
8/28/2019 14:29 – Facebook Post

From Lea Aust

Was watching Bat Man yesterday.

Bats are Blind and Hand upside down.
They move and see perfectly through Sound and Sixth Sense.
Who says we see with our eyes.

Sixth Sense is a feeling..

Like Naturals Humans…
Who are walking without seeing through the Darkness.
At first not knowing that they are in a Play,
Theater Stage.. observed yet guided by the Air Wind Expression and breath.
Moving from 0 to 1 7 Color Spectrum Rainbow Bridge
Green as 4 the stage set on the Green Lawn and 6th to 7 Crown Chakra
And at that Hight
The Highest Peak
The darkness dispells..
At at 7 the see the Beautiful Truth.
That they can see everything clearly a Vision seen in Hindsight
At O full circle 8
That they can See Feel
And wake up at I..
See I

The Individual wakes themselves up.

I can see clearly now the rain is gone..
I can see all obstacles in my way..”

That song
Obstacles are illusions..

2:29.. 2:29 p.m

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