
8/29/2017 16:59 – Facebook Post

From Skye McGeorge….

4:05 P.M.



Particle Wave…

Planet Water….



G.E….G..E O… G.R…( Golden Ratio) P.H… ( O P H I U C H U S – A.S “American Spirits” CL.E… P.I..US)… A.P…( Appreciation Praise )….
Y… ( Male Chromosome )….

A Shot of Whiskey…over Being their Cup of T.EA…

I do not mind both….
Whiskey in my Tea…

Storm in a Tea Cup…
Boston Tea Party…
A Storm brewed in a cup of Ti!.

…G.E… 7th Note… E Fifth Note….

Solfeggio Do re mi fa so… la Tea…

Ti Sol….
T.E.A… S.O.L….

My Whiskey is Jack Daniels… J.D…

Jean Ann Dortch….code… 10 4…

Did you know that a Tennessee Slave is the one who taught Jack Daniels how to Brew and Distill Whiskey…
His name was ‘ Nearest Green”
( Yes… My Phone Number Erik Ebright arranged for me is from Tennessee… Sigh… And N.G.. Is 147… Yes me Sacred Portal 147 BB and A….)

See Article New York Times.. Wed August 16… Yes 16…
Fawn Weaver F.W… Age 40…sprang into action and bought the place…

“Greens Existence had long been an open secret, but in 2016 Brown-Forman ( B.F…2 6…Mayweather age 40.7…Sacred Portal 40)
the company which owns Jack Daniel Distillery here made international headlines with its decision to embrace Greens Legacy and significantly change its tours to emphasize his role”…

Tea Master Ritual Japan… Self Master….
Sol… Soul… G.E… E.G….
7 5… Seven Continents and 5 Oceans….
5 7…E.G… In a Enders Game Scenario played out on this World in a Universal Matrix Simulation of Universal Mind, can a Human Being ( H.B.. 28.. Texas 28th State) exemplify align and express in the frequency of Creation Universe and then go beyond it, to expand move the Physical Universe to Expand to its Original Intention of Evolution of all physical nature, Dark Matter, full Circle back to its Origins and Source and Beyond….
By Expression Graceful… so graceful that it completes the gap of Universal Mind.. U.M…. To completion… C..Consciousness Speed of Light…
I infinity exemplified by Individuality…
S as Sound- Silent- Waves- Sixth Sense….

to transform it back to its origins as C.I. SUM… The Sum of Expression Universe Planets Galaxy Cosmos Energy… U.P..G.C,E….
Then move the Harmonies MUSIC to Crescendo Waves which Rush and Bring the TIDES of Change and Evolution
Affecting Everything from Human Existence and Weather Nature… W.N…?

G.E… 7 5.. 12…L…. Luke… “Bringer of Light Clarity… L.u…C.I.. Fer!..
Lisa Natalie Johnson…
75 x.. 35.. C.E…. 12 +35…. 47…. 11 28… 39… C.I… 12… L… 27..B.G.

12.. 3…

38… 888… 24…..May Weather…
38… 11…K… 2..B….11..1… A….
Dopplegagers II… A B.. same thing…

Tea Ceremony is Self Mastery… Refinement of Self.

Chad? is counted as one of the three classical Japanese arts of refinement, along with k?d? for incense appreciation, and kad? for flower arrangement.

Sen no Riky? and his work Southern Record, perhaps the best-known—and still revered—historical figure in tea ceremony, followed his master Takeno J??’s concept of ichi-go ichi-e, a philosophy that each meeting should be treasured, for it can never be reproduced. His teachings perfected many newly developed forms in architecture and gardens, art, and the full development of the “way of tea”. The principles he set forward—harmony (? wa), respect (? kei), purity (? sei), and tranquility (? jaku)—are still central to tea ceremony.[12]

My Whiskey is Jack Daniels… J.D…

Jean Ann Dortch….code… 10 4…

Did you know that a Tennessee Slave is the one who taught Jack Daniels how to Brew and Distill Whiskey…
His name was ‘ Nearest Green”
( Yes… My Phone Number Erik Ebright arranged for me is from Tennessee… Sigh… And N.G.. Is 147… Yes me Sacred Portal 147 BB and A….)

See Article New York Times.. Wed August 16… Yes 16…
Fawn Weaver F.W… Age 40…sprang into action and bought the place…

“Greens Existence had long been an open secret, but in 2016 Brown-Forman ( B.F…2 6…Mayweather age 40.7…Sacred Portal 40)
the company which owns Jack Daniel Distillery here made international headlines with its decision to embrace Greens Legacy and significantly change its tours to emphasize his role”…

White Supremacy has a lot to answer for…
and my encoding has made sure that they do… as well as all cultures..

I am moving now from 1002 Face Book Friends to 1004…


That is my sacred portal Terrifying Death…
104… 14… N…Nnamdi …
not Beautiful Death as I.E… Sacred Portal 48…Which May weather was wearing on his head .. B.Cap… 48…

I warned people that my Father Nnamdi is the one behind this Script and who set me up in this play to prove the Truth of the Human Potential and Truth of they being the Source of Energy Nature…
And the denial of the Evidence and all the proofs and all that he put me through….

Well Jean Ann Dortch… 30 usd check…
has not arrived or perhaps it has.. but it is a code…
Again it waited for your response…

No respect… Of course…
I told him in 1993… They will not listen…
Though I am stunned that the arrogance and denial would go this far…

So I will post what he is moving me to link and encode…..

Oh by the Way… Skye McGeorge…. it a code…
Montana 41st State.. 33 Oregon “Hurricane”8 South Carolina…
Lisa is now with a young lady called Caroline.. Daughter of Michelle… M.C… Connor McGregor… C.M…

Montana is “Big Sky State… Treasure.. Mountain….”

4:56 p,m

SKY..E… Mc…George means “Farmer”

Lisa Natalie Johnson father was a Gentleman Farmer…

16 23….39….C.I…
C.. 3.. E… H.. 8..Harmony

4:58 P.M

My contempt, has made me quiet….
So I obey his script… My Son who became my Father in a Play to earn the right to be my Equal…
But which he could never equal….
That which only the Source can do…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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