
8/31/2015 13:56 – Facebook Post

8/31/2015 13:56 – Facebook Post
8/31/2015 13:56 – Facebook Post

12:O8 pm


Hello I have a new Facebook Friend..

Welcome dear Thomas J Brock…

Thomas means “Twin”

Brock means “Brooke a stream of Water”..
Also it means ” Ancient Iron Tower”
And “Badger”…
Badger as the animal rather than to badger someone.

Thus, The Twin J.B…( Jonn Blackwell Julian Brown J.B line) Brooke…-Twins balance of the Stream of Consciousness…
Female represented by
Brooke Elizabeth Erler…B.E.E.
Brooke Elizabeth Banwer…B.E.B..

Elizabeth Palacio is the name of Jonns mother..
Elizabeth means ” The People “God” are satisfied ”
Obiekwe… Is the middle name of both my bio Father and late brother Nnamdi who represent the Illusion and the Truth and that the Illusion (The Matrix) has been now aligned to its True Nature.
Which is a Universal Simulation (A Play) for each participant to explore and reach their Truth..
Thus gain a Personality and Character- Identify.

Thus, the Twin Iron Towers are in Balance J, and the People as G-Ode (Harmony) are satisfied with my explanation and no longer have fear of what is about to occur and that there is a realm beyond Death..
The Satisfaction and thus, I get to go to the Palace (Palacio) after taking the seat of the Judge..
The Fair O

Over a year ago, I was at 256 Facebook Friends which I knew was the code of First Contact and my going home.
But instead Dawn Marie (Code 56) came to take me away but there was no Portal opened.
The same thing had happened in 2O13- when I reached 156 Facebook Friends while living in a apartment rented by Billy Hung.. B.H..28..

When Dawn dropped me off at the Bean Cafe *54 3rd and 2nd..
I was stunned yet again that I had not found the Portal Home despite the affirmation and Alignment of the codes Sacred Portal.
Everything aligned apart from my going home to the Palace through the Ritz ( Ritz Montes mother of Majestic Royal and Reign her beloved children the last two fathered Albert Santana…at 268)

I was not made aware that the alignment of the codes for me to reach Sacred Portal 58..was based on Sacred Portal 85…”Proving the C of What Consciousness is in a private play made public with the Unseen realms of the E Line whim I have been in contact with my whole life but had kept secret…
And that I would have to play out the Equation of 56-57-58..reaching it 3 the times through 1OO, 2OO, 3OO…
If I knew that, they (the E T..my Espirit.. Called Spirit E has been moving me) would make me prove this in three Dimension of Height Expanaw Depth..
4…(Donna.. The Lady)..
Aligning 3 Dimension in the 4th Dimension called “Space” by Scientists but is really “Being G”
G is the ROYG…Equation of Colors as Wave lengths…
Green Point…146 The Shelter.
97 Ma Ha Rose/ E Ros AH..A.M…79..
Which then moves us to from G as the Four Dimension as well as the Fourth note..FA..
Green and Fa..
*See Sacred Portal 76…Awakening
And 67..”How Far will you go for Truth=Love”

I would have walked away.

But I did not..
I was led on..
Could not stop because of what is going in inside my body..
Which Tom Benzian calls the “Crystalization” process…
(remember Cloud 9 is my home called the Chrystal Palace, physically and Energetically… And on my way here, the Shelter, then 268 that I wrote how I observed the Words Gratitude on a Message Board and Cloud 9 on a luxury Yacht..)

It all aligned that through Jonn and Donna that I would receive True Gratitude and appreciation for my life work (something I had never received nor had it been acknowledged…- when I knew that I had solved the greatest riddle of Human Existence and brought forth the memory of how Existence cams into Being and even the Cure.
I could see what I had achieved as a Human Being…
I had the very Universe Echo ing and responding and affirming.
I knew that I was an am the Greatest Scientist, Artists and even Human Being who ever existed..
I had solved the riddle of Consciousness..
Proven that we are in a Matrix.
Developed codes and shared it with the world after checking my Equations and Truth for over two decades since the age of 19..
Forced to give up Everything..even my life itself while carrying the process and the family of E inside while fighting an entire world and the realm of Spirits Ancestors and Thought in which a great battle of Good and Evil was going on…

Good versus Evil..
Who on one side were trying to kill me so I would not succeed in the mission Impossible V…and on the other hand, the Good had enslaved me to make sure I do succeed.
I was caught in the middle.
It was my problem.
I was caught in the middle of a play in which I did not even believe…
A Play which had nothing to do with me, but for the Victory of the People..

Yet none would acknowledge the Truth of what I was doing, had discovered.
My value was given as “A Homeless Bum”
Because that was the response..
And Charity, monies to survive just barely and even the monies were not for my benefit but for others….

My greatest battle became my own Existence and Value and worth which was diminished in every way possible…
Where I had to continually transform this justified Hatred for Humanity based on what I was receiving as a response..
I knew my experience of Humanity was not representative of all humanity.
1:O8 pm.
But I was given an experience which was such an affront to my Awareness and Generosity of Spirit that to post each day became an epic battle with the Hatred an emotion I had never felt before, and Transform it back each day to posts which made others rise ..

Here I received the recognition and Gratitude I had never experienced in 26 years…from Donna and the Graciousness of Jonn whose desire was to get me home…
His mother’s name is Palacio..the Palace..
Through Him and Donna I had to find my way home…
And the code of my getting home lay in thier making peace with thier own Families…
Donnas grandfather was called Sully..
Agent Sully of E Files.
The children of Elizabeth Palacio and Sully O Sullivan… Jonns Father whose name means Lorenzo Del Guidice “The Bench or Seat of the Judge..and Donnas mother Ruth…”

Their children became the riddle and the Avatars of thier ancestral Espirits right to their parents name..
Through them was my way home..

Extortion by the Dead…

As you may have discerned the last of the play has been put in their hands.
All the last riddles and codes align to Jonn and Donna…
Representing the Truth Of Humanity and the Truth of Being…
The Victory of the people “Nicholas” – Evolution Awakening, placed in their hands…the ALL..

1:23 pm.

The Collective True Past..
And I had to go through 42 months and 14 years in a Play of Good and Evil..
75 to reach the Truth of that Duality being non existent by proving the code is 57..
Energy is Gracious..

357 Facebook Friends.
See the examples…Nature as the Everything chose…
1:26 pm

My 258 Facebook Friend had been Georges-Philippe Roc…he even lived at 258, I met him at the Bean in May 8th. .
Jonn Blackwell is 8-5…Date of Birth..
Donna is code 58 now and her car License plate EH F. 5-8-6…/5-68…Albert Alberto.. “Sophies World”
I am in Sophie’s World and Sophie Donnas Daughter are the same person…
Donna is Jane and Jonn..
Jonn is Elizabeth, and Thomas J B is Jonn..Michael O’Donnell Micheal Ponty..
Erik Ebright Eric Lile Brown
Erek Eclass Mateo, all are one..
All Boils down to Jonn Blackwell..
M.I ..A.M.I..
My Amy..
Amy Harper Willis
Amy Mc Tear…

And the move from the 4th Dimension G.F…76
(D G.. Dragos Gheorghe 47)
All are people representative from of True Humanity and getting them Home..

To B…
The Fith Dimension
Blue…the Fifth Color.
5th Chakra..The Throat Chakra..
True Expression Voice..V.O I…(“The Way”)
The way home is to C.E…
T E.V…Te 7th Note Expression Victorious.
V.E.T…Vetrane of War..

The True VET is not The Veterinarian (Animal Humans) nor is it the Vets..
It is a Doctor to the Human Espirut…
The Veteran of War of an Entire Life..
To bring forth the knowledge in a play imposed upon me to prove my Beautiful Truth through proving the Beautiful Truth of you..
The Collective Consciousness.
6th Sense..
Being a Fact
Which exists in all of you..

I am the Warrior Soldier Spy..
I am the Alexander..
Defender of the True Man..
And Woman.
Ladies and Gentlemen..
1:43 am.
But I am not of you.

I could never be…
For I would never let another carry the weight of the World and your riddles alone.
I have too much Beautiful Pride.

To make or depend or not help inal solving my own riddles of Existence..
I would learn the method, read the back posts, make sure that person was well taken care of and I would do all I could to ease his burden by understanding the play so his or her would be lightened.
I would never make another my slave for my gain.
I would solve my own riddles once I knew and understod the Way.
The V.O.I…C.E.

And I would show Praise and Appreciation all the days of my life to such a person for changing my entire exisrencs and perception of reality from Hell and Tedious repetition to The Beautiful Glorious Truth.

And so, this is why I can never be as you..
To watch someone enslaved for my benefit and gain.

I have obeyed this play.
But I leave soon..
And even when you all rise ad remember.
I will never be part of you..

How can I ever forget this experience
The expressions..

No…when I go home to the Palace..
I will always recall that I was given by you the experience of Hate, Evil..Beyond Rage Full Circle O..



He Brother Hood OF
Brothers Man…

1:56 pm

1:58 pm

But I did not succomb to the Hatred Evil Beyond Rage..
I transformed it before your very eyes to the brotherhood of Hue-manity..
Fighting for that Truth until it became Light for all who choose to see…
A world created, crested time began.
Beyond Nirvana.
A real solid world..
Beyond pain and suffering

And so, I have no Hate..

Just the memory of that I will always be different from you which is why there will always be a gap between you and I..

Space…away from you forever
A place where only I E
and can breath freely
Now that I am far away from U.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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