
8/29/2016 19:27 – Facebook Post

8/29/2016 19:27 – Facebook Post

4:43 p.m.

4th Dimension is the Portal to Eternal Life…Sacred Portal 43..
E=C.Me 43.

Dear Face Book Friends..

We are back at 737 Face Book friends..
All Full Circle of 73-37…77 33…14..5…6 9…15..O..6…
5 6…Emeka Cecilia….11..1.

*Pls see Sacred Portal 37… ‘Lady S.H.E..And Sacred Portal 73.. Sensie who looks to the First Born Above.. A Man..
While his Expressions “E.X-Crete-ME.NT..is Fair E..

Link Fey Mirach…Fee-Male… The Body.

You will be my witness to the evidence of the meddling of the Ancestors from the shadows.. Already witnessed with the play of Nnaemeka Ifennanna,

Witchlanders- By Lena Coakley… L.C…
The twin Sisters in th story Ayse and Arte
Are Maggie and Cecilia.. M.C..Twin Sisters..
M.C…My mothers Elder Sister died at age 13 same age as Nnamdi..
And so they are all the same persons of One Energy.
reflected once more in my siblings Nnonyelum Nnamdi…

See the Movie DUNE, with Paul Attriedies and Jessica his mother…
See the story line…

And see it Truth.

And witness why the world of both past and present, seen and unseen, Material and non material will be destroyed, razed until only 1/3 will remain.
And the level of my fury and the fury of “God-Harmony E shall be such as never believed possible for the meddling of the Ancestor, the illusion of the past which betrayed Eri from past to present..as Existence.
And why they will go out of Existence in exacting detail which I have already written here.
Burnt Land..
Another rendition of Oladimeji Kabiawu..O.K.. Name meaning…

*Larry Sax was the 338 Face Book Friend, he came twice, said hello and went back to 1 address.

There is a reason, Larry Sax,… Means “Sword of Victory Crowned with Laurels..”
See sacred portal 120.. Fritz Venneiq..
But I am Fritz..F-Ritz Montes
F-Ritz Venne..I.Q
“The Peaceful Ruler to the very End..
Come I.Q…I.Quantum.. Intelligence Quotient…
Linked to the date of Birth of Lord Orien Laplante..

Code ‘O Rien.. La! 6th Sense, Plant..E..
Both the green plant, the Green point, and the Spi planted in all Being.. The E..
Of the Fifth Dimension.

I just got through to my mother, and she gave me the message from her group of Seers, which my Uncle Sir P found from Awaka, my Great Grandmothers birth place.. Where she was know as an extraordinary but notoriously dangerous witch…
The same place where I was placed 3 in the State, on the entrance exam to study Brewing…
David Brewer… Weather Man.

Now recall what I stated as being the origin of Evil… And the Source of Evil being the Twisting of the Truth… to fulfill an intention and an Agenda..

The message was that, they had seen, that I am the Chosen One.. and that my sister is the Visionary.
And that even after all my mother had endured, she must now let us go to complete Gods work.
They then added the caveat that I send them “Sali ka” Which is a money gift… Because they are praying for me.. that the whole Anambra State is praying “For” me.

…. Ego- Oge..Money to Control the Awakening of Dawn…
The Awakening of the World…
Ego projections of the most Evil and Vile

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula
Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka
Ogechukwu Maduka Igwe…

The Creator is the source of time is the one who controls the Awakening, he is the “Jasper Casper” Jewel “ORB.C”, may my name not be forgotten…
Time only God knows how to tell time, and He brings beautiful things, and blessings which only He, God the Creator knows,,,
Time belongs to the Creator he is a “Great Man” a King.

(Metatron and Chukwu.. M.C… Erie-Erik.e (Erik Ebright) God..E.G..
Emekea Chukwu.. E.C..53…)

That is three Face Book friends…

5:20 p.m.

.. who have the name Oge Chukwu.. O.C…
Full Circle my Mother.. B.R.C…O.R.B..C…
The O.R.B of Chukwu..

I guffawed at the Evil and Arrogance (And strange sincerity of these beings who still believe that they are right, butt their refusal to change and admit that they are wrong and did something so terrible- mirrors the last book I read by Lena C.Oak-Ley..
Where these codes indicate that the greatest Seer is my Mother.. C.O.N.. line.. Cecilia Onu…

My mother had already identified my true name in the past as Yeshua, (Jesus) when she asked me in 2013..(33..6 9..15..O..6)
if I was Jesus Christ…All written down here on Face Book…

I also recall, posting numerous times, that my I had a vision of my Mother as a Great Queen of the past “Ancient Crete”- who spoke to a council of Kings and Queens and told them that I come from Beyond and that her son could help heal the world… And how they all laughed at her and mocked her, except the King of OiNri.. The Eze Nri.. (E.N..O…C.H)..and the Queen who ended being my Grandmother Lucy Ojugo Dove…

And I also spoke about how they held her Hostage…
Cecilia Onuabuchi Umeano Kolo…. C.O.U..K..
“Cou” Means “Neck” in French…
The Pineal Gland.. reflected in Tyresse Tyrone formerly of bed 001 and 002, in the Assessment Shelter in Room A..

Made evidence by the Two body Guards sleeping besides me on bed 008 and 009… A Muslim called Musa (Moses..Meaning “Box” ) and the Church Deacon really an Nze Nri priest of Truth undercover…as Joe..Joseph means “to Add.. positive.. Father of Yesguah.. Musa first Caliph and Father in Law of Prophet Mohammed…
Yolande Makha.. who I met with her marvelous son “B”.

Yes the past has been invading human consciousness not aligned and using them in their play.
Using Sound and Vibrations of D.n.a..

Islam. Allah… 9 1
Christian Baptists, C.B..N..3 2..Nri…N..14..

I am sitting here at 91 Star Bucks cafe…Log a Mermaid..
Joe wears a T-Shirt with a Mermaid on its back everyday…
3 Oge’s.. C..

Meaning that these Seers, twisted the truth, out of Malice and Deviousness because the codes or “Bones” are so clear..
In the Book, they cut the Vocal Chords of the Beautiful Prophetess..
Catherine Acholonu.. and tried to kill her memory and her truth…
Her twin Sister “Maggie-Noni Promise Life pined for her sister and the created a new kind of magic out of Silence.

See sacred Portal 111.. Joyous Homecoming, there are two ladies there… One an Angel.. My sister Nnonyelums line…
The other is is Mami Wata.. M.W.. Milky Way…

My mother tells me her eyes are still hurting her..

And I told her that the Witches as Seers are using Smoke. they are using her eyes, to see and then telling her how to see.

I told her that She is the Ultimate Seer, and greater than the Narrow vision of the Awka Witches who are seeing only through a tunnel of the World they know.. The Ancient Past limited to the Igbo Story, just like narrow minded white people, and people of the Word..

That she has traveled the world, lived in England where she gave birth to three of her 4 children, and then he 4th in Canada..
She has lived in three continents and it her Cee “See” which understands the World…
U.W.A..ORB.C..is she as well as Nnamdi now Erik-e..
Erike means “Great” in O.INRI Igbo…

So they know the truth, which Michelle Lobsinger representing the See of my Mother My Grandmother, my Sister saw me being sent down a great pit of darkness in her vision on 33rd Street, (She lived before that on 57th street where I lived with her, which links her to Donna O’Sullivan..)..
Michelle 80% Deaf could not reach the depths I had gone into.. been thrown into.. And she told me that my bio and spirit “family where all on the edges looking down..concerned..
I met her Brother Joe who is 100% Deaf, and brought him out of the depths of his Silence- Deafness.. Meaning I had gone beyond the Silence of Death..
The Two Silences, of the Beginning and the End as depicted in that book..
8O% Deaf.
1OO% Deaf..
Bed Number 81 Enos Williams.. Man Will I AM.
Bed 18 is now occuppied by a man called John..
Who asked me for 50cents.. I said no at first.
Because he had not introduced himself..
And I relented and gave him it, citing why…and so he gave me his name John.. “Grace of the Creator…”
18 Mountain View…
9..Joe…My Father..
8..Musa my Father In Law…
Mohammed Praise Worthy…
Emeka means Praise..
Anthony Spencer..
Anthony Bienke
Anthony Pitts
Anthony John…
Anthony Star Bucks..
Anthony means “Precious, Highly Praise Worthy”

5:55 p.m.

I am really mad..Ha.. but light, because I promised these Evil Spirits- who transformed into Evil from Good intentions by their ownlack of Faith a fate that they would never dreamed possible that God the Creator Existence could ever exact..
But it is not the Creator who is manifesting this part..
It is me, Emeka Kolo the Man..
For I agreed to do some of this mission while in Istanbul when I was visited by two men who lived in Paris, but were from Belgium..
that if they promised that my mother would be safe and never want for anything..
Instead they gave her such misery and suffering…
Seeking to take away her voice…Huh, I laughed, nothing can keep my mother from saying her Truth, she is like me.
But by allowing this play to go this far, my mother began to question that which she would never have questioned by the amount of suffering she has experienced,.
All your children taken from you..
None even visiting her.. the last being my sister..
Which is why brother will never be forgiven by me, though pardoned.

And as I spoke to her, he voice sounding so frail, began to get stronger, though she did make me fight for her..
Because I had told her that the Seer Church was something which she should investigate…
Because they did have truth and it was something of a test for my mother..

I heard her voice get stronger..
Asking her to let go of myself of my sister I told her was not the full Message.. She had to release us, so that she could gain us…
For Michelle Lobsinger.. M.L.. 13-12…25…7…
Michelle had seen my Mother, dancing with me at the Awakening.. here in New York..
And every detail of her vision, even my walking across the Milk Way right to Sacre Cou-er.. C.O.U..E.R.. And Notre Dame..Cathedral in Paris France.. the Only place where I prayed in Silence with Song when I was 25…
Micheal Prunty and his brother went to Notre Dame Hi School…

All this spite, all this malice, for they knew..
Aculuonu.. ”
The Chased away my mother voice..box..

R.M..Reginald gave me a stupendous Hug, yesterday,
he got a new Job yesterday.. Housing and a Job…
Recall his code Box.. and his quoting that the Answer lay in the 6th Dimension.. Which is the Two Cees.. 33.. 6..
Is the 5th Dimension in 1… 5+1=6….
6 is the Roman Cecilia…
E.C… 5 3.. 8.

I spoke with Freddie, the one who I see around me whenever I am in Quiet or Speaking to my mother.. He looks Hawaiian or Japanese American.. Like Mr Miyage of the Karate Kid movie… KK.. 11 11.. He is from Green Point.. 4th Color… Green.
1111.. 4…Box…Square Cube..
And he spoke of working as an exterminator for 27 years..
27.. and how he used to go to the Shelters to exterminate..
And how the female shelters were much worse than the mens..
The “wickedness” of this young women led astray was so much worse.. The dirt and anger..and sexual promiscious nature..
Which is used by others, for dark Magic…

And Oh yes, the 28 year old who “threatened to kill me, and my entire family” came back to his senses, and apologized today after the person Nelson, bed 001 who has seizures was moved into forgetfulness and had his phone stolen along with his seizure medicine.
He had announced that he did not care about his phone, but rather it was his medicine..
It caused an uproar and a wave of anger..
But when it was discovered that he had forgotten his phone, with Dennis- whom I mentioned before..
It cast doubt on his credibility…
Never mind that he had made it clear that he did not care for his phone…
And afterwards he had come up and asked me what would I advise..
But the night before, I had seen him do do a deal with some guys by bringing something into the shelter in his stroller for them..
And I had laughed..
But the next day, I mentioned this, to someone after the incident.. to Mr Miyage.. freddie, who said that he had overheard him say that he was in need of money…
And so that is why he had done it..
And to further confirm this, as I ate breakfast, I heard three people talking about Nelson- not knowing what had happened, they spoke of how some people were taking advantage of him, using him. They expressed disgust at the fact that people should be helping him, not taking advantage of him…

And so I realized that these Witches, Seers were doing the forbidden, they are using Dna, to create Vibrations so they could see through our bodies..

*Please recall Tanya, the gifted Massage therapist who Marina Burini had contacted to help me with my body…
And how she said she could read my body bu just touching my body and flesh.. And how she saw wings…
And recall the Sho Bread Table and the passing the Holy of Holies in the He-Brew temples.. Where Bread represented the Body, and Incense represents the Spirit….

I knew this, that they have been spying by using Sound Vibration.. just as the Evil Wizards have been use Sound and Technology to Influence and meddle with Humanity..
Mad Scientists.. See sacred portal 37…The Mad Scientist is the one whose mouth is closed..
While the E created Infinity new Symbol.. Wu-Man… Lady S.he…

And after all this, they still dared..
Even aftrer holding my mothers body hostage..
Affecting her eyes, when there is Nothing wrong with her See and Consciousness..
When even in my vision she had proven Supreme, stating her son is not from here…

To deliberately deceive and hurt my mother more..
To seek to kill her, by telling her that she must loose her children.
Making her doubt her own Cee..

And the illogical notion of proclaiming that I am the Son of God.. The Chosen one.. and seeking to brain wash my mother to deliver a message that I must follow and continue to do the work of God…

I had responded to coldly that I have done this for 28 years, and that I am not a Slave.

That was the last convincing she need to come back to her truth…

Not loose her children, her son she had not seen in 27-28 years!!!!

My then spoke of seeing so much in her dreams, that immediately on closing her eyes, she could see non stop visions…

And that the idea of the Chosen Ones was not complete, that I was he, but 1/3 of the world who chose to turn to the light were also chosen..
My Sister Mother and Myself Nnamdi line simply represent the First who chose to move to the Light because we recalled that we were not from this World..
And I remembered that I came and come from the 5th Dimension.. As well as all Humanity..

This the Evil of the Eric Eposito equation …
Twisting the Truth, Innuendo, Slander, Poison. implying…

And so when Felix apologized this morning, I said do not worry about it, you were not yourself..
You were influenced…

Men create Evil… They use War.. Physical Violence…Death And Destruction..

But Woman goes into a rage that is so much worse, it goes deep, deep and it is relentless.. it goes too far..
And it did..

Witchcraft is naught but science… that only now Humanity is catching up to all the “Lost Ancient Sciences” Not Lost but Hidden and Veiled…
It is Biology…
Cellular and the Witches and the War Locks use the body and the Consciousness .. how we Cee to infect influence warp and then discredit not only others, but ourselves…
And then they use Humanities on Disbelief and what is and what is not possible..
What is Credible… Despite new evidence of just how ignorant this current human reality is compared to the Ancients..
And yet look and the startling evolution of Science and Technology in the last 50 years since the Atom Bomb…

One can not help but notice the correlation between the use of the power of destruction and the technological advancements…

Or Fritz Venneiq seeing women in a vision knitting and twisting my body… which is exactly what it feels like..
As I, and God Light Energy fight for control of my body, by solving the riddles.. I feel the release and then something knitting my body back into a twisted form…
And how every place I have been there is never peace, and always sound and conflict..
Even to the Shelter…
But for the last two nights there has been peace… Infact for the past weeks there has been so much peace in Rm A, that the room is filled more and more with older sick, people.. resembling and hospital each day, for the elderly…
And none of us can understand why they are not being sent to hospitals…
But I know why…
A.G.E…Seeking to take my Energy, using these people while E is bringing them here for a much better reason..
So that they may have peace, and regenerate…
And Witness…
Mr Miyage “Freddie” told he did the same thing in his room..
But he used Sweets and Will..
I used Grace Strength and Will Hunnitpercent Real..

And when I told him to read Lao Tse, because I knew who he really was a great philosopher, he revealed that that destiny had been seen by his family of him..
And that he wished to write about the system.. just as I had 15 years ago..
And he said the true Evil witches were the Women who worked in the Shelter… that only a few were true…
The rest he said, were evil.. more than evil…
And I agreed, just this morning, I had shouted loudly of them who had rudely woken up grown men..
That thy think they are God.

The funny thing, all this was in the book written by Lena Coakley..
So much for a Fiction..
Fiction Fact…

And then Mrr Miyage gave me a code..

“I noticed you the fist day you arrived”, he said, and I realized I was looking at what my brother had said I should look for in a Man,
Cool Calm and Collected..
The Three C’s..
Humble.. ‘he said…
and Beautiful Proud

I smiled.. and suddenly I had the impression that I was talking to my brother Obumneme’s father in Law.
From Okinawa Japan…

And so, this is my truth and why there will be a scotching and it will be of a wrath so terrible for a broken Promise, when I kept mine…
And their daring to insinuate that I have only just begun. when as I told my mother, it is the Past finally being forced to catch up with the One Present…
And their resistance was futile for I.E drew them forth. they could not resist and they are now thrown into the true Bottomless Pit of Existential Death to pay for the horrors they committed which only a human being can truly understand just how far they went from what is Human and Natural…
A Woman who bears children is no, example of a Mother..

Mother is an Adjective used to describe the art of Nurturing.. Bringing forth a Garden a Venue.. Life..
True Life…

See a extrract from the Book..

Ryder (the token white boy), the main character and narrator of this book is fair skinned and blonde. He’s a strong, confident character who’s not afraid to pave his own path or to figure things out for himself. A boy who just doesn’t do as he’s told or blindly trust in what he’s told, Ryder is considered to be somewhat of an outcast. He’s also one who tends to put his own desires and needs on the back burner, a very selfless character.

Farian (the token black boy), a Baen, is dark skinned with dark hair. His twin brother died, leaving Farian weak and unsure of himself. He’s easily persuaded to do things he doesn’t believe in. Farian is very soft-hearted, caring deeply about people in general, leaving him, vulnerable, unable to kill. What he desires most in life is his father’s love. Since his brother’s death, Farian’s only friend has been his bloodhound, dog.

This is an interpretation by a critic…

I read the Book, this is not what I saw, read or understand…

That is how they lie…

7:12 p.m.


Geoff LaCour..
My Last Energetic Twin…
Now Evolved to the E…


7:13 p.m.

G.M..D..I.C…T.PK…115.. A.G.E.

My mothers says there is a great Hunger in Nigeria, that people are going Hungry..
I asked how she was, did she lack..
Surprised she said no, that he is managing with what my younger brother is sending her..
Hence the Pardon..
Milke Prunty…

No, she said I am speaking about the Nigeria…
And I replied, it is only the beginning it will spread through out the World..
But it will not last long and the Blessed will be safe..

Welcome Simona Carnaova

Simona means Listening.. One who Hears..
Same meaning as the name Ishmael…


Solved ISIS Equation the Terrorists…

Isis Osiris..

Carnaova.. “Carna” means “Protectress of Vital Organs…”
It also means the “Horn.. Signalling the Sound of War…”

See Egyptian art of Mummification and the protection of the Vital Organs stored in a Special Vase…

And see the Horn of Africa.. Rhino… Magical Unicorn…
War of the Little people.. Elves Children.. at what was done to the Fair-I.E,S Truth..

A War of Annihilation of the Peaceful Warriors now that they have finally got the evidence of Truth..

As for Magic… It is Real..
But it comes from the Fifth Dimension…
It flows through me.. and all who rise to the E,,
It can be explained.. but only to the E…

7:26 p.m.


I Chose my Self..
By Being myself..

For as Freddie said…
The Key has always been Self Love,

7:27 p,m.

Full Circle…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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