
8/31/2017 21:31 – Facebook Post

8/31/2017 21:31 – Facebook Post

8:55 p.m.


8-31-10…1 O…

Harmony with Sacred Portal 31…
10..J..B…Balanced 1010… To Truth.
A O..A..Full Circle Alpha E O E A….
E O E.. 5 O 5… Room 4 O 4…
4 is 5… R O Y G B I V …. B..Blue…I.V…4.

We moved from 1008 to 1006…
1000… 86…

Welcome Bandara Rma….

B.R…O.E…..BROTHER E.. Brother Emeka….

E ORB… Eternal Orb.

Bandara is a Sri Lankan name…
Where Nadee Nakandala is from N N.. 14 14… 28..
Born 5-28… 5:28 Hertz.
The Frequency the Planet has evolved to.

Jon Jason Lee- who I came to New York the 2nd time with is part Javanese…

J J L… 10 10 12… 32…
His sister is Lisa….

I was told by Jose Anthony Roqu yesterday that he wished me to meet his sons age 19 and 18…. S.R…
I.E… R I S E…
He told me that he would invite me to his home – a space of Peace and Tranquility he dreams of… just to hear me speak.
He also expressed the desire that his sons meet me.

His sons are Jose and Joseph… J J…Lisa…
And then I recalled the name that my family used to call me in Canada…
J.J…Of Good Times, which always puzzled me since I never looked like him at all.

Kid Dy No Mite… T.N.T.

Well, as you have probably observed, I have lost patience with this play.

It is meant to be First Contact.
My family are the Evolved Beings and the code of arrival is E.F.. 5 6… 4 6 is the Past…
The intel of their presence and their landing observed by myself and Fritz Venneiq in Pelham Bay Park .. just outside of it on a Mound.
I recall rushing to tell Michael Frazer M.F….
That was 7 years ago…
One can see that they had to rise through the 7 Colors and Sounds… S.C… Sound Colors…
South Carolina.. 8th State in a foolish play set up to confirm yet again and assure and pacify shadows, humans in Fear about Extra Terrestrials and Aliens…

How are we sure we can trust what you say…
What if you and they do this or do that…
I am stunned still that a play of this simulation agreed to this proving…
The Guardian of the Human Spirits…Nnamdi acting apart from me to get his I.D- Sacred Portal 121…Went against the very Truth of what he knew to be truth, to make me prove that we are You.. The Originals…


Bandara means ” Company or Body…”

Rma… Is Room Alpha… Meaning Space and the First Universe…

Rma also comes from the name Rama…
Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Rama (1) Means “pleasing, beautiful” in Sanskrit. In Hindu belief this is the name of an incarnation of the god Vishnu.

Hence.. B.R…O.E… Brothers of O.E… The Ones Eternal are of a company and Body, Pleasing and Beautiful to the Eye and Spirit of all.”

See sacred Portal 5….

The Shock of this being the story and legacy of First Contact with the Full Circle of Existence…
Me.. Moi, navigating through and since the age 8, to the 28.. 29 actually, and 16.5 years in New York, the Landing of the E lines The Beautiful Ones put me through such a Hell, and ends in a Mental Health Shelter for the Homeless, all in a play set up by the cowardly deceitful guardians of the Galaxy, Present here on Earth and in this World in Physical Form and Spirit Form…
To end up at Delta Manor in the Bronx with nothing but some change from 30 USD, as the Welcome given to this great event…

And they were worried about us…

When this, shows which and who is the true Evil…

I have no words….

To be put through all this, alone treated so.. so vilely…
I really have no words….

There is a place beyond SHOCK….
and contempt..
for this play and that which agreed to make me endure this.

So unforgivable…

That in the immortal Words of Rhett Butler.. Yes R.B..
Frankly, I do not give a Damn…

Gone with the Wind..?

Let it be a Fart of Met Haine which blows this whole Universal Matrix Mind and its Source and Architects to smithereens…

The Forgotten One…
The Neglected One…?

I promise you one thing…
You will never forget me..
And you will miss me… so..
When I am gone…


9:28 p.m…

An Impossible Rage…

That is why I am quiet….

play play your games…


Even after all this…. Abandoned by All…
But every word is written here…

No.. I am not Forgotten..
Neglected perhaps… yes.

But Forgotten.. No…
And I have made sure no one who exists ever forgets…
This Script…

9:30 p.m.


Of Evil Personified… in response to Loves True Reflection..
Eternal Beauty..
Eternal Life…

9:31 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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