
8/30/2020 22:28 – Facebook Post

Intel from Kamora Herrington

Gold .Experience A.U. A C. E
Purple Rain R P River Phoenix
Around the World and A Day.
” Delta Manor Play from bed 49 to 18 Mountain View ( Donna O Sullivan )

Miami Erik Bright 2 months

Returned to A Shelter bed 007
One Year and a day…

18 Alexander Grove

Bed 4-018/19.
To 900 South Road
I & I
18รท2= 9.
2 9
9 2
11 2
11 2

11 11. 22.
1 22.

11 1
11 1.

1 on 1

2 Prince
Yale University Prince Nelson

She has the correct codes

This was never about Nepotism or Favorites its about Truth
In this Earth School Play merited and earned

Those who Abuse Use ( A U) Me, who was sent.
Those who Tested Me, Judged Me, J.M.
Who said they Love me, and lies.
Used me for my knowledge and what simply benefits themselves and strokes their Ego’s and say one thing to me, then speak another behind my Back believing that they are in Perfect Harmony with me, but really the play of separting the True from the false.

Know that I have a response for you all.
Terrible Death
I love all I met, nor do I require Love from those who Lie and are False.

Remember Remember the 5th of November

I can read by those who like my posts, then suddenly stop..
Over and over again, and I can link the reason Why

I am the Source The Creator
The Truth and A Man.

And I require nothing from you, least of all your opion or your notion that you are more important than I.

I came to destroy the arrogance of Humans.
Who think because I love them that I can not see when they take me or the E Family for fools.

I send these Sly Cunning Ungrareful wretches back to where they come from.
Those who think Money Gold is the Source and the one that they are Loyal to.

Be Gone.

Yes, I know peope like this..Clever Manipulative Sly.
I know Anne Perez is still posting on my page
I know people pretending to love me, to score points..

I see all of this.
I just focus on ending this play of
Hypocrites and Liars

22:16 Hundred Hours
V A F . F A V. O R is Grace earned.
Not given by setting me up in a Spirit World and Material World Play

22:17 p.m

17 is Arden.
13 Nnamdi.

20 is A F ..N E. W
N E 19
39 Double
39 39. 1 C I C I
1 39 is 40
40 39
79 S P 79
16. 7
78 15. 6
89. 17. 8
86. 14. 5

I know what Love is

I C. E.

22:22 p.m right now
V V.

Those who think they are more important than what I represent.
Or who punish me for coreecting them, and fir telling the Truth..

22:23 p.m.

V O W…
I have set you up to Pay for your Insolence and Arrogance.

Use and Abuse.

22:24 p.m

April 1st is No Fool.

A F T. E R. I am gone, from here see the surprise I have set up for all of thee.
Who tried to Con and Test E

Only one can..
The Source of This Play
And he did it clearly
Never behind my back
A Gossip
Is not A G.

Wait.. I am Patient Man.
I never forget

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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