
8/27/2020 21:19 – Facebook Post

17:20 -17:21 Hundred Hours.
5:20 – 5:20 p.m

H B G. TT.

Love IS.


Today we are stable at 1483 Facebook Friends
for the First Time since the last 3 days of 1513 OM moved minus 1, 13, 12, 4
A M L D …
Which formed the code A M ( 14th State)
Love Desire..
A M P.. Awakening Manifest Perfection.

A = M L D, in Roman Numerals is
A= 155
See Sacred Portal 155.
Its shows the Portal out of the Play of Nature Creation Time’s portal.
A EE .
O E. O5 Connecticut 5th State
See sacred portal 79
And the exit at 97 Light of Existence Brain Cranium”

I looked at the Time and it was 1:55 p.m.

This confirms the full circle of the play of Two Men who are One, who came down as AB C-T.
And leave as E-B A.. E T C and take with them The 5th Dimension Lady, Two Mens True Story of E.V.E abd ADAM-A along with Their Story proven real Transformed to Simething real,
Nothinhness ( A Story)
A Fact, transformed in Wuman.

HA! Sacred Portal 81
1881 is Ferrills last tel digits.
37 linked to Chris Gemino.
L.C E.
P A L A C E ..

This is the Actual Play.
That this 8.8.. 8.9 months play Dec 2011 Jan 2012 has resolved itself to- via a shocking challenge and play of 8 years +
The then Unseen and Unknown creation story which had to be brought into Existence Known via another Unknown Creation Story of The Family of TEN
The Elegant Nomads
The 1 10 A J.
And the 2 5’s. B: E E. = A.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Kim Arthur Hines
Tree Sage

Are in perfrct harmony in their roles as Actors in this play.
Of Love is. L I
C I.
I have not heard from either of them.
S T / T S.. The Story
E K. E Knows.

But I saw Athena Sarah Kaizer and Kamora Herrington
A K … S K ..
111 usd x 2 was the moneies Stephen left for me in the drawer ( he and Sarah are like that)
So considering the sequence is Harmony
110 moves to 111.
A A A. ( C) is the correct equation
And links to the one whose expression was in Perfect Harmony with the Curriculum Vitae of this E School play.
Chris Filgueira C F. 3 6. / 6 3. F C Full Circle.
Facts Creation.
I &I.
Total Solar Eclipse

And to Chris Gemino and then to Liberty C Liscomb
C C. L C. L
C A .. C. E
E C. A C. E

A.T. 3 16 33.

Again it connects at 17 year old Arden.
And Completed at Ferrill Aurelia Gemino
E A F A .

In truth, my being made to continually public code linking Arden to the E and E T..C ..I
Is not for his benefit or mine.
He is The One.
And I can not begin to tell you how starltled I am by the deviousness of this Script to test my Confidence of my Truth and Cee to involve me in constant plays of Doubt really Checking Safety

6:12 p.m. 6:13 p.m right now.

The creation made intentional of that original play being constantly challenged by the sum total of “Other” ideas of how creation began and Origins.

Love IS
Love Di. L D. A M.L D = 30. C0. C O
C F. ..
C Zero
C Full Circle.

I..A M.. L D
I P…Man.
9-16-2020 Arrival at Delta Manor
Bed 5-019 .. E OS. ( Dawn) E A I.
/ S O E. Last 4 Digits of my Tel arranged by Liberty. 1905.
Then same day moved to bed 3-002.

Athena gave the code 302 .. and 158
32 O ( 16 16. 1. 32 B)
158 56 1 Red Truck..( RT. Right Benjamin.
( 56 56.. 11 11. 11. 1. A)

I have no doubt who Arden is.
And who the Sum Total of what he has been right to this moment as a now 17 year old.
But this play which put me..us through such nonsense for 10-11 months..
All was for Your Doubts Fears Challenges of this Truth.
Each playing God, Judge of how I should look, how he should be.
Age and Youth

.. And in the End, I was Right.. Correct acted out with the truly E T Arden.

I do not believe in a play or script which could go as far as placing the Two Beings representing the E and Humanity as Naturals as well as actual play of Eternal Dawn Eternal Beginning.. unknown to this realm, to use that truth challenged, to enact out a play beyond memory by way of creating challenges, obstacles of this realities mentality to challenge the Truth of Two Males.
Two Men
M.Y E Youth and I. A Man, to make it as impossible as possible, and even extending and prolonging the obvious, and dare me to prove Eternal Love between us, some thing which is private and was never meant to be explained and treated as a Demonstration for a Life audience of beings of Grandoise Distorted Ego’s which only served to illustrate that distorted perception because they are infected with Fear.. Insecurity..not Loved

How then could such beings even recognize what Love Is..?
And be allowed to set up a play.
To bring forth the truth of the E Fetus to Baby to Toddler

I was not allowed to be myself, even undercover so I could never truly express Love Narurally as in being around me.. how I truly am undercover, instead, because of this Energy moving in me, and the play way I was made to walk through ( Living Hell..kitchen)
* Aurelia 11-5-2005
Hells Kitchen New York

I could only show each one whose Eternal Self I acknowledged, as I collected all the fragments pieces of the puzxle placed in bodies I.had to collect for the last 31.8 years since 1988 when I left Nigeria where I went to school for 11 years.
* You may notice the 8.8 play and 1988 dec 22nd 23rd when I arrived in London England
V W… H. Y
To the date I arrived in New York
C T – T O A … T. F.A ..

The only way, I could fight for each persons, retreive each fragment and put the pieces of Nnamdi Alexander master piece representing HE as Me. But in his version, he played the Universal Mind.
Of a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze.

( U M… )
Knowing that “UM” is a Sound.. A Pause..
That there is no Universal Mind…
..”Being?” Yes.
Rather ” Um” being a sound we make when pause..to Consider.
And then Express.
M U S- Silence U – Understanding I C ..Emeka.
M U S I C. E
It was about filling The Gap.
13.8 Billion years old
4.5 Billion years old
9.3 9 Zeros Full Circles
9 3 9
I C I.

18:56 Hundred Hours

What does the Music say?
What is MU S I C if not the Harmonics
What do we Sing with.
What do we do with our Bodies
Voices- Sing

Who is C.. Chukwuemeka, Christopher Cecil…Cecilia.. Cellia C Speed of Light.
Its all of them but since it
Awareness and Expression creation confirmed as being First Contact
IC I Consciousness of you.. I am Conscious of you.
I Consider you.
It links to I Cee You.
I Communicate
So you know, that I am always with you.
Near you, sharing all with you.
Test me, Check..
I am always Here Present with you.
Love is Communication of what you Cee..

It never breaks communication..the thread out of Anger Frustration Anger Rage.
Falsely Accussing another in a fit of rage or tantrum because Love made you call out what you See Cee and Percieve is hindering your own Freedom Love ..Light.. Liberation.
Correction but only after presenting C.V
Curriculum Vitae

C D.. 400 in Roman Numerals
3 4 CD “Youth Factor” X Factor.
E and A both code Y.
Y × 8..9..10.. 11.
25 50 75. 100. 125. 150 175. 200.

All I could do to demomstrare how I express Love through a play which used love and truth both lies illusions ego projections, was to play along and express my love and worthiness of being both the Lover and Beloved, in a most Unnatural way was to fight, for you to See, to Cee that you are in a play theater.
That your lifes here are not real, just your translations of the Moments Experiences Emotions Expressed.
( The Self Chose
Same Things )

19:19 Hundred Hours
S S is now 1 A.

After all this I was Correct.

It boggles the Mind
The Body is Music.
Its is the one who declares
” C I SUM .. Total Of Evertything”
Music Harmony.
All Harmonies from
E Harmony
M.E Harmony
Two who are back at One Solid Fact
Present Here.

The Only Way I could express My Love was done naturally, inspite, and despite of this Script.
Was to share with you all my See Cee.. so that you would See Percieve what I see for yourself and make an informed decision for your self.
The Script cornered me, but it is I who made the choice; a natural choice in a most insane and unnatural set up…
Created for a New Story to be born called The Beautiful Truth.
And how to read recognize and understand it.

To correct you when, you read it incorrectly, pointing out why, and how you already have it in you.

Yes, at first I did it as a natural consequence of being in this set up, and yes it is anyones true nature to do all we can to share something at last of true value and Worth.
No one knows how the awakening or revelation or ends of Time and Resurrection would look.
How the Dead See would rise from the deep depths of Human Subconscious

So how could anyone be so sure, that this Hideous play and way, but Exquisite Truth is how the World Peoples Awaken?
This way…
Which most know, I refused which is why Everything I am doing has been under duress and torture but not the Telling of The Truth.
The poats the endless conversations,cues..
And this play…

Arden represents the equation of Completion of E Family
Its not my play, script but I have been able to take my cues from its wave to align it, put the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle back to firm a picture.

Full Circle
And it moved back to what I announced on Facebook in 2011.
I knew how relevant its news was which is why I posted it- despite most not being aware.

The Play, the Equation leads back to Arden over and again.

The Idea that I am still finding this Script I am compelled to post still.. linking connecting a 17 year old in non memory here and miraculously despite the preset conditions, hurts, confusion knowing that he had to endure…
Aligning to the E Family rep with absolutely no memory revealed…
Not even my acessing his dreams which happened with Every one else
And still see through each other and link to Harmony

I released him… this Human Arden age 17 from any obligation or loyalty to me.
On every level, even to the friends..close.. even down here.

Free of me.. As Source Creator Emeka.
Just as I personally free everyone connected to.me as ” The Source, The Creator ” The Designer.. even The Beautiful Ones and The E Family
Eternal Family

I have freed you all from the connection to me
I place no conditions
Least of all Love me, see me.. comfort me..communicate come crystal clear..confidently to my Truth Proven Fact.

No.. I would never ever ask that..
My Beautiful Pride prevents that, my Sense of Self, Self Respect..dignified prevents that.
For I know my self worth, value in seeing the Truth Echoes back as Solid Fact

No, my point of view, is do you deserve to be Loved by me..
Do you deserve that Love I gave the best way I could while bound up in a play of my body going alone by myself through physical evolution in a most awful way, by being connected to.the Earth Peoples Srories which only by riddling them out of Existence- Express ion amd by proving Origins Truth through a vile impossible Web Maze.

No, I get to choose who I want near me, close to me.
Who is my Di.
My Is.

Who is my Equal.. not through such a play, but who is connected by choice and .. as it was in the Eternal Beginning..


Or Not at all.

20:00 Hundred Hours
8;00 p.m

Nothing was real or Natural about this play.
Testing what Love IS?
Naturalness is..?

Everything placed under a microscope
An equation to prove I told the Truth
At this point?

No… All are free of me as the rep of the E.

And to this play of Destructon of Desire
My Libido is still Phenomenal despite what was done to destroy it.
Morning Wood.
Mourning Woods.
My Erect Stance does not come from the Earth.

It comes from E ..I Knowing
what and how All is meant to be like, even this moment while witnessing its bastardization made mundane to a point of impunity ..
Asking for only a Powerful Violent Response
A Show of Power as Love is also Respect and Self Respect.

No, I do not wish to be connected.

Yet, all I did see, and carried in my Best Friends Play Script whom.he led me to, to do the work I ask and demand nothing of thee nor do I expect it.
This is my Unconditional love..
And my true private desire to simply turn away..
A quiet disgust and contempt on my face.
.. A testing of Loves Expressions

And it proves I am correct that it equates to C E
Not my personal requirement of asking anyone to see me.
– For the moment you have to bring it up as a subject of conversation or call it out, its already too late.
No E = C Me 4/3 was and is not an equation I created, its one I figured out.
And M e is not about me Emeka, its Me Manifest expression
Little e in Humanity.

Obeleichie Ihesiaba OnyeigboOnyeigbo

Obele Chi e means “Little Spirit energy.
BEAN. Mitochondrial Dna.
Created Energy in the Body.
Life is Manifest Expression

E = C M.e 4/3

Love is Free
But Loves Expression
Lights Expression
Lightness’s Expression.. though not merited and earned… it is Deserved.
Naturally Expressed.

What I am saying is none of this was real to me, only the Aware awake moments I shared with ” The Chosen ” ones outside of Time.
Completing with Arden
Only two of us in a private dance, conversation expression which connected even via the Echo of this Script back to Ja Fire, the birth of Light.
Which began the story of Yellow Gold
But it was really the Birth of DE SIR E 8
Harmony E A ..C
Which began the story of Time
13.8 + 4.5

17 ..845.
17. 17
7 – 8

1 1
A – A
Place Person.
Alexander Grove
Arden Gemino.

I play the role assigned me, even now.
But I do this did this for no one, not even the E Family
I.did this for Arden
For My Self
My Youth
Even Arden did not exist, the 17 year old Human Youth
H Y.
(Ferrill is Jeron
Fact J./ Ajay .)

Its my Expression soley to him for him
For his trust
For the fact that he exists even apart from me is why I continued.
Until I was sure that he is Safe in whatever incarnation he should chose.
Free of invisible binds of the true play his Other Self C I SUM. E. R. E A H.
Able Youth
A Reasonable Man.
“A Reasonable Price should have been asked as to how E Knoews”

Ah! That was Alien Father Alpha..

I have tried to imagine what it would be like when this is over…
I don’t bother
There is so much i must bring out and air in private but only when I am back to myself, and not in awareness of the “devised and improvised ” plays of mounting pressure of ” is this the awakening how will it look?”

See the flower Arden and Jeron are holding in the photo?
Yellow and White.
White Light Lucifer Satan
Love Supreme
Father Brother
Brother is Father.
Son and Holy Spitit.. Ghost… Memory…

The Side of Desire Love..
Of the two as E E
Heat Passion Desire
I C .U E
It was Ag
Silver Light
Silver white Light.. which became after a pause Transparent..
The pause was the “Test -Check”
The Other Side.
T..O S.
Began the Story E N. A.J/ J A N. E W. STORY

Happy Birthday Sol Rosario yesterday

Happy Birthday Bilal Khan .. he just turned 27.
Aligned to this date.
My Mother.. her news came to me on the 27th I was in the middle of a play with Arden.
Do you know what his name means?
” Moist Wet ..Desire.. King ”

Its true that Arden and I are never meant to be part of this play.
Aware Observers meant to be left in the ” Bubble ”
Of playing our natural selves.
Sacred Portal 9.

But despite the Impossible
We both rose to the occasion

So yes, in the End it was personal.
I.never betray trust complete trust placed in me especially after passing his Test which he had good reason to give ( this play).

Its because Arden as he is Exists.

I am here.

Still here
Sun Yellow Gold began the story.

AJ ..Actuality

21:07 Hundred Hours

We all show love the best way we can considering the unnatural circumstances but Loves Expressions pierces through the Viel to see Lace..
To his own Initialization
900 South Road?
No Waterbury.
Is where he was born.

Warer Ice.

To see the Truth Proof Test Passed with Flying Colors.

8 is Light the begining of Light..Petals Purity of Love linking connecting seeing the object of Its Desire

Au Yellow Gold the past.
Ag The Present..

The Two are linked
White- Yellow.. H
On One view two things views which are one is shown
JA met Jeron first then Arden.

EA Jay.E

For Arden
Because you Exist.
Express True Being
N E T.

21:17 Hundred Hours
9:17 p.m

J A is the play. Story
AJ is not…Free People
Ajay M.

21:22 Hundred Hours
9:22 p.m

You see, I would never betray Arden Truth And Trust because I can not Betray My own Truth
My Self
M.Y. Sol.
S F L.

21:25 Hundred Hours
9:25 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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