arrived showing me pictures of her Children she had placed and photographed in the hollow of a Tree.

The OINri Igbo believe the physical representation of the Tree, is where the C H I is held.
I hastened to remind her, ( of what her True Self already knew)
That the Tree is Physical symbol and representation of the Bridge between Heaven and Earth.
Which if aligned to the one Living Word and the Body as the Actual 5th Element.
Rep and Source of the 4 cardinal Directions l, 4 Elements in the West..
5 elements in The East.. Which includes The Woods.
C.O U. My mothers initials
Cou means “Throat” in French.
Fifth Chakra..
Code Blue. Color..
Voi Ce. Solggio as S.O.L.

” And God Truth, Harmony spoke with Sound everything into Existence.
5 is Manifestation

* Thomas came in later describing how Jerone their son. 5th child for her, 3rd child for him.
5 3. 8. 7 children together, had napped on his Adams Apple A A. Which had made gentle red spot.

She had ressurected herself.

I spoke of Quan Ying.
Who she exclaimed she was by Ninja Bliss
My landlord at 319 317 Fair Field.. I had met the last day..
His name is Quan…
Chi is Energy
The Alpha Omega.
Way of Nature.

But there is a Higher Play..
That of H P ..Harmony Perfection
Naturalness as O. Nothingness which in that state you feel Bliss.

Alpga Omega is Greek 1-6 but to resurect It is Alpha Omega Alpha
1 is Manifest of the Unseen or The Etheral to Solid Facts
And then via Empirical Evidence it reverts to F S Feelings Sensational on the E.M.F.

P.S Take a look at the movies and life of actor Sally Fields.

Then I had another brief pause and I went with her and Jeron to their Green house and the small cabin and workshop he had built.

She was carrying a bag with the Infinity Sign or 8 Harmony Standing Up..

And had spoken about a Facebook friend and person I already knew and linked and connected- a very close friend to her Jonathan Frechette.
Liberty C Liscomb
John Luc. Lucas Lucifer..
F L Florida

Recall that play with John MacDonald
And Kim Arthur Hines?
When he went to Florida on the 18th and returned the 24th.. evolved E.M.F. 5 13 7=24.

27th State


J.F K.
Meaning there are Two J F K is 11. Mirror effect..Meaning they are 1.

Federal Reserve
F R. E E
R F. Rocket Fuel.

Recall the play of John Mack and my ( our ) solving that Assisnation of J F K
And Robert Kennedy.

Because he wished to make the Banks Public and not controlled by the Privately owned Bank of America..
B O A. Constrictor..

Recall my play with Liberty and her vision of her landing on Earth Land and the Jewish ladies staking claim.

Then the money code 5 usd with numbet 17?

Code here is Purple F. 917
Jesse Macias Quan . F Valley 5 17

E Q.

I E. Q Q. Quantum Quintessential for Evolution.

Johathan and She, used to converse and build upon there conversation which she visualized as Helix infinity Signs all linked..
She used her arms, but called it a Spiral

* Tom had expressed the same code he had manifested in Nature the night before.

She had done the same thing after being tested to take 8 pills..
And there she said she saw everything, including all the horrors done to her and her truth.
How she her body was twisted and how she had to literalky untwist her body by unspiining it..

I stared at her..
“Look at my Body..!!”

But in my case, my twisted body has endured for 17 years.
And every time I untwist and unravel it, it twists again.
24/7 I do this, either by having to Speak and it releases me as Liberty astounded me by noticing and calling out.
Or each night and moments in the day, the agony done to my motor skills and function has me physically having to align using will focus..
Air Breath.

Andrew B.. A B. She listens to his recordings.
Andrew Sisters.. A.S.

A B. 1 2. Mercury Venus Hermes Aphrodite
A. S. Arts Science …Knowledge.

A B. C. Earth. E. ART. H. Harmony.
A S. K. E.

I used to wish people would not challenge me but simply ” A S K. M.E”
And I would have brought Clarity to my Truth.

As John Mack noted recently,
It all about Asking the Correct Questions..

Ask the Line of E.

They are here..
But to my amazement I am still playing the character ( the True Version. T V. Ti. Violet..
Tea Purple.. 7 color 7th Note.
7 Children)
The Play of Total Recall.
Meant to have been completed Dec 2018..
38. /83. H.C
C H I. Hartford Connecticut Islands.. Individuals..

T R. U E. U is 21. 777 ( 3-7..7-3) 5 is E.
T R. U E. U E. Understanding E.. 26 Z
John Mack as 26. 13 13. 85 58. 13 13.26. 8

Which Liberty spoke of saying before she connected to Diana..Artemis. D.A..
4 in 1
Yes Virgin Goddess
Virginia.. where my bio sister currently lives.
( Lived before until recently in Washington D.C..
D.C. is 4 3 .
444. 4 ( 3)
4 3. 7
4 3. 12.
7G. . O. Is 6. 12 L
G O.L / L O G..

* Thomas brought an Oak Log to the house yesterday and light was moving through it..
Its a chemical which makes it glow fluorescent
V 22. Letter 2 2 B B. 4 18.
Andreys Alexander Klebanov Liscene Plate
4 18 D R
Dr Healer
P.H D.. Doctorate

Captains Log
L C L.
Light Consciousness Log.OS
Creed Os. Hat given to John.

Immaculate Conception
Passing through HI MEN
Without Breaking the 7 Seals.

Who can do this?
Apart from Harmony..
A.K.A. Holy Spirit
He Sings!
Holy Sacred..

Holy Land
Harmony Lightbringer

H L. 8 12. 20. T. Sacred Portal 2
Lady E C H O. E.
8 12= 96 % Dark Matter.. Dark Energy..
D E. 4.5 Billion year planet Earth.
5.4. E D. Sacred Portal 54.

7:09 p.m

7 years and 9 months tomorrow on Facebook
Sacred 79 Blue Print of Existence.

79 to 97
16 16…32. 5. E

9 × 7. 63 .63. 63/63=1.
63 +63. 126.
See sacred Portal 126. 12 6 F L

Jonathan means Grace.
Libery Freedom is the Grace of the Creator
Light Truth is Grace..

7:12 p.m right now is

She was speaking to herself..
Sound creates D.NA
Helix Co Creating but wih all aspects of Self.
You do it all your Self

Your Higher Self?
Really your True Self.

Filling the Gaps.

Svette Nook
Purge and cleanse every “Nook’ and cranny of your body” would be
Purge and you will be okay..

7:28 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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