
8/28/2016 16:26 – Facebook Post

1:21 p.m.

See sacred Portal 121.. “Nnamdi and “Our Mother is Snowflake-Supreme”- meaning the First Supreme I..Individual”


Hueman Being.. Harmony Infinity says, HI!



Harmony Beautiful Harmony to Infinity…
(Has been achieved by A Human Being working in Tandem, as the Vehicle of Gods Will and Grace.. A.Man Metatron)

Considering that this is Donna O’Sullivan’s 8:28-E.G.

Whom I wish to seize this opportunity to publicly acknowledge as not only what she represents of the species in this Universal Simulation Awareness play…( As Well as Jonn Blackwell J.B)- as both now being “Beyond The Matrix”
Code B.T.M… Tom Benzian-Tom Bocek..M.M..Z.Z.A.
meaning along with their counterparts in every “Race” in the World…completing with Nnaemeka Ifennanna..(and Susan Otelia Nelson Sarah Nkem Blackstock)
That the Human Race…(1/3 of the Population) have evolved to
Hue man Beings.
as well as a Victory represented for the entire Species, I would like to add my personal, praise and acknowledgment of “By Jove, Well Done.. and may the blessing pour onto you and all the lines you represent Full Circle from Present to Past and Back to the Beautiful Present.

Jonn (Haun Delguidce) was born 8-5-64 (8×8..2-8’s)
Donna is 8-28-E,G…Code A.G.E..58…

58..A.G.E..Code (I say code age because none of the E confined by numbers or the idea of age)

64.. 10…1O…Alpha Omega.. 1 O…24.. (X) 6..”Cecilia”..Number 6.
28..10…1O… Alpha Omega…16…P (R.M..I gave Reginald Mansfield 16 Dollars yesterday.. what happened with him was Supernatural and Beyond.. he almost could not take it.. but he did say the code number of 5 is really 6..

8 55 8… The Portal 55 was the Two of them..
See sacred portal 39..C.I…L..

*I received a message from Mother, who I tried to call back, and could not reach her, and I knew that I had to write this post first..
She called me back, but the I did not hear it and then I realized that my Phones battery had to be recharged and for once, I forgot it..)

The message was strange, it came out in text as from “Mommy America…” Listen to me actor, pray to God and that God is asking of me that I give Thanksgiving” and she told me that she had received a message.

The code to reach my Mother, on the Crown Black phone card, is 6114 928!..233…F.A.N…I..B.H….B.CC (W.C)… Code links to Cecilia Wiebers.. C.W.

I was perplexed for a moment…

Then I remembered the play yesterday of Nnaemeka Ifennanna..
and the 106.37 U.S.D…106..Sunshine Surfer says No…Thumbs Down, and 37..Father Sensie…

And the play with Enos Williams, and Mike Prunty, Representing my Bio Father Maurice and my Father of the similar Spirit my Grandfather and his Brother… O’Kolo and Umeano…
And my having stated that none of them is my father..
Nnaemeka Ifennanna means “Emeka’s Father.. or Father of Praise, Well Done, he is Ifennanna.. of the Light of the Father’s Father..
in this case Erie…
*See Book. “Nri Warriors of Peace” Erie the One who descends from Heaven sent by the God the Creator is called Erie O”kolo…

But as I have been disputing, since the beginning of the play on Face Book, that they are not my Father’s…
And it would appear that this was challenged…
And that I was bound by both the Biology of Blood linking to my Bio Father as Maurice O I.Okolo, and My Grandfather Chief Daniel Nwanna Umeano..But not only did I dispute this but recognized that the link to my Father came from My grandfathers Elder brother…
Represented in this play by Kieth Grant last year in the Assessment Shelter.. Bed 53..
See play with Erik Ebright.. *Ionic Font 53…
But my Father is God.

Yes, I know how that sounds, “Everyone Father is God”.. not really.. All are the children of God.. but there is only one Son…
His direct reflection.
Which I have publicly stated…
And that my Grandfather and his brother, represented the Twins in the bio form…DD…
But the correct representation of my Father is Nnamdi…
“My Father IS”
Which is my declaration because I stated, even yesterday that my Father is the Guide… G…
The Wind and was, is, my twin reflection in who is the true owner of his Story, this Universal Simulation..
And that in this incarnation of Evolution, he plays my Father but was is my Brother and Son..
And this play represented his Evolution to E… Every-Thing. Every One… Every Where…
E.E.E..T..W.O…555 T.VV.O…T.55.O…T.E.E.O…The Ti Master..
My one Sensie.. as well as my Mother line linked to my Grandmother…Lucy Ojugo…

E-EE..Erik Ebright.. 26..N.E 6Oth Street…MI..Amy… My Friend…
Mi is the third color in the spectrum as well as the third note…
Yellow.. Which is not the symbol of Cowardice or Chicken… but is the Golden Sunshine State.. the 27th State…
27 Years Talking a Log book.. Talking to the Silience…
And that through Erik and our play…he was evolving from Nature Naturalness to Energy Expression .. NN.. Nadee Nakandala.. then to Eric Ebright.. then through the Portal of Eric Eposito EE.. Which turned out to be the riddle of understand the Source of Evil Expression…
( Which turns out to be just as I had identified..Intentionally twisting the Truth- via injecting poison.. Gossip, Slander, Innuendo, “Sly disbarging undermining remarks..” which fuels war.

Which is what took place yesterday, where I saw the challenge of the Ancestors and Fathers complete itself, as my accusations were prove true as to what and who had brought the Evil into the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix…
And the challenge of the ancestors, to refuse to open up their minds and Heart to New Truths.. instead of resting on the ideas of the past…

Nnaemeka Ifennanna.. became a play and a challenge of who is my Father…

And what is Evil… what is its source.

And the terrible action of breaking a sacred Promise…

Many of my own Face book friends will recall the play of My Mother with Nenand M.Djuerdivich, and my mother Line of Seers, and only hers and my Uncle Sir P… reminding me of the promise that I had made to God..
Which manifested in the representation of the 4 and almost 5 year Old Reign Santana… R.S…Born 10:28-2011, who was diagnosed with Cancer out of the Blue and my writing to his Mother Ritz Montes..a private note, to Stay and while and my promise to get to the end of this play so that he would grow up in a world totally transformed from what it currently is…

This promise I know was to Nnamdi and the promise and the play I mentioned of the before to prove that there is no Death but only transformation.. and to prove this in the 1-7 Dimension..
Tessarract.. See the Movie Dune…

3:15 p.m.
3 6..
Code Chris Franco…

And the promise I made to the Silence to prove that all Existence was and is created from Beautiful Harmony and that there was and is Harmony Logos and Order in all things…
Which I began by writing my intention in 1989, when I began my Journals or Log Book Talking to the Silence.

Which took me 27 years…
Doing it His way..

To reach the Sunshine state- physically represented in the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix as Miami, the 27th State.. but which is really an Energetic State..

I also stated that all honor goes to him, and that he is within me in his three aspects as Male Female and the Two Female Male…
F.M/M.F…F.F..MM… 12..26… 38…

FM..13-6.. 19… Neil Bed 19.. Meaning Champion, Cloud Passionate.

See my 735 Face Book Friend (The 3rd)..
Saliusadia Saliu.. SS… S=19th Letter..
See sacred Portal 38…
38/83…11 11… 4 (1)…

Which brings us back to the play where I had stated for over 15 years since Istanbul when Durek Verrett was sent to give me a message to come to New York..where I knew already that the Ancestors in the “Ascended realms of Human perception had interfered and meddled,

3:26 p.m,

And wrought an unholy mess.

Which played out when Nnaemeka Ifennanna was moved to make a Promise after being fully aware of the E play lay not in the past or in Biafra story, nor in Erie..
But in Emeka here present and my Father Brother Guide..
Male and Female.. Nnamdi God…. N.G… 147.

Where the stubborn nature moved him to casually brush it aside when he found after a little inconvenience that he could not keep his Promise.
Which brought forth a terrible yet beautiful rage in me…
And which transformed in the R.M..Room A.. “The World” into a play where a 28 year old in bed 005, moved by the Evil source moving through Eposito who despite my fighting him for him during the first two weeks of our meeting, refused to clean up his expression which creates evil and thus, consequently violence which erupted yesterday into a most dangerous play where my Life was threatened by this young man so easily influenced by the “Act” so loathsome of one who is rejected by one he loves but does not love him because of the refusal to clean up, and unconcerned about the evil and infection and contamination he was manifesting all about him.
Caring only that he got what he wanted.
Mirror the expression of this current World Consciousness, which brought an Evil into Existence of this play which none would take responsibility for because all believed that they were ‘Good” people despite their Cause and Effect, having created Evil…

It was never about Intentions it was about responsibility and the refusal to take responsibility and Nnaemeka Ifennanna who gave me the intel about the Evil never stopping not being aware that he himself was being used to perpetuate it.

I fought with him through Spirit Silence on text..
The then in the room through Sound.. and real threat of physical violence and unforgivable verbal abuse.. while observing the Evil, acting as the Peace Maker…

Until a elder who could have easily been an Nze Nri priest with his staff of Truth- but who is a Former Vietnam Vet and a Church Deacon, pointed out the source of the Evil which had infected the young 28… 28 years old..
H.B..Human Beings…
And Italian and American Indian mix who as Rome and the Native American Energy was seeking to represent the World.. old world and New World..
But which actually was linked to Reginald Mansfield.. Who is Arawak (Nri) and American Indian Cherokee..
The Two Expression who really represent the World in the Universal simulation..

I found out as we walked to recover the hard earned money code that he was born 5-21-62…
Esther Uzoma
Esther Ufomadu.. both Face Book Friends…

*Neil Pietragnellio is 62…bed 19.
Neil Armstrong…1969.. “First Man on the Moon”

And though he looks at least ten years younger than me at this point, I knew that he was my energy as Chidume the founder of the Umeano Line.. Meaning The Spirit who is alive..
I have a Half Uncle on my Mothers side who I was close to who is called Chidiume… David Chidiume, D.C..43..Who studied Computer Science in the Early 80’s…
A very brilliant and naughty man..
But the play is of Embodiment, not simply bearing the name…
he was born 1962.

And the knowledge of the play- which pours out of him…
And the play of the mess hall where after the battle, I met another Ascended Being even more aware of the Truth of Father whose post I shared called Father..
Divine Father is Watching.

He is in me.. as in Literally..
He is Energy…
Every Where, Every Thing.. Every One…
HE is Supreme..
He is the real James Bond…
And Double 007 Under cover in my body…

Me I am Emeka Kolo…
And I am called Expression…
And I am currently his vessel

This man who looked like a black Grecian hero of old, had had the same experience as I, in that he had experienced the Light..
Had left his body and had an awareness of Father which I found in no other..
“He is here, present, putting everything in order before his manifestation and many will go.. die for having not heeded his warning..
He endss separation of man woman, Gay Hetro-sexual, he is bringing all aspects of Himself into one…
And he is all of those things..”

He was moved to speak to me of Father, after my body signalled to me that I must speak with him…
He spoke of How Father is already here, and how he is bringing order right now to the World..”
He told me his birth code.. 7-8-77… Guide Guide…
And right in front of him was bed 001 Nelson who lived with seizures all his life.. Courage.. Voice like Melba Moore, I was told..
Who again gave me his locker to open 6-28-34…
He was wearing number 87…
and a man came up to him, wearing a bridge.. Another stood before them both further away, wearing the number 22.. 7887..77..22 A Full Circle of V..Victory…

Can you read I asked him… yes he said smiling and hugging me…

His name was Alan.. bed 110….
Alan was one of my coaches as a kid in Canada…
I recognized him, even as far back as then..
Alan means “Harmony, Fair Noble.. Handsome…Male Beauty..”

Even as my body danced, as if God in me was seeking to make him aware if his presence in my body…

Ah…Now let me end this post of the past of the 78 which represents the Past as we have reached the full Circle of it moving it to the present…

And let me give my Father Praise…

Mohammed Praise Worthy…

Sunday worship is giving praise, and my name is praise..
And everything I write is in praise of my Father who came as God Goddess and Grace..

4:26 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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