
8/30/2017 21:27 – Facebook Post

8/30/2017 21:27 – Facebook Post

7:22 p.m.


G Spot..

I hit the G-Spot….

G is Victor…Victorious… v- 5.. 5… E.

“We Are Coders/ Creators”.. was what I read on the light blue T-Shirt of a Youth who steeped in front of me after I completed the Last Code S E.T on Taina Vasquez’s page.”

…I almost collapsed on the street from Exhaustion and the “miraculous process” going on painfully within my muscles and sinews.


83…69… Yes the code planted on my Computer…

8-30 Links to D.O.B..of Fritz Venneiq F V…6-22
6-22-92 Where I sat in the World Music Cafe in Paris Bastille owned by Gerald- Lover of Woman.
Armenian French owner of an Island.

Linked to Lisa Natalie Johnson…

It was there I wrote the piece in my Journals “Talking To The Silence”- A Pause To Take Stock”
( A P.T…TS…A Point of Perfect Timing T=20, S=19..39..C.I.
47.. 11 28… 39…C.I…L…)
And exactly 6 months later, in front of “Le Garde De Nord” in Paris I journeyed through Death- Dark Matter to the Radiance of the Light of the full circle, engulfed in Feelings Sensational which I immediately recognized as my portal home- the way I had come down into this world in the Beginning of what I now understand as Time.

It is the date of birth of Yonathan Yohannes whom I met on a 5 USD Bill- An Avatar Descendant and mirror.
Who was born on that exact date.
I then met Georges-Philippe Roc…G.P.R…

Fritz Venneiq is the one who saw the Awakening of Nature as I spoke to him as he slept… Awakening in just outside of Pelham Park where we had camped out on a small knoll.

Robert Vlaun…Emeka Kolo Taina Vasquez…was the last of the Human Equation which completes for me the end of the last 28 years of my life and the 48 since I began the journey with my E-Spirit as my younger brother who arrived in physical form shortly after in 1969.

R.V… E.K…T.V… ..V=5 in Roman Numerals and B B..

Thus, R.E ..E.K…T.E… / E.T…K.E…E.R…

The meaning of the alignment of Humans as the Descendant Avatars…is

Robert “Famed Bright Shinning “of Light” Praise, for the Creator Well Done, the Warrior who fought to bring the Dawn of a New Era of Beauty and Love into Existence-until Death by nourishing the small plant, He planted in all Creation and sustaining its growth…
Orien Laplante!…O.L..E.V.O.L..V.E…
Until Lady Dawn rose from Death as the Morning And Evening Star….”

The Equation of people being moved today began with
Meredith and Roselvelt… Brenda… with the code 25… and off to see her mother 88.

I sat in front of Roosevelt… meaning “Field of Roses”

Meredith means: “From the Welsh name Maredudd or Meredydd, possibly meaning “great lord” or “sea lord”.

Taina was already seated to my right and Meredith to my Left…

Thus in keeping with the C.O.D.E… “Cloak Of Death E…
C.O.D.E…S….” – the Validation of by Death the Destroyer

represented by the code in Jean Ann Dortch J.D was the “Messenger”
30 USD arrived today… ( Thank You J.D… J=10, D=4.. 10 4..Sacred Portal 104, also validating sacred portal 88 which has the code DEC 30…12-30…Lisa Natalie Johnson L was the intermediary, 30..C.O…
Jamel took an astral flight, like a Scout for father in the Astral Realm of Sixth Sense and came back astonished to confirm that Hue manity become Immortal.. Regeneration.
He traveled with a Cat- an orange cat who followed him for 18 Blocks. He filmed the entire thing commenting on it.
He was then moved from Room 2 Bed 2-008… 28.. Texas the 28th State…
Myself born the 28th… to room 5 A, my former room as well as Jose Anthony Roc…. They ( the Unseen moving through everyone in this set used to determine the truth of my Conscious See.. S.C…was correct and all that which I claimed and said I had manifested).
They moved him to bed 5-003…
I was in bed 5-006, and Jose “Indian Angel” was in bed 5-004..

5-6..5-4, 5-3…. E.F..E.D, E.C…30th.
Confirmed by Brenda going to see her mother 88 and driven by her nephew with the code 25…Y… Y Is me… I…

* If you recall, I was first assigned bed 5-19… E.S…
I am now in Room 4.. Bed 4 at Delta Manor.. Delta meaning 4..
4 4 4…12…L… 4 x4 16..x 4..56….11..1…
Add the final code today 8-30… Harmon with the arrival of the 30 usd…
H C.O.D.E…S..

It is the confirmation that my H.I…C.O.D.E.S… Are Supreme.

That was the Gift meant to be given to Humanity, to prove that not only that there was always Harmony present in the World.. But also the BIG Brother Infinite Harmony.
And this, is what was doubted by both the Unseen but the Seen realm.
How could there be harmony present here in the World – Universe if the Worlds of both the Living and the “Dead” was in such Chaos….?

“Um, because you were not seeing clearly, because you were focusing on the wrong things, because you were each given the Free Will and Choice as to what you chose to focus on.
I chose to focus on those things which are Beautiful, and I realized even with all my “Supernatural” gifts taken away from me as a child- to prove this, that in Beauty there is Symmetry and Perfection…

One of the Meanings of the name Taina is “God is Perfection”
*Notice that for the first time I have gone beyond 1006 Face Book Friend… 1000 Is M in Roman Numerals… Latino…
6 is F… Six Sense.
Apparently, it was until the Seen and Unseen could verify and CHECK to see if what I stated was, is a fact was actually that.
Fey Mirach..F.M…
See sacred Portal 54… “Super Nova, Mother Father, Father And Mother Finally Dancing at Last in Universal Harmony Infinities Song.. Child Birth & Lab-our’
(S.N…M.A.F- F.A.M…F.D….A.L..I UH..”Date Total Solar Eclipse” I.S….C.B…& L…

So they checked…
1007 Face Book Friends… M.G… 107.. 17… Q…

Leonila Simone…

Leonila means “Young Lion”.. Y.L.
Simone means “One Who Hears”

Played by Jamiel… “Jamel means “Handsome.. Beauty Graceful…” Feline….
Jamel is 33… The Age I am meant to be and listed on my Face book page.. 1984 for over 7 years…

Nagel means “Nail”.. As in a carpenters Nail, or “Last Nail in the Coffin… Case Closed… And to “Nail” some one- have penetrative sex with some one.

And to hit the Nail on the Head…

The name Monica means “Advisor” in Latin and “Unique” in Greek.

Yes my post about “I am Unique.. and all the Individuals of E are Unique…

It is also the name of the mother of St Augustine.. “August” and was said to be originally African.. And thus Moreno “Black Dark Person” is a possible meaning…
Actually it is fact…

Young Lion, the one who hears, you hit the Nail on the Head, this is the Last Nail in the Coffin, you have joined the Two Universes into one Verse Body and Being by understanding the true Nature and Meaning of Spirit… Music.. Chi… that it is to be Unique…
You are Unique…

Taina Vasquez… ” A Warrior who fought to bring the Dawn, of NEW Supreme Era of Beauty and Love ( Love Light Laughter, Lightening Luminosity of Lightened Hearts) Erose Venus Aphrodite… Crow!… You are a Fierce Bird…
Of the Crow Nation in the Indian Nation.

Meredith Emeka Taina… Formed M.E.T…

The MET museum with Rob Barr.. ?
Link its correct aspect Sacred Portal 110… “K.O” Knock Out…
Which I noted Taina Vasquez saying … K.O..
I saw it as I sat quietly at Taylor Street.. A Van pulled up right where I sat with the words “Knock Out” on it…
Then I saw a person wearing a T-Shirt when I arrived here with an American Indian…
I had found one when my former Host at 268 was doing a Taino ceremony- an Arreyo… I took a walk and found a Chiefs Head dress on the Street.
I came back with it…
Ritz Montes was there, you should have seen Alberts Face…
He took it and worse but we both knew what it meant…
See sacred portal 2..2-3…

Oh yes, Sacred Portal 76… The 123 Cocksure of the Awakening has the code MET LE best…
And then Sacred Portal 110…”The Cocks of the Awakening
“We are here at Last
We Are One
We are the One First and Last and Only Family of Existence, the One E”

But not until Lisa Natalie Johnson arrived after Roosevelt and Brenda Left..
M.E.T.. Across and then from me to Brenda… E.R.B… H.E.R.B…

*Erb Family History. German and Swiss German: from the medieval personal name Erbe, meaning ‘descendant’, ‘heir’, which was popular in the Upper Rhineland.

V.E.R.B…. Words in Action….

Meaning of the word Verb…

*”early 16th century: from French origine, from Latin origo, origin-, from oriri ‘to rise.’

Taina told me a delightful story, about how when she was born how her mother was so concerned that she was so fair “Like Betty Boo” so pale.. “White” the she literally summoned a group to pray over her when she was newly born to bring more melanin into her…
She apparently succeeded because she is a beautiful Cream complexion which she says bronzes…

Moreno… Tan… it means Tan…

Which is also my original skin complexion, before this play of what was done to my skin tone- I was born extremely fair skinned Light as Lisa Natalie Johnson… I liked the color I grew into at 21… TAN…


M.E.T…Across and then E R B…Y…
That formed a T…from me rep E…

Then Lisa Natalie Johnson arrived at it formed M.E.T… E.L… Then she left at it formed R.E.T…

Yes, Rhett Butler.. R.B… E I.O R B…

B.R.O..I.E… Gone With the Wind…

9:27 p.m.

I guess that is that….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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