
8/28/2019 19:32 – Facebook Post

7:09 p.m

From Devina Nund. E.


A R I A. D N E.

THE S I S.. S E U S..

Riddle of Daedalus Maze.

“Dalu” means “Thank you” in OINri Igbo.

Apreciation Gratitude… A G. Praise.

My Aunt Married Hindu Brahman.
My Mothers best friend was from
My brother Nnamdis God Mother is Hindu

My Mothers Doctor John was Hindu.

Ekayani Erica Chamberlain was Vaishnaya..
( A Non Indian who becomes Hindu)

The Young Yogi who warned me in 1991 about Jealousy was Hindu.

The Yogi who Ekayani called when she thought I might die in her home in Paris, who astonished me by stating correctly that I could remember the time in my Mothers room and who caused me to ponder the meaning of Purity when he called me a Pure Being was Hindu.

I read the Vedas and the entire Mahabharata in Paris.

My mothers family have always been linked and connected to the Celts, ( at family traditional weddings there was always Celts invited to play their Bagpipes)
The Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Hebrew cultures..

I used to ponder this, after all this was OINri South Eastern Nigeria..

I used to say “Hang On”
My Grandmother Lucy, looked Chinese.

The O.I. N R I. People hold the Circle as Sacred and believe that all Humanity lived as Spirits walking the Earth as Living Words.
Which they stated each person born in this world is connected by a Tree which is the portal of their Chi.

I met Jesse Macias Landlord properly, the first time today.
Quan.. Chi..
Quan Yi..

I posted publicly and transparently my tracing of the Founding of Nri to a Woman, similar to the story of Inanna..

By girlfriend in London was Japanese Austrian called Nana.

I Na Nna..
Means “I Link Father,
I go home with Father”

In Anna means ” In the Ground”
In Anna means ” In Grace and Favor is return home as Pure as the now, wise child.

How you entered via your Mothers Womb.
M.W..87 69
Is also how you must leave.

Proto Indu European ( Iruopa)
D Pi. E.

All linked on my Facebook Page 7.8 years.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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