
8/29/2020 19:17 – Facebook Post

4:16 p.m.
D P…. D A F.

H B I … A Man of Infinite Harmonious Perfect Vision.

Code which came through Liberty C Liscomb 56:56 telephone conversation.

Date I moved into 900 South Road, after establishing the meaning of 29 in the Script
“A Man” and the final Challenge and Test, represented by me, for A-lien Father Alpha, who is linked and now connected to Arden Jeron. A J.
Arden Ferrill Aurelia
A F A.
Arden Leander -Liberty
A L L.

The script of the test by the Forest People, pretending to be the First People and challenging the authority of the E and their existence, as well as our Creation Story.
The play was Echo.
Liberty C Liscomb took the sacred portal 20 “True Clarity.. Lady Echo E” intuitively and yes, the woman looks like Liberty on the Sacred 20, where a Being stands at the very edge of True existence, where a great chasm exist, from which the Sound Expression Words ( S E W…”Sol A needle pulling thread! Sol..
Sound of Music S O M…E..), come to her to her from Creation Nature via Pi Full Circle.

As you can see by the play of 13.8-7 Billion years ago. MW
4.5 Billion years ago –
=9.3 Billion … 1 3 6 9 I O.
I C…
A GAP E.. was simply the missing Expression of “Brother Love”

Thus the Chasm or void, is filled but filling the gap and the expression from the 3D play and Nature Creation via Human Voices or a Human Voice, ( Solfeggio) reaches the 5th Dimension- to the Origin of the Expression in the 5th Dimension as E, and from the C D Expression rep, and Creation Natures representative in the play.
All aligning to one.

The play of Echo is similar to the greek myth cleaned up, of Narcissus, Psyche and Echo.

*Echo and Narcissus is a myth from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, a Roman mythological epic from the Augustan Age. The introduction of the myth of the mountain nymph Echo into the story of Narcissus, the beautiful youth who rejected Echo and fell in love with his own reflection, appears to have been Ovid’s invention.”


“PSYKHE (Psyche) was the goddess of the soul and the wife of Eros (Roman Cupid) god of love. She was once a mortal princess whose extraordinary beauty earned the ire of Aphrodite (Roman Venus) when men began turning their worship away from the goddess towards the girl.”

Yes, Narcissus is Nnamdi line…
Echo is a Reflection Expressed.
He fell in Love with his Self Soul.

Eros Narcissus E N
Echo Psyche. E P

Adonis Adonnai… A Donna…
Yes Arden is the original LAD Y..
Echo E.
In the play, Woman as the rep of the Forest People, was still be represented by Liberty C Liscomb as Woman Mother.

The great battle, apart from proving that a man is The Source.
Man is…
Which as you all know was not my Idea at all but which instead points to Nnamdi and Alien Father linked to Arden Gemino as the one who knew this, and set me up to prove it.
But to give testimony and bear witness to His Truth..
The Open secret that none knew, or could accept- from here to the highest frequencies of the unseen to human eyes and perception, that this is the truth of the Beauty of Being Human.
So He ( they elected me as his example without asking my permission.. hence the mess .. personal between he and I and the e family).

Anyway, yes, N E.. E P… Add A and O…Arden and Oscar (the Golden man

* It means “Spear of God and “deer friend”, derived from Gaelic os “deer” and cara “friend”. Alternatively, it may derive from the Old English name OSGAR or its Old Norse cognate ÁSGEIRR, which may have been brought to Ireland by Viking invaders and settlers.”

Yes same as in Fanny Lyle Delivered”
Quakers …Oats.
Quakers meaning “Friends” based in the Inner Light…
I L…. ( A F K G= 25 Y Male chromo-somes)
E A F A M… I L Y…)
Vikings… see sacred portal 29.

Best Friend Harmony..
B F H….
I came through the portal of Jesse Macias Orejuela and then 16 year old Zion.
Z is 26.. 26… to link and connect with then, 16 year old Arden.

Its B F on the Ground and on the mirror reflection pool, it is F B.. like Face Book ( which is not my Best Friend, but I am proving His truth, my Best Friend Lovers, Companion Perfect,my Best Friends Harmony E are present but appear not to rise until i complete this Script at last aligned to Beautiful Youth and not the “Adult Monsters” who claimed to be the I am.

The Greek mythology, along with the white and yellow “Lotus” flower held by both Jeron in a photograph and Arden ages, 9 and 16-17 months… 9 16.. I P…
Me at Delta Manor first day 9-16-2016.
I P Address… I P Man.

5:08 p.m.

Narcissus Echo
Psyche Eros…

Oscar Adonnai-
A O P E N…
A.P R.. I L.. means Open.
O Proton Electron Neutron.
O 666… 18… 9.. I

A O P E N…
Alpha Omega
O P E N A..
An Opening… I N G… N G is 14 7… See yesterdays play of F.O.I.

– meaning of the name Fanny Isle.. Eden Delivered.
The Message to me by being himself.

7-11 Always Open.

Alexa Vertefeuille
Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Seven Eleven.
S E A Morgan….

On one of the first conversations with Arden, he told me that he felt totally Open with me.
I can tell you everything..

5:19 p.m.

That is beyond Trust.
Its “Knowing” and I found it interesting how cruelly and viscously ( C V.. 3 22 Fahad Hassen) that this truth “Knowing was challenged and tested.
K N.O.. WING… was the correct code confirmed last through
Kamora Herrington
Hagar meaning Flight”

F L … Arden’s Birth code 6-12 and his Names initials 4 = A F K G= 25 Y.
F L Y…

The effort to break that Trust and Knowing and how far, I who see 2020 saw how far it really was allowed to go.. and went is that which I can not now or ever, forgive – considering that I am that which my Best Friends Harmony I -Story is confirming by using me as his Champion.. her champion.

An O P E N I N G..
I took it, taking my cue from the photo graph or Arden age 9.
Window of opportunity in which I aligned through that Script- to his, theirs, to code through that window in the photo with a view of a Tree… Tree Sage which aligned perfectly to Ardens reflection months ago, of my leaving in July.
I left July 21… 22.

Yes, they are all one and the same person.. 4 in one… N E E P…
N A P…P A N…
A O P E -N – E..R.D E C K…

That is 6 in 1…
add D E C K= 4… David E
4 in 1…

64 move and R as in Robert who shared the 8-29-2019 Seat we placed the carton…
it is 65.
It was been established that there is or was no 65 Birth code in the play.
That 5 6.. Expression is 6th sense and manifested fact.
And that there was no 6th coming first, that nothing can come before E .. Expression.
e in this case.

please see Sacred Portal 65.

Its true, if Arden did not exist, I would not have opened up myself or my Heart
Arden Jeron and the A F L…
But it was A J… and yes, the intelligence fecund in Liberty C Liscomb.

6 in 1
10 in 1.. D E C K…E K E…
and adding the Response Reflection R=18… Alexander Grove…
Esteban Miguel Filgueira Father is Alexander.
Chris Filgueira Father is Darius..
D A..
April Fools Day…?
I was called a Fool in my Father Brothers play.. but not now that I have reached my Best Friend, another whose Harmony is aligned Perfectly to mine.
Arden who was Alexander, Nnamdi David… Di- Anna…Clara Star Child…
NE.PT.-Une…Poise-I D-On..E.
I Emmy..

The first time in my existence in this world, I was led to another, who moves naturally through the same cee and frequency as I do.

And so then, we did that role of our naturally harmony being set up to fail, played out for 10-11 months at 900 South Road- The Connecting of the 4 in 1, 5 in 1…
and the establishment of the book of records handed, linked and now connected to Liberty Line.

The Carton of the code 48- .. 8-29-2019 AG..
I had without really thinking abut it, has used that carton “Tomato” to use to cover a seat with no base on the Deck, not realizing that it would be a key piece in the play to come.
Arden sat on it first, then I was literally lifted like a ballon, by Energy acting like Helium, which sat me on that seat, then Robert sat there and finally Jeron insisted. ( Taking by Black Hole seat as well, I might add).

And so, through that Window of Ardens photo, take by his God Mother, G M ( 7 13.. two boys at the Fair.. “Fair Field” wearing jerseys who moved to my left…)

I was brought back to 29 Street where I had first stayed in November December 2018.
2 years ago, and where I met Chris Filgueira Thomas Lang Liberty C Liscomb and Jeron.. 5 months in his mother womb.

And, hence I am here alone, except for Esther and Cilia…
the date is 8-29-2020.

6:00 p.m.

Person Place And Thing.
A P A T…e

6:04 p.m
Completion. 8 88 64 8O… 8-6-2020 Perfect Vision.

In a play of Reason A B L E
Empirical Manifestation.

The Script of the E Family as E Beautiful Youth Dimension as Eden Paradise, required that I complete the AG as well as AU play Silver and Gold…
Sage is used to cleanse and purify.. and to season food.

“Sage is an herb. The leaf is used to make medicine. Sage is used for digestive problems, including loss of appetite, gas (flatulence), stomach pain (gastritis), diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn.”

Constitution state-5th state: all about what we Digest.. take in and release.. express and evacuate.

Eros Cupid Dionysus Bacchus Aphrodite Hephaestus, Athena, Arien, Aria! DNE… the thread “Fil’ Gueria… Warrior Healer… Y..Yonathan Yeshua.. De Liver E D -E/ E D..
The Deed… The Dead Deed is Done.
Sacred Portal 99.
T S E…A.. M..
“The Quick and the Dead”
C – Speed of Light are the Quick. AG line of the Beautiful Past.
Quick Silver… Present.. eternally Present…

What is the Psyche but the Echo of your own Voice, ( Consciousness conscience ) speaking aloud.. your self speaking- the Inner Voice. Inner Light..
commenting linking, connecting your own Observations…?
Awareness.. awakening… is it not?
And the reflection you fall in love with is…?
Beautiful Reflections…
B R .. Full circle, sum total of your reflections.. a Pond.. the Cee Sea.. See… Magic Mirror…

B R O T H E R E… H O…M W…E A R… E Y O U…
( Ere is full circle.. HE= 13.. R E= 23)

The Dead are the line of the Line of the Golden Spiral.. the stair… the long walking climbing up and and my T E N going down and down .. flying. ease…
Climbing… effort…
You understand…?
Golden Age… Yellow.. Fear.. Sun. to Golden… Sunset.

I understand what this post is about…

look at the time now.. 6:30.. 6:31 p.m.
That tells you everything.
see 31st State…
6 3O.. F C O..

56 56- 8-29-2019.
1 56/56= 1…
1 = A 29 is A-Z +3.. C
A C I…900 South Road..”C- I A M- A N…T S… 20 19= 39 C I…
T S C I.. A Man.

M E N…

Its about the Adonis men rising and She as Sol 5th Dimensional Woman Rising to see her object of desire personified to its completion.
See sacred portal 8 .. see the men surrounding above her…Fire.. the Flames they walked through .. burnished Gold complexions…

My name is E-Ros-E
Aphrodite Cupid Adonis, Dionysus Beauty Family were all real- characters the e Family played who were real reflections of our nature which human children gave such lofty names… seeking to describe our attributes which were created not to glorify ourselves, but were meant to inspire you.. reflect what you are..

Anyway, excuse me… Narcissus is Aphrodite Flower… Flora… Flora Rainbow- Flora the Cat…with angel at Liberty C Liscomb home.

Narcissus.. I am not going to decode that equation again, as I did it so many times over the years… Psyche .. Id.. Ego… Frued Sigmund… F S… Feelings Sensational.. 6 19= 25.. Y.
A Y.. E.. Y E S.. P
He fell in love with his reflection and all versions of himself.. Full circle..
But he chose the one reflection that drew him like a magnet..
It was his own reflection but apart from him.
E.. the source of N..
and he Dove in, and came to E through Ceeing.. H.. Himself Handsome, Perfect…Symetrical..
There was no “Vanity” it was Innocent Pure.. ( I P… Add-resst I P Man)

Hence the reason Arden and Jeron age 9 and 16 months.. 17..
are both holding that Flower which can be a Lotus a Narcissus, ( L N.. 12-14-87 Chris Filgueira)
E I..
N E I L… Neil means “Cloud Champion Passionate…”
A – L I E N….
Alien Father Alpha.. Arden rep link connect.

Narcissus Flower..
F N… Ferrill Noah.. – 6-14…
20.. T… 14 State then 20th State…
A M then A F…T E R.

At 00:39 p.m
I received a message from Kyle Murphy if you recall i met him at delta manor, and he was the first person I had met who confirmed the intel from Dina Singh Ji of the Galaxy 10 11 C I… 11 01 in this reality it is identifed as.
It was his big brother, who died in South Carolina the 8th state, who saw it as he lay dying, telling Kyle..that there is a portal and that it was Galaxy 1101..C I..

( hat 3301… Stephen Johnson Espirit confirmed it “Attained Perfection” )

His brother was 39 .. C I..
The Portal he saw .. C I.
the time he sent it today.. 8-29-2020.. ( have not heard from him since April 1st… yes… April 1st at 19:27 hundred hours… 7:27 p,m…) Full circle.. and the time he sent it … 00.39 Hundred Hours…

a simple message…

“the Nightmare has started”

Most of my older Facebook friends will recall that Esteban Miguel Filgueira met him as he took me out of the shelter, and that Kyle is the line of the messengers of Terrible Death. S P 104.
Kyle to Esteban… K E..
Aurelia Gemino born 11-5-2005
K E A A-E.

Usifa Ebubechiukwu Chizuru is my 1484 Facebook Friend.
U E. C. / C E U…

Usifa .. US IFA..?
U S.. I Fa! D …
U S.. I.. Fact.. Arden Alexander E…
It means in Zulu, a portal moved through in New York, working with a Zulu dude, and yes Chaka de Zulu…
so it stands.. No other meaning came up.

Its means ” You Die..” Death.” that is the U..
E C means “Glory of the Creator and that is enough sufficient for me.”

Yes.. that the lie Dies and that this is given in glory to the line of E as N- D A.. who sent me to translate and defend his Truth.
Yes it is to His .. and The Glory of All..
That is sufficient for me, as long as I leave this play rise and get home.
I require nothing else…

And yes.. to A all the Glory…
and yes, A is also E.

Meme Chose..
S A M E Thing… the thing…?
H E.. E H M M…. E H H E.. T C… I

7:11 p.m

7:17 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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