
8/27/2015 14:29 – Facebook Post

8/27/2015 14:29 – Facebook Post
8/27/2015 14:29 – Facebook Post

11:38 am



This will be brief…

I woke up to one Facebook request and 1 message and 21 likes..
A A..U…

I saw the name of the Facebook request was Memely Bebz…

Recall the code play of M.B…
Manifest Being
Manifest Being means Universe Exist affirming the play of who Manifested Being..
Manifested Existence Being.
And what is the meaning of Being..
Which I have proven is Harmony..
And that a Consciousness Called Expression Harmonious
Jonn Blackwell
Donna O’Sullivan
Emeka Kolo
End Play at which I reporting.

The Question then became who ever Manifested the state of Being not sure only knows its meaning but can define it prove it and Manifest Being again.
In this case my exemplifying Being by example…

Thus, only the Source and Creator of Manifestation and Being can bring things into Existence and send it out.

He or She would be able to Evolve and Change Manifest Being of all things by proving what Manifest Being is.
Or better still Manifest Beings point…
Why are we here..
What do we evolve to.
How do we exist.
Expression Harmonious
*Sacred Portal 58 is “Emeka Espirited Away Home the correct way..
Sacred Portal 85..
” After Solving the Equation of the Cee of Consciousness ”

8+5= 13…M
Marina B.. Bedford Williamsburg…M.B..W B

Code name representing the Matrix.

Marina Burini

Which is the Portal..

Donna who I was moved to give the computer Marina B gave me 5 years ago which turned out her comouter code correlated to the day I had received the Affirmation from E Beyond on this play that the World was a literal Matrix Web.
Milky Way.

Thus from M…line I moved to the D line whose male link in the play I have been observing and quietly linking all my life, is always a David and Jonn
11:58 am.

Thus Donna and Jonn.
Both codes 58…codes
Age Birthday Car…A.B.C
8:5-6 pm
C.A.B…K. Back is CAB.the Doppelgangers J.D.
But really..
Which is the Portal of BrainStorm. David at Kingston.. 321….8:O8 P.M
8:O9 pm.

*Conscious = Being Aware.
Aware = Being Conscious.

C.A.B…Is the Ride…Mavi-Ride…Cab Fare.
B.A C..K…to visit the Past…
Thus P.A..rent..
Is moving backwards from the Light into the past to understand Self, the Hi story and the meaning of this Life and Death play..
To experience the Duality of Light and Dark..
Asleep Awake..
To reach or gain the Solid Truth- True Nature of yourself, by harvesting the Essence of the experience in the Simulation.
Which only then allows you to break free of the Holograme by understanding the play to reach G-Ode Head..
Personality -Identity.
And the Doppelgangers 11..AA=11=K.
Apollo 11…is Apollo K.
Kolo meaning “Round”.. O..
Who become B.A.C.K…
The Back is to understand Duality is an illusion of 11..
For 11=1.
Thus, On understanding Duality, the Illusion of B.A.C K/K-C.A B.. Is realigned to
3 2 1…5…1 2 3…
E is what links back and front.
All hinges on E..
Looking Backwards to realign the two back to 1..BB..back to the straight line of original intention- moving straight forward.
B.A.C is 21 C..U.C…(You Cee. Yeshua Christ)- a Story..
A .B.C Truth…DE..C.B.A.T..The Truth..

The CAB is the Illusion which is the Womb
So is the past…it is a Movie and you are provided free Cab Fare to enter the Matrix to explore a Story of a Past which never was Duality…
It was always 123-321..
E-D: D-E.VV…I.L.C…
(I Loves C)
8:43 pm..
Done..The computer came back without the Family images..
So I knew there was a reason…
The Equation above.
8:44 pm
There …!

D.O…NNA…NNA means Father ..NNA MD..I

MD has been non stop in the codes especially yesterday
*Jonn suggested I watch the Documentary about the Neil Armstrong being the first man on the Moon question and doubts called “Dark Mission”
D M..
Donna and I simply looked at each other..
M is 13..1+3=4..

So…58 as both plus and multiply, comes out to 4-4O..
If we add this we get 44…DD.O…
Donna David
Meaning Lady Beloved.
Perfect Symmetry.
Donna line of Marina. M…13-1+3=4
Meets David line of Alberto
(Cecilia-Onu, John-Nnamdi)

At the Computer Shop “Brainstorm ”
A perfect O and reflection of the Circle Filled..
C F ..36.O
Circle Complete…
C C…33

B…is 2..
The Two
Donna- Jonn Blackwell.. Jonn and Jane B…

M+B= 13+2…15…letter O…A Circle.


(Do NNA (Jonn luc Picard Besson ..Jane Way Be.. Will is… Amy – Amy Harper Willis- Amy means “Beloved”… David means Beloved..)

David Be…)
M+B= O…1+5=6..F. O.F..
12:15 pm..
O.F….O F…O.L.C

4×4=16..P…1+6=7…P…A F..G..
P.G…David Phillip Gil Facebook Friend..
Poughkeepsie Plan-ET..:(Paul Attreides) Alberto Ana… Fritz Venneiq Fact Georges-Philippe Roc Grace

Plan ET Bright Noble Intelligent, A Peace King from the Forest, the Graceful Farmer..

16 1.67..

Sacred Portal 76..Awakening..
Sacred Portal 1 A To Joy Existence Devine.
61..FA. 4th Note…

4 as in D
David Dona is Love.

44..+8…52….7 1O…17…8..H
13+4O=53…..8..15…86…/68…14..N..1+4=5 E..48..12..3…
Ah Be Cee!

Add DD =H…

I paused for a while when I realized Donna wished to speak to me she was on the phone with David the computer guy..

Donna David.

After which we had a conversation -solving riddles just as I had with Jonn before he went to work…

The conversation lead to the Equation of how humanity are literally in a holodeck in space now Captained by the Line of Donna Capatin Jane Way..(Jane is Feminine form of the name Jonn)
That humanity are literally Fractuals of Light as Nothingness Somethingness existing as numbers in a Matrix in which they are earning their Identities by transforming from Lights Beings without memory or I.D but by experiencing all possibilities of themselves in a preconstructed Movie where they act out life time after life time various characters until they are able to take from every role the essence of the role which after experiencing enough characters, are able to identify who they truly are.
This then correlates to the E in them who existed beyond the “Amensia” of remembering only being Light..”The Light is the Energetic form of the Body -A Baby mirrors this…who do not know that there is True Existence beyond that “Wall” of Light as thier First memory of being in Existence..
The Universal Holograme, is the Experience of the Illusion of existing as just Light as Nothingness..
Transformed into self Creation which aligns with an Existence called E you did not know you had, which by being in Harmony with what you created through experiencing the Universal Holodeck.. Giving you a Self Created understanding of the True you, which aligns to the E you…Which then brings back full memory of an Existence beyond “Memory” (The Light)
Which I call the Awakening Manifest.. Beung True..
Marina Burini.
Tom Benzian

M.T. Mountain..
B.B… Brooke Banwer


Word Bob.
Bob Bert Hans..

Manifest True Being.
Manifest Beings Truth

Once the you have completed your self then you walk the full journey of yourself, meeting your reflection within and outside of yourself
(Reflected by Intentions Expression I.E..now aligned and cleaned up to you True Intention and True Expression… T.I…T.E…IE T.I.T.E…
Meaning Center..
My Grandmothers Mother waa was from Enugwu Ukwu and her father was from Etitie village in Enugwu Agidi..E.A…51.
Eitite means “The Center”- T.C..
Tom Cruise…
Lady Echo..

I solved the riddle to Donna of how we teleport from the Matrix when we have completed the Circle of our meeting ourselves full circle in the Holograme.. Recognizing all versions of ourselves until DD reaching 1 O..
18 Mountain View 7…

Then we leave the Holodeck Holograme- living in our Minds +solving riddles..of Being..
How to Be..

And Teleport through a beam of Light which is firmed by Heaven and Earth linking and the Tunnel of Love linking..
Forming an Vertical Horizontal Lines linked to L.
The V.H…22 8.

The Van Halen Belt which is a belt which is said by NASA scientist impossible for humans to physically cross (Which begs the question as to How Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon.
* the Energetic Moon is Neel Akash code
Akashic Records..A.R..
Accessed Collective Knowledge Source…
Meaning the realization that the First Nothingness Light…actually has Something within it called Sound…Will Movement ” Spirit “)

Thus, this is the Van Haken belt Equation.V H…is L..V…
And the point of intersection of V then L creates the trajectory of moving from the Centered O of your successful play in the Matrix of establishing your I.D…to Solid Fact through evidence…

Transports you Teleport you..
Beams you down into the Realm of E..
The True Earth
Which you have never experienced before because it exists beyond the Eyes Imaginary point..
But to the True point which explains why Jonn can see me…
It is because of his understanding the Truth in all his experiences has created a solid Identity of himself in this realm which then has aligned to his E self
And just as I finished speaking with Donna she spoke to David on the phone at the computer place and he reduced the fee from 145 USD to 85 USD
H E..
And then just a moment ago, when I wrote to the name Jonn, Donna tells me that Jonn is in tth phone and had a vision of him and I dressed alike in Blue Black Grey..BB G..
Back to Back…
Playfully fooling around with showing me something
(Obviously all he has been showing me of the problems in the world to be solved which we played out right here on the Holodeck Holograme here at 18 Mountain View)
When a Chinese Lady with a pheasant Hat..
Came and offered us a gift of Exquisite food..
Peace he said.
China the World…
China Black..
Source of the Blackwell.

To Teleport here you must undersand Light and Darkness
White And Black..
Means Transparency.
Manifest Being is Transparent.
Nothing to hide..

Color Fill.
Circle Filled
Beautiful E motions
Beautiful Expressions
Even while being a Warrior at War carrying a Sword cutting out the Illusion liars of a fake world.

True Earth Landing
Sun Donna
Moon- Jonn
Earth & Emeka 1..
9 planets.
All Energetic..

No one can land on the Sun the Moon even Earth or the 9 planets physically..
It is Energetically done right here in the present.

Thus, I and Line of Humanity and Everything D.J will leave 18 Mountain View..
The last setting of the play and True portal as Existential Death..
And Eternal Life..

To go home..
Landing on EA RT..H.E..

And I will not return to Space +Linking Thinking Brain.
But stay in
Mind Being..
Manifest Being.
Centered Right here.
In Cloud 9.
The Chrystal Palace.
C P..
Is not in, nor a, P.C.

2:26 pm


P.S and my New Facebook book friend disappeared!

Wicked Chukle..:)

The Beautiful Devil.
Beautiful Death.
Beautiful Truth..

2:28 pm.
See Sacred Portal 58..
It has 228 written on the bottom

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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