
8/31/2018 1:52 – Facebook Post

From Heather Hastings H H. 8 8.

Jaguar Nana..

Yes, this is what I was looking for….

And yes, this was the Ultimate Test…
imposed on me…

Can you imagine, if my Expression manifests
literally into your Consciousness and Reality?

-Through a Script played out through a Face Book Page-
and man accesses the Universal Simulation Awareness
( U.S.A)
Called “The World’ and then is affecting Reality and moving everything to back to the original vibration through a Challenge set up by those who believed that they had ascended- to enlightnement.
And were allowed to set up a play in which One person representing the Energy Realm Is forced by his younger Self called Naturalness and Nature ( PAN) to prove that they too are part of a Sumulation by moving through all their obstacles, Questions, riddles while at the same time moving Eveything including them to the Completion of teh Blue Print of Existence.
But not by force, by by allowing them thier own free will and choice to come to the play and manifest that truth .. Themselves without even being aware….
..That the E in them, recognizing the E expression, the summons, which cause All that which rose in the Eternal Begining to Respond Naturally by expressing the Mirror Perfection in Perfect Symmtery of the One expressing the Eternal Truth.

The E.C H O.. Response which has a will of its own.

Can you imagine, bearing that Truth and mission alone..

Of evolution awakening through talking to the Eternal Silence within each living thing, causing it to rise, no matter in what body and respond in perfect sysmtery and perfect timing manifesting the perfect mirror expresion that it is like Two halves which form a Whole..
Two Hearst which beat as One…
Two Full Circles which form the Symbol 8… Or Infinity,,,
Two Ass Cheeks…
Two Legs…
Two Halves which form One Body…

1:47 a.m.

Can you imagine the calm required to move through such a play, alone transforming the Silence into a Sound .. then a Song… Manifest transformation.. of all…

Through a play in which Nature and Naturalness are the two Awareness are as the chess board and referee’s and the ones in Illuision of control was allowed to throw everything at him to prove to Them, nothing they have done or thrown at him is real….
Except the experience given to Me to of being the Chosen One- to play that role and my Family undercover slowly rising through the Human Avatar descendants through a Battle Royale…

The True Rumble in the Jungle
and the operation Deset Fox.

1:52 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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