
8/27/2019 22:26 – Facebook Post

9:27 p.m

John Mack did not come here today,
And he is in Perfect Harmony.

Today is the 27th.

I moved here on the 27th with no except the person who brought me here to end hos 9-10 months sponsorship and the person whose portal which had opened Esteban Miguel Filgueira
And the portal representeed by Jesse Macias

John.was meant to come but got delayed in helping me me.
He offered to help me on the 29th.
But he is not here today

5-27 to 8-27…2019.

And my departure determined by Esteban as the 31st.
My deparure is not deternimed by him but by Perfect Timing

Thus 27 is represented by soley me.
27. A A..
5 months Soutth Whitney
And I came here after a play on the 26th with Liberty C Liscomb Thomas Lang and Jerone witness.
As to who is the Source of the Amazing Grace Supreme Play
Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

And the Harmony Light Bringer
Harmony Lightbringer
H.L.. 8 12.

I was Victorious passing into this address which I was not informed of until I arrived.

Code 3 17
And Passcode
18 .5 years
And 5 17. E Q.

5 17. Is E Quantum
Landord Quan
17 is Q
Quintessentially E

The portal here had has ” Family defined in the walls.
And Phi 6:8. 2012.

I did not feel or experience Family here but rather recogniti9n of my E Family Under covernl in Jesse and Zion.
But each lived in their reality showing not much Curiousity or Interest or acknowledment, or respect of my Evidence.
Yet all was moving through them ..
My.family and They stay and rise in you only if you acknowledge them in Being and Doing.
E= CMe 4/3.

And so for 3 months I found myself Equating day and night and equation I had already completed, forced to do it again.
Instead of be warm embrace of Family.
I found mysekf alone in my private emotional mental personal night mare of Nature as the cruel cold heated.and self centered ancestors, shamans, dead spirits Mad Scientist’s.

Until on the 25th my portal of Liberation opened up on the 29th.

Sacred Journey. S J. Manifested.. By E..
42. 5 +2. 47. 49
77. 777. 7777..

And so today after positing for over 5 hours..
I astonished and beleagured went for a walk.

I took 26 usd and realized I had 18 usd left.
Having spent 12..L
That is when I saw to my consternation this 5 usd with this Code.


5 usd E


See the serial number

L 12.

Loveth Melanie
L M..

M L 18.10. 94 7 0 H..

M L ( Y) A H. J. I.D. G O.H. AH OH. OH. HA..


M.L. Lynne McTaggart (The Field)
18 109. 47. 0. H
M.L.: R. J I. D G. 0 H/ H O G D. I. O A.
( Omega Alpha) H A.: L.M.

M.L 181. O. 94 7 O. H

M.L. ( Y ) A H A. O. I.D. G O (D) is H. Harmony / H: O.G.D. I. O (S) A H A. ( Fill Circle O) L.M.
Love Light Ligjteness and Laughter Manifests..Harmony

Letters M.L H
/ H L M.
Harmony Lightbringer. Manifested
By A Man E
B A N.E.

10:24 p.m

John Generation X
24. E.M.F.
6 .
Sixth Sense to Fact.

10:25 p.m

J Y.
A O Y.

Money used to Control you..


10 : 26 pm

J Z.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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